
The Book Of Jisdom

Chapter 1

1:1 - All Relationships are beautiful. That of which all relationships should be cherished.

1:2 - Loyalty is difficult in long-distance relationships because of the absence of physical presence and attention.

1:3 - French Fries will never be French fries without being cut first.

1:4 - A Good French Fry will never be good if salted too much.

1:5 - French Fries Will never be good French Fries without being salted after being fried properly.

1:6 - Never let your insecurities and the desire to make others happy lead you to your demise from regretful choices.

1:7 - Never let a Person of two realities manipulate your mindset and veer you and your goal off course.

1:8 - You Come First. Unless the other partner pay's the bills.

1:9 - Give your Heart. If you expect one in return.

1:10 - Loyalty both saves and creates lives.

Chapter 2

2:1 - Water and Feed the plant if you expect growth and survival.

2:2 - Never date your best friends ex. without their permission.

2:3 - Promises are Sacred. Keep them when making them to your partner at all times.

2:4 - Be Cautious when Engaging in 2 Year Age Gap Relationships.

2:5 - Keep the other person happy, Your Relationship should prosper.

2:6 - Spontaneous gifts can be good and bad.

2:7 - Trust in one's self when engaging in Long Distance Relationships.

2:8 - No physical contact should contain the intent to harm.

2:9 - Lies can only be told with the Intent to Protect

2:10 - Dishonesty in a relationship is wrong.

Chapter 3

3:1 - True Happiness Lies Within.

3:2 - Love is more than just a word.

3:3 - If you don't do anything today. You should say something to your significant other that shows you love them.

3:4 - Homophobia is an Opinionated Fear. Not a Regulation.

3:5 - 4 Year Age Gaps in Relationships is Outrageously Wrong.

3:6 - Relationships that result in tears should be ended.

3:7 - No Relationship should add more of a burden to someone. if it does. it shall cease to rein.

3:8 - Food Is NOT a remedy of stress.

3:9 - Home is where the heart is.

3:10 - Money is Key

Chapter 4

4:1 - There should never be an asset of leadership in a relationship.

4:2 - Drugs Lead to destruction in a relationship.

4:3 - A Childs Lifeline cannot be upheld by Division

4:4 - If one person in the relationship makes an effort to keep the other person happy then the other person should do of the same.

4:5 - Trust is essential in a relationship. Without Trust there is Nothing.

4:6 - 2nd Chances are Earned. Not Given.

4:7 - Marrying for money is wrong. Don't be a Golddigger.

4:8 - Do not engage in sexual acts for money for a Job can soon turn into a habit.

4:9 - Friends in a relationship can bring forth Division and Corruption.

4:10 - Someone is always watching, whether you see them or not.

Chapter 5

5:1 - If things seem to be going downhill for you. Try something New and Creative.

5:2 - Teenage Relationships are Complicated.

5:3 - She/He must stay fully clothed in a 1&1 Bedroom.

5:4 - That's on Period.

5:5 - Political Opinions Cause Divison and Complications in a relationship, do not introduce them into your relationship.

5:6 - The world deserves to know when you've found that special someone.

5:7 - If you were sent to read this verse. The other person wants you to know. they are not happy with you. you need to do better. you know you can.

5:8 - Love Doesn't Discriminate.

5:9 - Secrecy is not exactly ok in a relationship.

5:10 - Bite your thumb when all seems lost.

Chapter 6

6:1 - Don't Chase after nobody!

6:2 - A True Relationship is Balanced.

6:3 - In a relationship the person you are dating should love and want you just as much as you love and want them

6:4 - In the end... You are all that's important.

6:5 - In the event of loss do not Sulk and Mope in Despair...

6:6 - Look Forward to New begging's

6:7 - There is beauty in everything...

6:8 - You just have to look for it.

6:9 - Be Open to Change and Growth

6:10 - Communication is Key.

Continue To Next Book.

The Story Of Jisdom:

The Book Of Jisdom is Jay's Wisdom, Unlike Others, It is the first Book in The Relationship Bible because of how outspoken and powerful its scriptures are... Your Answers just may be found here.

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