
The Talk (1)

"First of all, guys, tell me what Mrs. Miller told you. Then, I will tell you everything I know."

Merry first wanted to know, everything Mrs. Miller had told her friends beforehand in case she told them otherwise of what Merry was going to tell them in that moment. 

"What could she possibly tell us, other than the same talk about how she rescued us and is our savior?" Katie said with a bit of hate on her voice. And nobody had to guess to whom her hate was directed towards. It seemed Katie was fed up with all the lies that Mrs. Miller told them religiously. 

After saying that Katie got up and asked, "Does anyone want to eat something? I am literally starving." She went to fetch some snacks from the kitchen. 

Everyone looked at her as if she had grown a second head. 

"How could you think of eating when we are talking about such serious matter?" Henry questioned Katie.