

Till the evening the boy whose name she had yet to know, didn't make any kind of effort to have a conversation with her.

She wanted to go talk to him but didn't because he looked troubled and kept sleeping without talking to anybody.

After the dinner like yesterday, there was an announcement on the speaker which was hanging just above her bed that the lights will be out in a few minutes and everybody is to go to bed.

She was thinking that maybe she could approach him after everybody is asleep. In the dark, nobody would notice her and it would be easy for her. She wanted to ask him what was wrong. She also wanted to finish the earlier conversation.

She patiently waited until everyone seemed to have fallen asleep. She slowly got up and didn't even wear slippers as she was afraid that it might wake someone.

She tiptoed and when she reached his bedside she slowly shaked his hand in order to wake him up.

"Hey ! wake up !!" she whisper screamed and only after two or three proper shakes, he showed the signs of waking up.

"What are you doing?" He looked somewhat irritated.

"You were going to tell me about things happening here until the guard interrupted then suddenly after coming back you didn't even looked towards me once,"she told him quietly so that only he could hear.

"I don't want to talk about that anymore. You need to forget what I said and stay away from me from now on", he said hurriedly.

It took her a minute to understand his words. She thought, 'Was he being serious right now?'

Without saying a word she looked around the room and when she didn't particularly see anyone awake she just swiftly laid beside him on his bed.

"What are you doing?" He asked getting annoyed.

"If I continue to stand up someone is going to notice me,"she replied.

"Among everyone here you are the only person who seems to know something so please tell me what is going on here," she further pleaded.

When he heard the desperation on her voice he looked towards her bed. She had makeshift the blanket to look like someone was still laying down.

He sighed in relief and covered her fully from head to toes with the thin blanket which were given to them each.

"Fine then, ask whatever you want. I will try to tell everything I know about this place," he said very quietly as if someone would listen to him.

She couldn't decide what to ask first and the first thing that popped up on her mind was,"What's your name?"

"I already told you, like you my memories are also in gaps. It hasn't been that long since I first started not to take those memories erasing pills. So, I also don't have any idea about my name or how I got here,ok!" he said very quickly.