
Welcome!! - Chapter 0

Hello, My pen name is O.L Valk, this is my first ever Novel and I will be uploading new chapters every 4-7 days with a few days of exception. <3

WELCOME to the first Volume of this book, Recieving the Light. for chapter 0 is an introduction to our Major Characters.The first chapter will be delayed until I find motivation, I'm sorry everyone.


Name: ภ๏ภє

Age: ภ๏ภє

Sex: ภ๏ภє

Race: ภ๏ภє

Body type: ภ๏ภє

Title: The existence / One who creates

Role: ????


Name: Altrein

Age: ภ๏ภє

Sex: ภ๏ภє

Race: ภ๏ภє

Body type: ภ๏ภє

Title: The existence of Life / God

Role: ????


Name: Elfriede Dietrichson

Age: 984

Sex: Male

Race: Vampire

Body Type: Trapezoid/Muscular-Slim

Title: King of Vampires / Ruler of the United Vampire-Humans Republic(UVHR)

Date of Birth: September 25th, 1037

Role: Main Protagonist


Name: Ingrid Rasmussen

Age: 26

Sex: Female

Race: Human

Body Type: Triangle / Muscular-Slim

Title: Genius Inventor

Date of Birth: January 17, 1996

Role: Arch Enemy


Name: Eudoxia Dietrichson

Age: 984

Sex: Female

Race: Vampire

Body Type: Spoon

Title: None as of now

Date of Birth: September 25th 1037

Role: Twin Sister of the Main Character


Name: N̺̻̔̆ͅ/A̷͙ͭͫ̕

Age: 79

Sex: Female

Race: N̺̻̔̆ͅ/A̷͙ͭͫ̕

Body Type(adult): Hourglass / Muscular-slim

Title: None as of now

Date of Birth: November 13, 1927

Role: N̺̻̔̆ͅ/A̷͙ͭͫ̕
