
The Red Reaper

In society, the weak are trampled upon by the strong, and this unsaid rule only increased in strength when the war was finished, the savior who turned the tides of the war, only known as the "Red Reaper". In Brikston Highschool, one of the most prestigious schools in America, those unspoken rules are no different, the bullies pick on the weak and walk upon them like trash, and the weak cannot do anything but cower in fear and pray it will be over. Enter Leo Apollyon, a boy who got into Brikston due to his mental capabilities and his deep pockets. But there is something wrong with Leo: he has no physical capabilities, making him the lowest of the low, constantly being picked on and bullied by everyone, including a popular girl who claims to be the "Red Reaper" that saved the country. But Leo has secrets, some that would change the course of history if revealed, and his past won't let them stay hidden. Will Leo be able to survive Brikston and brave his past? Or will he fall at the hands of his own incompetence?

Jarod_Morgan · Fantasie
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40 Chs

Chapter 10: Yellow

"Please don't," Leo pleaded as he was held against a locker, two scary looking seniors looking at him with fires in their eyes, a carton of spoiled milk in the hand of the one of the right.

"Shut it, weakling. Just because you have the Red Reaper guarding ya doesn't mean anything!" One of them sneered, a small yet angry smirk on his face.

"Yeah, she's not even here right now!" The other said, his breath making Leo's nose wrinkle in disgust, causing him to frown before landing a punch in Leo's stomach, causing the brown-haired boy to double over and begin coughing, the air in his lungs gone.

A small crowd was gathering around the abused Leo as he acted like he was genuinely hurt, but it was quite the opposite. He didn't feel a thing from his tormenters, not really anyway. But if they were to dump the spoiled milk on him then he would have to smell like sour crap, and his nose had no defense against that.

"You think you're so smart getting the Red Reaper to protect you, and to threaten good ole Flynt here that you have money," He gestured to Flynt who was glaring daggers at Leo, but was only greeted by a quick roll of Leo's eyes, causing the fire in his glare to increase. "But what're you gonna do now huh?" The other boy, who Leo decided to name Brute Number 2, screwed the cap off of the spoiled milk and instantly recoiled when the smell hit his nostrils.

"Whew, that shit does stink." He walked closer to Leo, who fearfully kept glancing at the milk that threatened to spill on his figure. "You see, this baby has been chilling in the sun for about a week. We knew the Red Reaper would be gone today because its the day she visits her family in the mountains, then again, I'm sure you knew that already."

Indeed Leo did know, she informed him a week prior, telling him she wouldn't be able to guard him, which was fine with him, she had a life as well.

"What'dya know, and here I thought you got into Brikston on strength alone, you can think!" Leo muttered, getting a few chuckles from the crowd as Brute Number 2 turned red from embarrassment before he glared at Leo.

"Punch him a few good times and then we pour the milk on 'em," He said to Brute Number 1, who nodded as he began beating on Leo, causing the boy to spit up some blood as he sat on the ground, leaning on the lockers as his nose was twisted in the wrong direction and his lip split, a small trail of blood leaking out and down his chin.

"Hope this smells good you prick," Brute Number 2 said as he poured the solid milk on Leo's head, the smell instantly spreading and causing everyone in proximity to take several steps back.

Leo sat there, covered in chunks of spoiled milk as it covered his hair, face, and shoulders as a few pieces of the solidified milk sat in his lap.

"Serves you right asshole," Brute Number 1 shouted as he spat on Leo, the saliva landing on his cheek as it slowly trailed down and landing on his shoulder.

The crowd slowly dispersed as they began going to classes, only to stop in their tracks as Leo began laughing.

"Heh heh heh," Leo chuckled as he stood up, slipping a little before steadying himself, his laughter only growing. "One day, one day all you stupid fuckers are gonna realize that you this world is not going to survive the way it is. One day, you're gonna push a weakling too far and then," He looked up, his eyes slighter wider than normal as a grin split across his face. "You're all gonna regret it," His smile unnerved them a bit.

"You're still talking," Flynt got out as he turned around fully as he began walking towards Leo, practically stomping as he grabbed Leo's shirt by the collar, not caring about the spoiled milk that he now had a hand-full of now. "You're still talking, know your place you piece of shit!" He shouted as he suddenly punched Leo in the face with all his strength, causing Leo to fly back and slide on the marble floor a little, some of the chunks of milk spilling off of him as he slid.

"If you ever threaten me again, I'll kill you and your little brother!" He shouted, his teeth grinding against each other, glaring at Leo with his disheveled green hair and brown eyes. Leo's eyes shot open as he suddenly stood up.

"Come near him and I'll-" He began before a hand on his shoulder interrupted his sentence. He looked up and saw a bald Japanese man that stood a good seven inches above him, his dark eyes were narrowed at Flynt. He was dressed in all black, his other hand behind his back as he stood straight, obviously a trained soldier.

"No, Leo-san." He whispered. "It is not worth dealing with such trash, allow me." Leo's eyes widened at the seemingly disciplined man that stood before him.

"Tim," He whispered as the newly dubbed Tim walked towards Flynt, his even and confident walk causing the green-haired teen to take a few steps before he put on a face of bravado and glared at Tim.

"Who the hell are you? You're too old to go here, what're you, a pedo?" Tim didn't react, he only kept walking as he suddenly stopped in front of Flynt, his entire figure towering over the junior, looking down to meet Flynt's eyes.

Leo remembered Tim's file.

Name: Timothy Morgan

Age: 21

Height: 6 feet and 3 inches

Weight: 243 pounds

Nickname: Orange Reaper

He was a man of pure muscle, and that file was five-years-old, and it seemed that Tim had gained more muscle mass.

"You would promote yourself so high to think you can touch Leo-san without any repercussions?" He asked in a serious tone. Flynt rolled his eyes, blowing his hair out of his eyes as he put his hands in his pockets, slouching a bit, trying to make it seem as if he weren't scared.

"I can do whatever I want to that piece of tra-" He was beginning but suddenly found himself in the air as Tim launched his rocket-like fist firmly into Flynt's stomach, making him fly into the air before he began beating on the teenager while he was in midair, the punches keeping him afloat before Tim grabbed him by the neck and slammed him into the locker, causing him to dent the metal, practically caving it in til it touched the wall.

"You will not bother Leo-san anymore, nor threaten him. Believe it or not, I just saved your life." Tim wasn't lying, Leo would've slaughtered Flynt in a nanosecond at the mention of taking his little brother's life.

Flynt couldn't respond, the boy being in a state of shock and pain, the agony of being beaten so badly and slammed quite literally into a locker had taken quite the toll on his body. Tim turned around and looked at the crowd and nodded to nobody in particular, most likely talking to himself inside his head.

He then walked towards Leo and glanced up, giving Leo the message as he walked out the door, disappearing from the hallway as everyone gawked at the scene that had just unfolded in front of them.

Leo groaned, knowing well what was about to happen and took out his shirt, revealing a plain white t-shirt, clean, but still a little smelly. He then took off his pants, revealing a pair of gym shorts and he then walked to Flynt, who was stuck in the metal of the locker, and used the teen's jacket to wipe the spoiled milk off his hair, but little white specs of the milk stayed in his hair, causing him to groan.

"Keep my name out of your mouth, I'm done being polite to you." He then glanced at the crowd and shrugged.

"Call him an ambulance or take him to Nurse Seymore? I'm not a medic," He then walked off without a care in the world, disappearing from their view before they suddenly began chattering and gossiping about what had just happened.

Leo opened the door to the roof and suddenly felt an impending sense of danger. He let out a soft sigh before he walked towards Tim, who stood on the edge of the ledge of the roof, gazing at the campus before him.

"I'm confused, Leo-san." He began. "You are strong, surely stronger than any of them, why do you act like a commoner?" Leo bristled at that last word but held his tongue.

"Because the name Red Reaper attracts attention. That's how you found me, no?" Tim hesitated to answer, before nodding.

"Indeed. Imagine our surprise when we found out someone was impersonating you." Leo let out a long sigh and nodded.

"Indeed," They sat in tense silence for a few minutes before Leo sat on the ledge of the school building and closed his eyes. "Why are you here?" Tim looked at the teenager that sat so carelessly on the edge, then again, Leo always took the unnecessary risks in life.

"I've been ordered not to tell you. Tannis came back quite beaten up and in bad shape, Darius will not be pleased." Leo formed an 'O' with his mouth before chuckling.

"So, the sexual tension between those two finally ended, about time." Tim was silent for a little bit before speaking, choosing his words carefully.

"I do not believe you understand the situation you are in. It seems that you are digging the hole that will be your grave deeper and deeper." Leo rose his eyebrow in response.

"Is that a threat?" Tim shook his head.

"A promise, Leo-san." Leo stood up, his hands in his gym pockets, staring at the blue sky above, squinting a bit to protect his eyes from the sun.

"This scenario Jonah is trying to paint is going to fail, for the positions we are in are reversed rather severely. It is not I who doesn't understand, it is you six," He began walking away. "I've retired, Tim, don't force me out so early, because I will be angry and that can only end so well."

A cold blade was suddenly placed upon Leo's neck, Tim holding a small knife on the nape of Leo's neck.

"After three years, your arrogance continues to grow. We have not been like you, Leo-san, we've been training a lot more than you'd imagine." Tim warned calmly.

"Timothy," Leo called the bald man by his full name, an edge in his voice. "Please, don't do anything you might regret in the future. You weren't close to my level then, and you're not on my level now. Leave and report to Jonah," The knife only increased its pressure on his neck, causing him to look down to the ground. "Fine."

Leo spun around faster than Tim could promise as he took the knife out of Tim's hand, appearing behind Tim and slashing his Posterior Cruciate Ligament, the flesh behind his knees in one swoop as Tim collapsed to his knees, seething in pain before Leo appeared in front of him, the clean blade at Tim's throat, causing the Japanese man to look up in the air, meeting Leo's fierce gaze.

"You may be older, but do not think you are stronger," Leo said menacingly. "I've taken out armies boy, I will take you out too, and tell Jonah that if any of you come after me again, then they'll get more than some sliced flesh." He stabbed Tim in the shoulder before dragging the large muscular man, who struggled a little bit, to the roof. "This is my last warning to Jonah, if I catch a whiff of any of you, death will be certain." He then flung Tim off of the roof and watched as the man fall three stories down, landing on the pavement with a thump.

Leo began walking to the door of the roof, but stopped as he turned back around and walked to the ledge again, looking at the place where Tim had landed, only to see a few drops of blood with his enhanced vision, Tim gone. A sigh escaped his lips before he opened the roof door and shut it.

Finally, peace and quiet.