
It Begins.. - Chapter 1

In the beginning, before the very structure and concept of Time and Space was an existence lying in an infinite place devoid of anything.

The existence was brought to life and stood before the darkness, "Poof" Says the existence.

Thus a huge explosion infinitely expanding created Light, It was called the "Inception".

*silence fell* ...

"This place is lonely" says the Existence. It formed non-living entity upon entity from universes, cosmic structures, galaxies, stars, planets and more.

"this place has become quite beautiful but it's still lonely." says the existence. It then proceeds to form living entities that reside in the planets.

as the existence continually creates, its mind continually evolves..

--to be continued..--

Author Notes: Hey guys I'm sorry for the really long delay, had a rough 2 months but I'll be updating more frequently now.