
Test of Survival

Takeru knew nothing about this Zeroth Training Ground. Although he watched 'Naruto' in his past life, he mainly watched the main story, not those blasphemous fillers. And he was sure there was no mention of this training ground in the main story. And It was not just Takeru, all of the participants were also trying to figure out the next exam.

The Leaf shinobi wearing battle-armor surveyed the 48 chuunin hopefuls and said,

"Listen up. The second test of the Chuunin Exams contains a few rules and you all should remember them very carefully.

Each team will be given a scroll. It's corresponding opposite scroll is kept inside the hill in the middle of this training ground. Your task is to return here within 5 days with two matching opposite scrolls.

For example, if you possess a scroll with the name 'Yin Wind', then you must return with its opposite scroll that is 'Yang Wind'. And remember, you are strictly prohibited from opening the scrolls no matter what.

If anyone opens the scroll then the participant and the whole team will be disqualified. Any returnee team without all of its members present will be disqualified. If a team fails to return with both scrolls, they will be disqualified. If a team returns with mismatched scrolls, they will be disqualified. If a team takes more than 5 days to return, they will be disqualified.

Do you all understand?"

All the participants chorused "Yes, sir".

"Alright then. Now form a line and enter the tent on your right. There you will be given the scroll."

All 16 teams formed a line. Team 9 was at the front. One by one all the teams entered the tent. Soon, it was their turn.

A Leaf shinobi was inside. He told them to sign a waiver first. Takeru knew what it was about, so after reading it carefully he signed. Shikatsu merely raised an eyebrow and signed it after a quick glance. Biwako became a little flustered reading the waiver, 

"The Village, that is Konohagakure, also known as The Leaf Village and the Hokage is no way responsible for any mishaps, injuries, accidents that I may experience during the events on this second part of the Chuunin Exams, which I voluntarily chose to participate in sound mind and awareness with full knowledge of the consequences of attending the said exam. In case of my untimely death during the said part of the exam, I do not blame the village administration, the examiners, the proctors in any way whatsoever…huh. They really made this foolproof eh?"

"Just sign it already. We already knew this was gonna happen" - Shikatsu urged Biwako. Biwako complied and signed the waiver. Takeru gave the three signed waivers to the shinobi and received their scroll.

They received a  'Yang Earth' scroll. With his teammates' agreement, Takeru stored the scroll in his inventory. Team 9 came outside of the tent. They waited until all other teams got their scrolls whilst many other exam proctors came and took the teams to different entrances of the training ground, their respective starting points.

Takeru and his team waited there for sometime until the proctor accompanying them opened the gates and signaled the start of the exam.

"The second test starts now, Go!"

A loud gong sounded out throughout the area as Team 9 blitz into the deep forest along with 15 other teams from all around the forest.


3 genins of Konoha were travelling at high-genin speeds through the vine covered giant trees towards the center of the forest. They were Takeru, Shikatsu and Biwako. They traveled while conversing among themselves.

"So, you're saying that theoretically there will be only 5 teams that pass the exam." - asked Takeru who was at the front of the triangle formation they maintained along their run.

"Yes. Five elements and two chakra variants. Fire, water, earth, wind lightning and yin, yang. We got the 'Yang Earth' scroll. Which means among the 16 teams at least 2 other other teams have the same scroll as us. There may be more than one 'Yin Earth' at the center but I think we should be prepared for the worst." - Shikatsu said frowning.

"Shikatsu is right. We certainly have to fight against other teams to get the target scroll. We should conserve our chakra" - Biwako stated.

"I also think the same Biwako. But remember there was no mention that we have to return with the same type of scrolls we were given. The only perquisite to pass the test is to return with two corresponding opposite scrolls back to the starting point with a full team within 5 days. We have the earth type scroll but technically we can pass the test even if we return with two opposite wind or fire type scrolls." - Takeru said while thinking of something else.

"So, taking your opponents' scroll is acceptable. Well, we have to stay vigilant then." - Shikatsu said as he stomped on a tree branch and sped along with his teammates.

It had been 2 hours since Team 9 started their journey to the center of the forest. The slowly started darkening the more they travelled. The sunlight barely reached the grounds as the vast ocean of vines & leaves blocked its way.

Takeru had no problem with the lack of light as everything was bright as day to him due to his visual capability. Suddenly, Takeru's eyes widened as he hurriedly said, - "Run! We have to go faster." 

"What happened?" - Shikatsu and Biwako increased their speed.

"All these vines, they release hallucinogenic pollens during the night, invisible to the naked eye. They are used to create poisons. At small doses they can create hallucinations strong enough to hinder a chuunin but this whole forest is fully covered with these vines. All of it can even drive a whole village into madness with prolonged exposure. We have to reach the center before night comes."

"Are you sure about this? You know about poisons too?"- Biwako asked as all three of them increased their speed to mid-chuunin level.

"Uh, I dabbled with it a bit. I will tell you later. Let's get out of here first. "

Team 9 sped along the forest to the center as the vines released spores throughout the whole forest with many participants unaware of its existence.


3 genins of Konoha were travelling at high-genin speeds through the vine covered giant trees towards the center of the forest.They were Danzo Shimura, Kagami Uchiha and Torifu Akimichi.

"Is it just me or the forest is getting creepier?" [Kagami]

"No, I feel it too. Probably the increasing darkness." [Danzo]

"Hey, guys wait! I think I saw something on the left." - Torifu notified his two teammates and slowed down. Danzo and Kagami followed Torifu as they too slowed down.

"What is it, Torifu?" [Danzo]

"I, I think I recognize those vines. I just can't seem to remember what was said about them." [Torifu]

"We are in the middle of the very first Chuunin Exam, Torifu. If we somehow fail, sensei will be very disappointed. So, please stop focusing on unimportant matters. We have to focus on our goal." [Danzo]

"Torifu, come on man. They're just vines, long green vines that maybe you can't even eat. Let's just go." [Kagami]

"Eat, eat, yeah EAT! I remember now, these vines are used in the Super Special Crazy Numb Numb Curry. You eat just one spoonful of it and your mouth becomes all numb and flabby and you start seeing weird shit." - Torifu started very much happily as he finally remembered about the very obscure food ingredient but his voice lowered to a whisper as he finished the sentence.

Kagami hurriedly activated his sharingan and became stunned.

"Wait, are those pollen flying in the air?" [Kagami]

"And I think these vines release hallucinogenic pollens at night." - Torifu's face was going paler by the second.

Kagami and Danzo slowly turned their heads towards each other calmly and looked at Torifu whose face was ghostly pale, the sheer panic visible in their eyes.

"Holy.." [Kagami]


"Shit…RUNNN" - Torifu and his two teammates bolted towards the center of the forest with all the speed they had.


3 genins of Konoha were travelling at mid-chuunin speeds through the vine covered giant trees towards the center of the forest.

"Hiruzen, are these vines really that poisonous?" - Homura asked while shifting his glasses.

"Yes. Our village uses those vines to create hallucinogenic poisons. I learned about them from a book father has in his library." [Hiruzen]

"Then we are lucky to be aware of such, thanks to you team leader Hiruzen." - Koharu smiled.

Hiruzen smiled and replied, - "It is my duty as such. I just hope our friends survive this ordeal safely."

"We can only hope." [Homura]


3 genins of Uzu were travelling at mid-chuunin speeds through the vine covered giant trees towards the center of the forest.

"Vines that release invisible hallucinogenic pollens at night, how basic! I thought the mighty Hidden Leaf would have more to show." [Takerishi]

"Says the person who blew up a basic space-time seal." [Tanaka]

"Hey, It was not my fault. The writing, shapes, matrices, all of those were perfect. You can't expect me to foresee a chakra bomb exploding in the middle of the village; even my sealing worktable vanished."

"Shut up you two. Stop bickering like children. Curb your arrogance, Takerishi. and Tanaka stop goading him. This test is basic because It's just a process to weed out upstart genins. Konoha has a vast pool of talents and we might just have a taste of it soon enough." [Kosuke]

"Okay, okay cap. Calm down. We get it." [Takerishi]

"Yes. We focus on the task." [Tanaka]

"Glad that we are on the same page. We have trained hard. We have prepared ourselves for this. Keep yourselves calm and focus. Keep the Air Purifying Seal stuck on your nose. We will prevail in this exam and bring glory to our clan." [Kosuke]

"That is cool and all but are we just going to ignore Takerishi's story about chakra bomb?" [Tanaka]

"Ugh..you were out of the village so you don't know but something really happened that day. Why am I explaining? Let's just go" [Kosuke]


In the vast enclosed forest that is Zeroth Training Ground, the second part of the Chuunin Exam was progressing. All aspiring genins were trying to complete their tasks. Some were trying more than others. And some were just favoured by lady luck herself.

Soon, night descended and madness shrouded the forest. Screams and incoherent wails spread throughout the whole forest. Some genins unknowingly became the victims. Some got away fast enough to not become affected.

Takeru expanded his senses and did not like what he perceived.

"Multiple teams are affected by the spores. I sense 7 of them. 3 of them are heading towards us." [Takeru]

"If we fight, our chances of getting affected by the pollens will get much larger." [Biwako]

"I already feel a bit dizzy, fighting in these conditions would be dangerous. It will also make the symptoms increase." [Shikatsu]

Biwako came beside Shikatsu and put her hand on his back. Her hand started glowing green for a bit.

"That's all I can do for now. It will keep the symptoms at bay but we have to do something about these pollens." [Biwako]

"Thanks. I feel better now." [Shikatsu]

"We won't be able to reach the center without a fight. We have to find a safe spot so I can do something to filter the air." [Takeru]

"Wait, let me try something, hold tight." - Takeru deactivated his Training seal.

'BOOM!' A spherical shockwave of chakra went out with the release of the seal, scaring a few birds and weird chakra beasts away.

"One team changed directions. The other two are maintaining their course. One Konoha and one Uzu team." [Takeru]

"Nice work." [Biwako]

"It seems the fight is inevitable. Are there any sensors in those teams?" [Shikatsu]

"No, I am not sensing any." [Takeru]

"Good. Make 6 clones and transform into us. Profile us differently. I am a hothead, taijutsu focused and use earth release. Biwako is cowardly, focuses on genjutsu and wind release." [Shikatsu]

"Got it." [Takeru]

Takeru made 6 shadow clones, distributing enough chakra for a nice show and transformed 4 of them into his teammates. The clones formed two teams and went separately towards both the Uzu and Konoha teams. Team 9 shifted their path a bit and maintained their speed as they sped through the forest.


3 genins of Konoha were travelling at low-chuunin speeds through the vine covered giant trees towards the center of the forest. They were frightened and anxious. Sometime earlier when all of them were taking rest, they started to feel a bit dizzy. Slowly the dizziness increased and with it came anxiety.

Although one of them knew about poisons, no one in the team was a medic. They knew they were poisoned but they didn't know how or most importantly who did it.

"We have to reach a safe place. It's getting worse by the second."

"Ugh..this headache is killing me."

"We have to keep calm. Just a little bit and it will be over."

"You have been saying this for an hour Kinoe, I swear if we don't get this over with I will…"


"Shit, what was that?!"

"I, I don't know. I think someone's fighting and he is powerful."

"Powerful? That guy's chakra is more powerful than sensei's."

"Kinoe, Let's change directions man. This is getting out of hand. Jonins participating in the Chuunin Exams. We can't hope to match them."

"Yeah, this is getting more and more ridiculous. Let's go that way."



"Whoa, what was that?" [Tanaka]

"I recognize that chakra. So, it's that genin from Konoha." [Kosuke]

"That weird kid in black? Damn, his reserves are almost equal to you Cap." [Takerishi]

"Let's go. Let them handle their own problems." [Kosuke]



"It's Takeru. He is fighting." [Danzo]

"Let's go help them." [Kagami]

"No. He will not like that. He will win. If we go there, it won't make any difference. Maybe it will make him angry." [Danzo]

"Now why would someone get angry from getting help?" [Torifu]

"I don't think I have ever seen Takeru angry." [Kagami]

"I don't know. It's like Takeru dislikes me for something that I don't even know. I haven't done anything bad to him." [Danzo]

"Maybe it's karma from your past life or something." [Torifu]

"I don't believe that nonsense." [Danzo]

"Hah, I know the reason." - Kagami said in a sage-like manner.

"What is it?" [Danzo]

"It's your face man. Only a mother could love that horrid clusterfuck of a bad painting. It oozes evil" - Kagami was laughing so hard he nearly fell off a tree. Torifu could chuckle from the side.

"Fuck you, Kagami. Seriously fuck you." [Danzo]



"What was that, Hiruzen?" [Homura]

"Someone I want to fight with. Ignore it for now. Let's go." - Hiruzen smirked as he and his team rushed through the forest.


"Hey guys, do you think it is necessary? I mean that chakra was massive. Whoever that is, must be a jonin level at least. I think we should change into a different direction."

"What are you afraid of? Let them keep fighting. We will fish in troubled waters. The more scrolls we get, the better."

"Guys, I have a really bad feeling about this."

The 3 genins from Konoha were travelling to the place where the chakra shockwave came from. All of them were suffering from increasing dizziness. They knew they had to get out of here. And to do that they would have to either pass or fail this test. They were just risking it to see if they got a chance.

Suddenly, another genin team consisting of two boys and a girl appeared in front of them, blocking their path.

"Shit, we did not even sense them. What are they ghosts or something?"

"Hey, you kid in the black. What do you want?"

"They're average. So change of plans?" [Clone1]

"Non-lethal, let's be quick." [Clone2]

"Yeah, deception is overrated anyways." [Clone3]

The newcomer genin squad vanished into thin air shocking the Konoha genins.


"Shit, they're fas…"

"What the…fu"

That was all the genin squad could utter before all three of them were struck on the back of their head. They flopped on the ground, knocked out cold. The clone squad searched them thoroughly and found the scroll 'Yang Wind'. They all nodded to each other. Two of them dispelled and the remaining one flickered away towards Team 9's position.


An Uzu genin squad was rushing at the location where the chakra shockwave came from.

"That was substantial amount of chakra for a genin."

"Are you sure that was not one of us?"

"Yeah, I'm sure. Although I am not a sensor, I can recognise chakra signatures in close range. That was a genin from Konoha."

"Let's see what the Konoha genins are made of."

"Remember, non-lethal and try to subdue not kill. They are friendlies. We have to reciprocate the same." - said the Uzu leader as he suddenly pushed his teammate aside.

"Behind us!"

'whoosh' a few shurikens whizzed past their heads as they narrowly dodged them. The Uzu team spread out as they saw 3 genins wearing Konoha headbands emerge from the shadows.

"That's some stealth technique." - an Uzu genin remarked as both squads tensed up for the imminent clash.

"My name is Tanaka, these are my teammates Kosuke and Takerishi. May we know your names, Konoha shinobi?" asked the Uzu leader.

"Hiruzen Sarutobi, and these are Danzo Shimura and Mei Terumi. Why are you pursuing us?"

"We sensed a wave of chakra coming from this direction, so we were investigating the battle. We are glad to see the you are safe. If all is well, then we will get going. We hope to see you in the next test." - The Uzu leader motioned his teammates to follow as they started retreating.

"Now wait a moment. Why are you guys leaving so soon? As a friendly shinobi we all can have a friendly chat can't we?" - asked 'Hiruzen Sarutobi'.

"I apologize but we will have to hold onto that chat for another time. See you guys" - The Uzu team hurriedly left the scene.

"Well, aren't they a friendly bunch?" [Clone2]

"Yeah, let's test out friendliness." [Clone3]

The three clones flickered towards the fleeing Uzu team.

"What happened there cap? Why are we fleeing?"

"Those three back there were not humans."

"So you mean they were clones?"

"Not any type of clone I have ever seen or known. Shit, they have nearly caught up to us."

The Uzu team sped up and after a few minutes managed to lose their pursuers.

"Well, looks like we were unsuccessful." [Clone1]

"At least the other team got a scroll. So, no losses." [Clone3]

The three clones dispelled themselves.

Takeru was constantly searching for a good place to the spend their night. After nearly an hour a search, he found a small cave underneath the roots of a giant tree.

"I found a suitable place. It that way."

Team 9 went near the cave when Takeru received the memories from his clones.

"Good news, one team has been dealt with, the other one fled. We are clear and have a new scroll. And I think I might have a solution to the pollen problem."

"That's good to hear. Biwako and I will scout the cave, you check the perimeter." [Shikatsu]

Takeru checked the perimeter multiple times and set up multitude of traps, alarms and trip wires. In the meantime, Shikatsu and Biwako cleaned the cave out. They cleared off any and all vines, and captured a few small animals for meal. The clone returned as Takeru was just finishing setting up the last of the traps.

Takeru received the scroll and went into the cave, already tired because of the hectic day. He wanted a good sleep but first he needed to do a few things to make their survival easier.


I apologize to all my readers. I was busy dealing with life these past few months. I guess I got lost on the road of life.

I realised that life doesn't always give you lemons. Sometimes it throws a pile of shit on your face. And you gotta clean that shit up before you can move forward.

Anyways, I survived. And now I am back to writing.

I hope to give more effort and focus on this piece of fiction and finish it properly before I die.

So, thank you all for keeping this book in your collection.

Enjoy the new chapter!

I am Back!

Expect new chapters and the continuation of Takeru's journey through the world of shinobi!

Have a read!





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