
The Reader's Wish

Well...you know how you wish for something to happen and when it does, you can't seem to understand what or how things are happening around you. That's how I feel right now...my wish...as was with countless others...Harry Potter the Boy-who-Lived and me the Boy-who-wished. I am here now and I have Magic...I will live my own way..even in this crazy and dangerous world..[Self-Insert]

Dastaan · Filme
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6 Chs

Chapter 6 : Check

When I woke up the next day, for a second I couldn't remember where I was. It took me Hedwig to realize that yes I was in the Harry Potter world and that yes, I am currently studying in Hogwarts. I couldn't help my hoot of joy which startled awake my roommates. I didn't mind their grumblings. I made my way over to the bathroom excited over just what I will learn and experience from now on. When I returned I saw a neat stack of worn-out books lined up next to my bed.

Curious I took the top-most book which was Potions. I flipped it over but then suddenly flipped it over half expecting to see 'This book is the property of Half-blood Prince.' but it turned out to be just a second hand book.

I found Hermione in the Great hall having some toast. I helped myself to some of them to her protest. The toast made its way in my mouth before I understood that this Hermione was not a character that I had seen for years now; for her I was yet to become a friend.

"I am so sorry. I am so famished. Here let me get you another", I passed her another toast to which she frowned before accepting it. As I finished my toast, I piled some sausages, scrambled eggs , some tomatoes and a cup of coffee. Hermione raised an eyebrow as she saw but didn't comment.

The owls arrived when Ron and Harry took their seats besides me. Surprisingly I had a letter. It stated that my first year mandatory books and necessary ingredients/materials had been delivered to my room. I should contact my House Head if I don't find them. That was it. It made me feel quite disappointed actually. I didn't know why though.

I did look forward to my first magical class. I had tried to use spells which I had already seen like Reparo and Lumos but none of them worked. Thinking that I am missing something, I didn't ask Hermione and the others. I felt like learning it would solve the problem.

I was immediately proved wrong in the Transfiguration class with Mcgonagall. No matter what I did, even when most of the class had almost transfigured a brush into a piece of cloth, I couldn't. I could feel the slight hum my wand made when I held it but no magic happened. It was Mcgonagall who told me that it was one of the side-effects of 'Dumbledore's Device'. I almost cursed and made a note to ask him about this the next time I saw him.

Citing practical examinations; she assured me that I will only be graded based on my written exams while for me the practicals would be exempted. This was also the first time this had happened in Hogwarts. Harry & Ron sounded jealous when I told them about it while Hermione looked miffed.

The day continued on as I excitedly tried to learn more about this fictional world. I laughed for the nth time when I saw some students ahead of me jumping around a stair. Students around me stared at me but didn't say anything. Harry and Hermione smirked too much to Ron's puzzlement.

"Let's hop on three. One. Two. Three Hooop!", I shouted as I jumped ahead. I smiled at Harry and Ron as they tried to distance themselves from me. I spent the way to the Charms classroom trying to make sure that I asked Hermione anything I didn't know of.

"According to 'Hogwarts: A History' the suit of armors were of the knights that had once protected this castle in the late-Merlinian period.", I looked fascinated at the armor since I knew what they could do and even the spell to make them do it. We reached the Charms class amidst Hermione's muttering that I should just read the book rather than keep asking her stuff.

The diminutive Professor Filius Flitwick had us sit around him while he himself sat on top of a stacked books. The books were dangerously close to falling but the professor didn't seem worried at all. I sat behind Hermione all the while trying to get her to talk to me.

[Read] had already allowed me to read up on the first year Charms so I knew pretty much everything about it which led me to answer almost all the answers that were asked. Professor Flitwick looked impressed. Hermione looked annoyed but couldn't help cracking a smile when I waved my wand helplessly.

I mock glared at her as she chuckled at my poor attempt for the fifth time. She tried not to make a smile when she unlocked her lock with merely a point. Harry and Ron had some difficulties so I had them refer to Hermione for help since she clearly could help them. Harry happily obliged so I changed my seat with his and could only looked jealous when he too did it at the end of class.

One thing I did do great other than being a Teacher's pet (Thanks Ron!) was earning House points. It was amazing to be known as a Genius when I clearly was cheating. At the end of the day after going through more than 4 classes, Hermione couldn't help but ask me how I knew everything. She knew that I didn't get the books until just a day ago which would make it impossible for me to remember everything.

"It's quite simple", I said to her as she looked at me, "I am a Genius". Hermione just rolled her eyes at me and softly muttered 'Prat'.

The rest of the day (which didn't seem long) finished before we knew it and I had earned some 20 House points by the end of it. Harry and the others looked pretty tired but I didn't feel like it so I made some random excuse and made my way to the Library.

[Read] is a cheat and other times I am happy to use it especially in this world but sometimes I do not intend to use it. Just because.

[Read] might be the most important of cheats that I had gained after coming to this world. This world had Magic; yes but it does not have any relation to individual strength. As a wizard one had to have the corresponding knowledge to make full use of their Magic. Given enough time and [Read], I knew I would one day become a powerful magician and I had to become one.

I mean Harry is the Protagonist so he will be fine using Expelliarmus against the most powerful recent Dark Lord but I am just an ordinary guy so I am not taking my chances. I will do my best to learn everything and anything I can use.

I couldn't help but awe at the Library. Though I had seen the replica from the movies, nothing beats the real deal. The library is massive; so much so that I couldn't see the end of it. I could see the book flying around everywhere though. The librarian didn't even look at me when I entered. There were plenty other students; some studying, some just chatting softly while others were browsing books.

I moved towards the nearby row of bookshelves. I read a few of them to know if I wanted to read them. They were many subjects ranging from Basics of Transfiguration and How to protect yourself from basic evil spirits.

Since I couldn't do Magic, any such subjects were useless right now. I could see a Potions book on the table nearby with no reader around so I picked it up to read. Not by using [Read] but rather like a normal student would do. I didn't want the crippling headache right now. The title said Dark potions but no author which made me all the more curious. I started reading and soon became engrossed.

The writer seemed to be a pure-blood since from what I had read, he didn't tell the students why Potion works the way it does but rather a plethora of random instances in which a potion had killed someone. The potions were also described profoundly, it almost seemed that the author wanted to show how to kill someone while making it look like a potions accident.

'What the hell is this guy thinking?..Does he even want someone to learn Potions?', I thought after a particularly gruesome note of a death by melting.

Before I could read further though a muffled breath behind me startled me. I whipped around and almost immediately froze. In front of me stood the villain of this story; at least a part of it.

"Pr..Professor Quirell, umm.. how may I help you?", I said immediately in a bid to get myself together. I could feel my breath hitch a little.

"That b..book is mine. I for..forgot it there.", came a stuttered voice. I could almost not imagine him being a significant other half to Voldemort but he is.

"Oh..Here you go. It seemed a bit interesting so I just wanted to take a look.", I was curious since this book belonged to Voldemort so I flipped the pages as I passed it back and activated [Read] to fully remember everything about it.

I fought to control my hand through the pain. I removed a potion from my cloak and immediately drowned it to mitigate the migraine.

When I finally felt okay to look back, I found Professor Quirell still looking at me. I almost flinched back.

"Can I help you with anything, Professor?", I asked worriedly.

'Now that I think about it, this is THE arch-nemesis in front of me. Shit! Why the hell was I so relaxed earlier?'

"No..No nothing.", saying he turned back. His stutter and even his mannerism made me feel relieved since this meant he still maintained his Prof. Quirell form.

Since I had seen Quirell or more accurately Quirell-mort, I was contemplating a rather interesting topic. I knew exactly how Voldemort and his cronies are going to act in the next 7 years so I could just foil their plans in a second.

Take Quirell-mort for example; All I had to do was to somehow remove his turban in front of Dumbledore and that was that. Bye-Bye Quirell-mort.

The resulting consequences were something that made me afraid though. Depending on what happens, I could completely alter the course of the plot and thus lose the only advantage I have over this world. I wanted to help these people but what if me helping them turned things worse both for me and them.

I quietly thought about it all but couldn't decide on anything so I had just threw the matter to the back of my head and went to back to Gryfindor common room to sleep. Opening the door made Ron's snoring immediately audible.

The four poster bed was the saving grace for my tired body. I didn't remember when my eyes closed and I fell asleep.

The next day at breakfast, Ron informed Harry and me in no sadder tone that we had Double potions with Slytherins. Harry looked glum since he had been laughed at the first lesson and Snape was being a total asshole to him.

I smirked knowing the reason. Severus Snape is perhaps the most complicated character to date in this world. In my world there had been great debate on whether Snape was a good guy or a bad guy. Harry thought enough about him to name his son after him so I think he must have cared a great deal about him. Enough to forgive him at least. I had some intention of rectifying Snape's behavior towards Harry.

It was on the way to Potions that I met Malfoy. He sneered at me then exaggerated a fainting motion. For an almost 25 year old guy, it looked hilarious. Like watching some neighboring kid act out a bully on YouTube.

Speaking of which, without the world at my fingertips in the form of my phone gave me quite a shock. I mean the internet is not even a thing right now or is it?

Since I do have quite a bit of knowledge on how some of the world's most successful companies would be (at least from my world) then I would like to invest in them and become the world's richest muggle/wizard.

A surprise hit me the moment I saw Severus Snape striding in and suddenly the world stopped. It literally stopped and I heard a soft sound like a page being flipped. The book appeared and flipped to open a blank page before words began forming.

[All relevant characters viewed]

[Check has been unlocked]

[Check : A set of tests in completion of which random rewards will be given]

[Check : Ace the upcoming surprise potions test]

[Reward : Permanent Record of any one potion]

Story : [Dastaan and the Philosopher's Stone] is waking up

fastest update 5.0

Last update for a looooooooong time...

Better be patient....

Dastaancreators' thoughts