
The REINCARNATED ( the unending dream)

“Is this what death feels like? Is this how am going to die? Her voice echoed in her head as her whole body felt limp and too heavy to move. She felt cold, too cold - she needed some warmth but she knows the horrible fate that was about to hit her. “Why did this have to happen to her?” Her sight turned blurry as she embraced that seeet calming darkness. Mira, a naive teenager who yearns to be free and become an adult. An eighteen years old girl who yearns for adventure, finds herself a whole new adventure. A different one at that. She finds herself in a world of fantasy where she is said to be the queen to - the wife of a brutal king. Finding herself in a world of werewolves, elves, vampires and other mystical creatures. Mira sought a way to set herself loose from her dream- an unrealistic world filled with good and evil. Will Mira escape this fantasy world?. Worse, an obsessed mate who is rumored to be an unmerciful ruler.

Mira_Allison · Fantasie
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94 Chs


"Where is she?". Echoed a voice in the dark. It was too dark to see the owner of the voice.

" We haven't found her your Majesty". Said another voice in a low and trembling voice. "We've searched everywhere and we are still searching". The voice quickly added.

"You've searched everywhere?".

" There are still places we haven't covered yet". The trembling man replied, bowing fully with his forehead meeting with the ground while he knelt. He couldn't even see the source of the voice that was talking to him in the large and dark room. All he knew was that he can't afford to lose his head.

He could feel his heart beating in his mouth as he waited in anticipation for his master's reply. The silence drew longer, as he waited in a suspense.

"Get out". He heard the voice he has been yearning to hear the echo. He sighed in relief before getting up on his feet and bowing once more, but not to the previous level before he quickly walked out of the large room.

The invisible man who merged himself with the dark finally made a move after he heard the sound of the door signifying the departure of his nobleman.

" Amira". He said, leaning his head backward on the high and massive throne chair he sat on, shutting his eyes. "Where are you?". His voice was no longer harsh and strict, instead, it was soothing and it has a bit of longing in it. He sat there in that position, melting his brain away from the terrible world. He finally opened his eyelids, revealing his golden eyes after almost an hour of just sitting in that position.


They've finally made it out of the huge and fruitless land that seems to have no end like the desert. Goodbye to that beautiful vast land, she'd surely miss the view of that pretty view she was used to and also the whitish cream sand that was unusually cold.

It's been three days since Ramon left to get a Physician for Mira and he doesn't seem to be returning any sooner. She was used to looking ahead, counting everyone on their horses, or watching how some of them associate once in a while. There are times the men were always serious and quiet, acting foreign to each other. Well, it doesn't feel complete with Ramon left out.

And Zamiel seems to always have the strength to lecture her once in a while which keeps her company. She still isn't sure how to ask him the burning question. A question that might take her life or might take her home...she isn't sure why she's scared when she was ninety-nine percent sure she was right.

Ugh, it's been bothering her for the past three days now and she hasn't found a perfect timing for the conversation. She was just prolonging her stay here. The thought alone gave her the bravery to confront him, but anytime she is about to start the conversation, she says something else. She can't believe she has been doing that for three days now!

Sometimes, she would encourage herself with the thought of seeing her family but all of her "will" flies out the window anytime she opens her mouth to speak. At least it was still better than her, facing that hypnotic blue eyes of his. The thought alone gave her the cringe. If he wasn't here, behind her, she was pretty sure she'd shudder at the thought of clashing with his blue and pretty eyes.


" You know. Don't you?". She found herself asking him, after a long time of contemplating.

"Know what?". He replied in a rather smooth and calming voice which quickly made her have second thoughts about this conversation. But she has to continue what she started, there was no going back.

" The reason why am here. And how I can leave". She threw the question in bits and pieces.


The silence he emitted was a perfect clue and sign that she was right all along. Her instincts were right all these while, she was just the one doubting it. The excitement she felt was beyond imagination. All she could think of right now was her home, her family, her life, her.. this is no time to hallucinate. She quickly shut those thoughts in her head. The first thing is to solve her problem and get the truth out of him. Just because he's silent doesn't mean she was right, even though she's right, he might deny it and there's nothing for her to do. She can't force the truth out of him.

Her common sense had her excitement at bay just with that little thought.

"Zamiel?.." She called and the next thing she heard shocked her, maybe it shouldn't have, but still, it shocked her.


"You are right. I know". Her heart skipped a beat just with these simple words that flew out her partner's lip. Why was she shocked? She knew this already, all she needed was to confirm it but why did her heart skip a beat when it was confirmed? She shut her eyes, trying to sink the information, cause she could feel her chest turn heavy.

" So, how can I get back home?". She asked without dwelling on any emotion that was aroused by his words.

"You can't...at the moment. You'll have to wait". He responded.

" How long will I have to wait?". She interrogated further, calming herself and the excitement in her.

"Almost up to a month".

" A month?!!!!".


She could have sworn all the excitement in her vanished. But, on second thought, she was still excited. It's better late than never: Waiting for a month is nothing compared to getting stuck here for the rest of her life.

"Is there anything required?". She asked, trying to clear any batter or obstacle in her way. It's very common with people that after going research about the pros of the subject, they don't bother about the cons. Just because of how excited they are, their instinct on losing or having losses immediately flies out the window.

" Like what?". He answered rather smoothly, as if these meant nothing to him. His behavior was as if he was expecting this anyway.

"Like...Nothing". She said, hesitancy evident in her tone.

" What's that?". He asked, clearly aware of her hesitation but he acted oblivious to it.

"Nothing". She responded, looking ahead at the rest to divert her attention.

" Are you sure?". He asked rather stiffly instead of persuasively, but still, she felt like a child being persuaded to spill the beans.

"Yes, I'm sure". She replied, assuring him.

" Okay, if you say so". Responded Zamiel, ending the conversation.

"Where are you from?". He asked suddenly.

" A faraway land. A land I'm not sure you are aware of". Retorted Mira, smiling at the curiosity of this young man. If only she could take him to her world, then she'd flaunt him to the girls that "This is my husband". Her grin grew wider with this thought. The look on their face would be enough satisfaction for her. She felt giddy with excitement. She quickly snap the thought off her head before she starts laughing ridiculously.

" May I know where this faraway land is"? She could sense the humor in his words which made her grin awkwardly that Zamiel was like that.

"From another realm. Another universe".

She replied to him.

" Another realm?". His tone turned grim

but poor Mira couldn't detect this, since she was too engrossed in her thoughts.


"Yes". She replied, playing along. She was in a good mood today. If it was before, she was pretty sure she'd get irritated with his question. She'd be thinking " Another realm means another realm!. Stop beating about the bush and just get straight to the point!".

"Where are you from exactly?". He finally got straight to the point.

" Nigeria. It's on a planet called earth". She explained further.

"Nigeria". He repeated, not attention to her excitement.

" Can you tell me more about your realm?". He asked which immediately ignited Mira's instincts.


She can't believe she let her guard down. She was too excited that she immediately let her guard down, forgetting about her worries.

The question he asked made her weary once again. She doesn't know this guy for Christ's sake. Judging a book by its cover is the gravest mistake a person could make. She doesn't even know if he was a witch in the guise of a handsome prince. The thought and the image of an ugly and rustic witch made her cringe, arousing fear in her guts. She could feel the hair behind her neck rise coupled with a cold sweat that dripped down her belly. If she had a problem with her bladder, she was pretty sure she'd have pissed her panties.

"What if?...what if, there are trying to penetrate or trying to take something mystical or valuable from the earth and then there's chaos and then.....Oh my God! If she didn't have the reins in her hands, she'd have surely covered her mouth with her palm. Her eyes stung with tears. It didn't tear it was just the fluid that was a result of her staring into space because she was lost in her thoughts.

" Mira?". She heard his voice, which quickly snapped her out of her reverie.

"Hm". She mumbled out of force

cause she was sure her voice would sell her out.

" What's wrong?". Her heart skipped a beat with that question cause the tone he used was emotional and supportive or maybe caring. She couldn't deny the tone he used aroused that feeling in her.

"Nothing". She replied, putting in her acting uniform.

" You sure?". Her heart almost flew out of her chest due to the care he showed. It was unexpected.

"Hm". She retorted, sounding weak. "Can I take a break?. I feel dizzy and sleepy". She lied, trying to dodge any conversation that may result in an investigation. It was better to act oblivious than to give clue to the enemy. What should she do? Run away? To where?". She knows nobody here. She leaned against him hesitantly to "sleep"