
The Relationship Bible.

Realistic Fiction
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  • 13 Kaps
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What is The Relationship Bible.

Lesen Sie den Roman The Relationship Bible. des Autors Jhamaree_D_Waddell, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel.This is the relationship bible. All the quotes and Famous messages and wisdom you should take into consideration when moving forward into your relationship....


This is the relationship bible. All the quotes and Famous messages and wisdom you should take into consideration when moving forward into your relationship.

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The Super Mech System

As humans conquered the solar system, faster than light travel became a sought after ability to facilitate humanity’s expansion. However, upon achieving this, humans accidentally formed rips in space-time that opened up special Pocket Realms. These realms housed special planets similar to Earth, but they possessed hostile environments and dangerous, supernatural beasts with special abilities. Within each beast was a special crystal and as humans harvested these crystals, they utilised its special properties to construct the special synthetic life-form known as the ‘mech’. These mechs were nanotechnology suits, that bonded to a human host and acted as a thin, highly useful suit when activated. Technology advanced at rapid pace following this discovery, as mechs could provide humans with oxygen in low oxygen environments, heal injuries, amplify speed and strength by hundreds of times and much more. Humans soon created the genetic score that represented how easily a mech would bond to them as a host and how effective that symbiotic relationship would be. Those with higher genetic scores were lauded and rewarded for their talents, while those who weren’t as lucky were forced to settle at the bottom of society. Born into a small, working-class family, Alonso was born with an appalling genetic score of 0.11. As a result, he lived on mech-less, even past the Mech Adoption Age of 14, because it was too dangerous to let his body bond to a mech. However, he, gains a unique power, the super mech system. No longer powerless, he can now accomplish his dream of becoming a mech combatant! Although, he must navigate the challenges and obstacles of the insanely competitive mech combatant academy.

LELOUP · sci-fi
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24 Chs


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