
The New Journey

Mr. Richards looked over at Merry with a serious expression and said, "I will be responsible for your education and guiding you in your studies from now on. I am going to do everything I can to ensure you reach your pull potential and achieve academic success. So, I hope that you will do your best to cooperate and fully engage in the learning process with me as your tutor and mentor." 

Merry listened attentively to Mr. Richards but didn't immediately respond. So, as if it bothered him that Merry didn't reply, Mr. Richards added, "Did you understand what I just said, Anna?"

Hearing the name 'Anna' was strange to Merry, more so from someone she had just met who will never know her as 'Merry'.

Merry hesitated for a moment before nodding and saying, "Yes, I understood, Mr. Richards."