
The Reader's Wish

Well...you know how you wish for something to happen and when it does, you can't seem to understand what or how things are happening around you. That's how I feel right now...my wish...as was with countless others...Harry Potter the Boy-who-Lived and me the Boy-who-wished. I am here now and I have Magic...I will live my own way..even in this crazy and dangerous world..[Self-Insert]

Dastaan · Filme
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6 Chs

Chapter 5 : First Day At Hogwarts

I roamed around the courtyard to see the black lake. The moment I saw the far stretching dark waters , a voice prompted in my ear.

Recorded Entry : Hogwarts Great lake (Black Lake)

The prompt finally reminded me of the nagging feeling I had in the back of my mind; of me forgetting something important. I finally realized that I had forgotten perhaps the most important of my possessions. The mysterious book that had accompanied me to this world which must be related to my coming here is left with all my luggage in my room.

'I should read it now..'

No sooner had the thought come to my mind, I found that my right hand gripping something. Astonished, I raised my right hand to find The book sitting there as if it was always there and hadn't just appeared out of nowhere. For a second, I couldn't close my mouth at the suddenness of it. I took a deep breath, looked around me to find no one nearby and opened the book. The preface was a hand-written note which looked oddly familiar.


Congratulations on entering the Harry Potter world.

This book will both serve as a guide and a power that will help you.

Use it well.


P.s The guide to use this book is written in the next page.

I started reading the guide which consisted the next 2 pages. Dark gold color and cursive writing with bold letters made it easier to read. After reading everything finally understood how to use this book. This book is my Golden finger or in other words my cheat.

It had many functions, most of which were still locked for me. I had to fulfill certain conditions for them to unlock. The current existing abilities that this book had were [Read] [Record

[Read] allowed me to remember everything I had ever touched or seen or experienced. That means perfect memory of knowledge of well..everything. This was overpowered because strength in this world is knowledge. Even Voldemort was nothing but a magical bully until Dumbledore brought him to Hogwarts and now...he is The Dark Lord, The-One-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.

[Record] allowed him to fully understand any spell or artifact he could get his hands on. That means any artifact or spell that he had experienced or seen once could be learnt.

I understood more so than anyone just how overpowered this is. For example the stone hanging on my neck. According to [Record], I would have full knowledge regarding it which means I would know exactly how it was created, what it can and cannot do and also how to destroy it. I had fiddled with the stone more than a few times since morning. Another example would be: Spells. The wizarding world was filled with unknown spells and also treasures. Old artifacts riddled with curses would all be mine to take since no one except me would be able to tell just how to get rid of them. I was hyperventilating just thinking about it all. I hurriedly turned the page which led me to a stylish Index.

The index was empty except for a few titles, titles which were written in different shades of gold. The first of it being :

Harry potter and the Sorcerer's stone. (Dastaan's version)

I touched the title curiously and the moment I did, the page flipped and turned towards a blank page. Black lines started dotting the page; colors being filled in and a moment later the page almost made me curse out in surprise.

There was a poster on it; the same one from the movies. The one where Harry's face is surrounded by all the other character's. The bold and italic 'Journey beyond your imagination' stood particularly out but it wasn't the title or the poster or even the name but rather it was my face. I stood beside Harry looked on with a smile. I didn't know how it had drawn something that was digitally created (Magic!) but my face being right next to Harry surprised me more than I thought.

I turned the page to see a sub-index which had only one title : Knowledge. I touched it since that was how this worked and the page turned to different places and all the spells I had seen or heard since the moment I had been in this world. The knowledge differentiated itself by places and spells and people and is arranged alphabetically. I saw the name Dumbledore and Mcgonagall with a few others in it.

It just showed their picture (also colored!) and the information I had of them which is plenty. Especially Dumbledore, I had loads of secrets on this guy. I mean he was one of the main sub-characters of the story after all. I tried to find the Philosopher's Stone in it but try as I might I couldn't find it. I remembered I didn't actually ever heard a prompt about it too.

The [Record] function had perfectly recorded every Artifact from the time I had entered this world; every object I had been in touch with or seen. The bench I had appeared on, my suitcase, Hogwarts express too. I almost felt a headache since the [Read] function worked only if I wanted it to. The book took my touching the name as a consent and my brain suddenly knew exactly how many hours it had taken to sew my suitcase or exactly where I had to hammer my nails in the bench in order for it to fit perfectly.

The migraine was fleeting, I think because the info wasn't that great but I needed to take this into account for the next time before I 'download'. There were a bunch of question marks at the end of the list. I touched one but instead of 'downloading' it instead opened a page with a few lines.

Artifact Name : ? (?)

Class : ?

Requirements have not been met to fully unlock this artifact.

Artifact Name : ? (Wand)

Class : ?

Requirements have not been met to fully unlock this artifact.

The Hogwarts Express is different though.

Artifact Name : Hogwarts Express (Transportation)

Class : ?

Requirements have not been met to fully unlock this artifact.

The book talked about the my necklace in the first part, my wand in the second and the Hogwarts Express in the third. Even after all that I couldn't understand the reason what the requirements were for me to understand them. The Hogwarts Express was named but the stone was something I knew the name of so why didn't the book name it that.

'Does the book not have my memories..no that can't be possible.I guess I will understand when the time comes huh...'

I checked the spells section next which turned out to be another windfall. There were tens of spells there; most of which were locked but I gained another clue from this section which were the requirements.


Class : 1 ~ 5

Requires Charm Lv. 1 to learn.

Since the spells needed me to know the basics, the artifacts must also have a similar form of thing. I needed the Hogwarts library now more than ever. For others it might be difficult to learn things but not for me but then he would need a separate room like a duel chamber to test his spells. And according to the "Student Rules & Regulations to follow in and out of Hogwarts" which I now could repeat back to front thanks to [Read], the first years weren't allowed to do that.

Thinking about all these things, suddenly an idea came and I jumped up shouting ,"Room of Requirements." A moment later I understood my action and I could feel my stupidity. Right now in this whole world, there are only 2 people who know the location of the Room of Requirements and know how to exactly open it.

'And the other guy is the main villain so yeah...'

I looked around to a (thankfully) empty surroundings and made my way through the gates. The way up wasn't easy especially since I had to make sure nobody followed me. I had to back track a couple of times since I couldn't exactly stop and specifically ask someone. After a couple tries and half an hour of running around I reached it.

I didn't know what to expect from the tapestry. It looked like a dude trying to hide from a bunch of dancing trolls which were just about to clobber him. I almost laughed when I laid my eyes on it. My laughter echoed down the empty hallway. I looked around to make sure that there wasn't anybody near me. I touched the opposite bare wall which in any way didn't look extraordinary.

I took a deep breath to calm my excitement then walked thrice in front of it while shouting inside my head. After the third turn, I heard a muted thud of the door and I smirked. A door now adorned the once empty wall.

I excitedly opened the doorway to find a large room half of which contained a study room and the other half a dueling ground. The study table only had a single book. The leather cover gave me a old and unused feeling as if someone had thrown this book in some deep part and forgotten about it. The book read :

Unstable Magical Core and How it can made me a Squib.

There wasn't an author name. Having a guess about the book from it's title, I still opened it to know more. It didn't take long, I only had to open a page and whatever it contained would be imprinted in my brain. It still gave me a mild migraine though. I held my head and made my way towards the end of the book. By the end of which I could only ruefully tell the room to take back the dueling chamber and make it a library.

Although I already knew this (thanks to Madam Pomfrey!), the book especially emphasized the point that I couldn't use any high tier spells or even the normal spells in a repeated manner.

Sighing I sat down next to the fire and started reading the first book that appeared on the table. It was the highly anticipated but equally huge book : Hogwarts A history by Bathilda Bagshot.

I opened the first page and spent the next hour trying to fight a growing headache. Nearing the end of the book, the world started spinning on me and I could hardly help the groan of relief as I finished the book. The headache lifted a little but it still felt as if someone was hammering me.

Thinking that aspirin could help, I hurriedly asked the room for it but found no response. Still nursing my head, I stumbled out of the Room of Requirements to find myself something..anything that could help. The first thing I thought of was aspirin then thinking a while I found out that the Hospital wing would be more equipped to handle this. Hoping to god that whatever Pomfrey gives me to have better taste, I entered the Wing. Immediately as if all-knowing Madam Pomfrey walked out of the office and made her way towards me.

After hearing my ailment, she retrieved a flask of bright green liquid and gave me a sip. It felt like I just drank magma which burned only for 1 second but the effects were self-explanatory. My headache immediately relieved, almost fearful I asked Madam Pomfrey which potion it was and would it be convenient to get a few bottles of it.

I was in no careful words reminded that the potion was called a Headbuzz potion, specifically used to treat acute headaches but regular ingestion would result in well...headaches. I had no answer to her question as to why I thought I would require it daily.

Before I could think any excuse though, Pomfrey handed me a couple of tiny bottles instructing me to drink one of them if I really do start getting headaches but not more than twice a day. If the problem persists then I had to tell her so that she could make further preparations.

Thinking about it, I made a note to myself to try and order some aspirin from the muggle side since I had a feeling these headaches were not a one time thing. I nodded to her and made my way for the second time on the same day from the Hospital Wing.

Even dreading opening another book, I spent the rest of my time trying to find the rest of the secrets that I knew like say the Kitchen. It took some time but I found and nudged the pear which opened the door to the kitchen and I had my first look at perhaps the most unknown power that every household used : House-elves.

They were exactly the same as Dobby. I did find them kinda ugly but they were very warm-hearted since they took me in rather forcefully and sat me down and prepared a feast for me. I ate the feast since I was very hungry and praised them whole-heartedly for it. They looked absolutely happy about it, their words almost matching, "Thank you sir."

I had a thought since I had read countless fanfics in which the character gets an House-elf and then goes on to thoroughly cheat the world based on only an army of house-elves. I mean I think that they are unique since the wizarding world doesn't take proper notice of them but to be able to do all that sounds a bit far-fetched.

I looked at the room full of them and saw no drunken elf or any who seemed sad. Feeling disappointed I made up my mind to read about them and especially about this bonding between a house-elf and it's master.

With a full stomach and a lot of 'Thank you, Sirs' behind me, I made my way up the stairs to the Gryfindor common room. The fat lady looked uncharacteristically quiet but the door opened and in I went. This wasn't the first time I had come in this room since Percy had brought me here. He even showed me the first year boys room while telling me strictly that going to the girls room is forbidden. I smirked at him which seemed to irk him more-so.

Looking the common room now, it all seemed large; larger than the movies at-least. I made my way to the cozy fire and enjoyed the mostly empty room. Thinking to show off a bit, I shook my hand and lo and behold I had a book in my otherwise empty hand.

I smirked to myself thinking there was a camera somewhere taking my shots. I opened the book and tried to find out more of it's secrets.

It was Hermione who found an hour later (I think!) sitting by myself in the sofa and thinking. I didn't register her voice once as I was in a trance. It was her shaking that brought me back after which she proceeded to inform me that Professor Mcgonagall had instructed her to get me up to speed. I secretly made a note to thank her again.

She then forcefully I might say, sat me down with a table full of notes. Citing my lack of books, she shrugged and said that the first lessons didn't require much reading.

"How can you not even read the first chapters of every book? Didn't you feel curious?", her voice didn't make me feel annoyed for some reason (cause I just had a feast!).

"I didn't buy any books since I didn't have any money", I said simply to which she remained silent. I looked at her to find her particularly silent.


"I am sorry. Professor Mcgonagall told me about your family but I forgot about it. I am terribly sorry.", she said all the while keeping her head down. I think she must have started to feel frustrated since her personality didn't allow her to make friends easily. Also Ron must have started being a busybody behind her back.

I stopped for a second to think and then said slowly, "It's okay. It's just that..all of this is new to me and I am pretty nervous about it. I just don't want to be left alone, you know."

"I know.", Hermione replied.

"So lets start this from the beginning. Hi, my name is Dastaan and I have just become a wizard. Can you help me?", I smiled towards her.

"It will be my pleasure.", she smiled back.

The rest of the evening was spent cramming a few days of knowledge in my brain. I couldn't exactly tell Hermione about [Read] & [Record] so I just let myself be guided by her. Curiously I didn't get a headache even after [Read]ing a few dozen parchments. Not even a small one.

'This needs experimentation.'

After a sizable amount of homework, I sighed while rubbing my aching writs. I thought that since I didn't really have the writing materials such as parchments, quills and ink, I will be exempted from homework but alas it seemed that all the necessary materials such as second hand books and writing materials and other study related objects had already been delivered to my room on my bed.

I had no excuse to make then and had to do the homework under the watchful of Emma...Hermione. I had half a mind to go get the..what was it called again..the Auto-Write Quill.

After completing the necessary work and as it was around dinner time, I and Hermione made our way to the Great hall. It was then I had remembered that I now had the bottomless stomach of children. I mean I had a huge feast just before evening but here I was : Hungry.

I saw the teachers seated on their table but no Dumbledore or Snape. Quirell looked chirpy as he talked animatedly with the Herbology teacher Sprout. Mcgonagall gave me a nod as she saw me or perhaps she did it towards Hermione. I nodded back in any case and smiled.

The Gryfindor table was partially empty since I think that some of the older students would have different schedules. I gossiped about the first class of Potions with Snape; the one with him meeting Harry for the first time. I don't know what to feel about Snape, his role in all of this is well massive but I can't help but call him an asshole for his ego.

Hermione didn't seem biased about the fact that Snape had insulted Harry rather she seemed more miffed about the fact that Snape hadn't given her a chance to answer (read: Show-off). Harry and Ron were late to the dinner. They devoured the food while asking me about my health. I assured them that I was fine and I would join them in Gryfindor classes starting tomorrow.

Excited they talked about the classes they had attended and the respective teachers.

"I heard that Snape picked a fight with you", I asked Harry who showed a frown for the first time.

"I don't know why he's doing that. Every Potions class I have to hear countless insults, it's as if he is targeting me or something."

"Hmm..Then just don't give him a chance to do so."

"I can't help it. This is my first time at potioneering."

"I know..just listen to me; how about you become better at potions which would give him less of a chance to single you out. Until then just take his insults as free one to one teaching. When you top the class, then we will see how he insults you."

"Potions' is one of the hardest subjects to study. Charlie...my brother didn't even clear his at NEWT", Ron interjected.

"Well, thanks for the tip Ron. I don't know about you Harry but I am going to ace every single class there is. I mean this is Magic you guys are talking about. Let's see just how great this Snape is"

"Professor Snape!", Hermione finally interjected in. She had concentrated on eating; I could see her trying her best to not look at Ron and Harry while Ron tried his best to hide behind his food. Harry just looked sorry. I smiled at their childishness.

"Oh, speaking of which, my fellow genius: I challenge you", I told Hermione. It was just a spur of the moment thing to boost Hermione's spirits. The challenge would also be interesting since I would be competing against the brain of the Golden trio herself. I didn't feel pressured at all since I did have [Read] & [Record].

Hermione seemed dumbfounded for a second before the words 'genius' registered and she blushed. She raised her nose just slightly before she smiled ,"I accept you challenge."

Snape and Dumbledore didn't appear at Dinner but that seemed to be a regular occurrence. After dinner we made our way (single file) to our dormitory. Sleep came the moment I hit the bed.

fastest update 4.0

Dastaancreators' thoughts