

"Is this what you really think of me? Does our relationship hold no meaning to you? How could you even think that money can end what we share?" Calder asked.

"I know it's not easy doing this; however, I'm sorry, but I can't help. If the money is not enough, I'll do something about it," Irene blatantly said, with a placid expression.

Calder was enraged.You know, I'm not talking about the money! Since when did you become so callous, Irene Scott? You weren't like this before! This is not you. You were not so power-drunk and vicious!"

Irene simply bit her lips and glared at Calder strangely.

Irene stood up and roamed the room with her shoulders in the air like a queen above the world. She looked over the city through the window.

With a sly smile, she replied," I am not the same Irene Scott you used to know. I'm no longer that pathetic, poverty-stricken girl who got married to a worthless dog; I am Irene Scott, the president of the Scott Group of Companies.

She bragged with so much confidence. She exudes an air of authority and determination.

"I've worked so hard to get to where I am right now; don't expect me to remain the same. I toiled all night to create an identity for myself. I can't have you ruin everything I worked very hard to build. Just sign the papers and don't delay anymore!"

Calder was shocked by this. She wasn't even remorseful at all.

"We are five, right? What's the need to get a divorce? Can't we live peacefully like we used to?" Calder asked, hoping she'd changed her mind.

"That's the matter with you. You are frivolous-minded. You think everyone lives in a bubble world like you do! You will never understand how I want to live my life, Calder. You and I have nothing in common now."

Irene looked at Calder with disappointment. She could only imagine how she put up with him for two years.

They are way out of each other's league. Not only is he not fit to stand in front of others as her husband, but he is not even fit to show himself to the world with the kind of mindset he has.

On top of that, she can't even hope for a future with a person like him, who doesn't even see anything wrong with his situation.

What a pathetic loser!

"Maybe you are right. What else were you expecting from me? I thought it would make you happy if I took care of you. I thought it would be fine if I cooked your favorite meal and served you some wine. I thought it was nice to ride with you on a scooter after a long day at work. I thought it would be cool if I helped you prepare for your presentation and got you ready for work. I really thought it would make you happy if I stayed by your side and gave you ideas on how to grow your company. Forgive me since I never knew I was being a frivolous-minded person, which you didn't like!"

"What is the use of saying all of these now, Calder?" Irene suddenly felt guilty about her decision once she heard Calder mention this.

However, she was more determined to divorce him than she felt guilty about it.

Calder slowly looked at Irene with unshed tears and asked, "Is this about your relationship with Xavier Cadenza? Are you really pregnant with his child like you claimed?"

Even though he didn't want to believe it at first, everything seemed to be falling into a complete puzzle.

He prayed really hard for Irene to say she lied. He didn't really want to feel so pathetic anymore.

It would bruise his ego if she really got pregnant with another man while she was still married to him.

Irene wanted to deny it at first, but she gave up when she thought about it. She nodded slowly.

"I don't care what you think of me, but I can't help it. This is my life, and I want to be happy," she brutally said, leaving no room for doubt.

Once he heard this, Calder lost all the hope he had. He quietly picked up the pen and signed the divorce papers without any reticence.

What is the use of holding onto a person who doesn't even care about you? At this point, there is nothing he can do but give up and let her go.

All he felt now was disappointment.

Once he signed the papers, he said, "I really hope you'll be happy with him. Don't regret this day, Irene Scott!"

Calder then took the card in front of him and broke it into pieces, saying, "I don't need your money or the car. Let's not owe each other any favors from now on.

Seeing the aloof expression on his face, Irene nodded vigorously and picked up the papers. " Of course, let's have nothing to do with each other!"

He really signed the papers. What a relief!

She closed the file and looked at Calder. The smile on her face froze for a second, seeing the pain in Calder's eyes.

"This is goodbye from me; from now on, you and I have nothing to do with each other's lives. Goodbye!"

Saying this, Calder took his lunch box and dropped it on the table.Throw it out; I can't take more trouble with me!"

Once Calder walked out the door, Irene glanced at his departing back and felt her heart go empty immediately. It felt as if a piece of her was being ripped away.

She opened the lunch box and saw the meal. At the sight of this delicious meal, all the memories of Calder looking after her came flooding back.

"Did I make a mistake by divorcing him? Should I have given him another chance?" She asked, looking lost.

"Of course not! You certainly didn't make any mistakes, Ms.Scott. You are the most desired socialite in Carrington; it's only right for you to be with a man of equal status and fame. Don't feel guilty about anything; you did the right thing! Moreover, Calder is just a trash bag and had nothing to offer you; it was right you got rid of him!"

Once Olivia Sanders cheered her on, she felt better.

"You are right, Olivia. Calder and I have nothing in common in the first place. Xavier Cadenza is the right man for me; I shouldn't feel bad about trashing garbage.

Irene picked up the lunch box and gave it to Olivia, who was eagerly waiting with open arms.

"Trash this garbage as well. No more garbage!"


After leaving the Scott Group, Calder was on the verge of losing his mind.

He had nowhere to go—not a single place to relax or even friends to squat with.

Suddenly,someone jumped out of the blues and stood in front of him.

"What do you want? Why are you blocking my path?" Calder asked with a scowl on his face. Why was everyone getting on their nerves today?

"Why, Calder, aren't you happy to see me? You pathetic poor dog," the man insulted him. This was not the first time that Jaden was insulted, so his insults didn't bother him.

"Anyways, being the leader of the family, I just want you to give me back the money you took from my sister."

Calder sneered, "Who asked you to come to me? Do I look like someone who has money?

But unknown to Calder, his mother-in-law was the one behind the plan. She just wanted to see him on his knees, begging for food.

The man didn't answer Calder's question, but he just despised him the most. "Just give me the money, you scumbag."

Calder became even more angry. "I've already told you that I don't have any money, don't you understand?"

The man tried to hit Calder, but Calder was able to dodge his blow and at the same time kick the man, who fell to the ground.

In the past, when he was still a bachelor, he had learned combat and could defeat anyone easily.

"I don't need any help or money from the Scott family; I can take care of myself!"

The man shouted on the ground, where he sat in pain, and said to Calder, "You fool, how dare you hit me? I need to remind you that I am from the Scott family. I'm going to teach you a lesson. I will surely teach you a lesson."

Calder ignored him and walked away.

As soon as he saw Calder leave, the man brought out his phone and called Irene while pretending to be sad and in pain. "Sis, that scumbag of your so-called husband, Calder, attacked and injured me badly."

At the other end of the conversation, Irene screamed, "What?'

Darius acted as though he were in excruciating pain and screamed his lungs out to make a point.

"He severely beat me and broke my bones; I can't even walk; you must avenge me, sister!"

Darius hung up on Irene before she could say anything.

He muttered under his breath, "Poor guy!" while maintaining a smirk on his face. "He has no idea how much trouble he is getting himself into right now! I can't wait to see that lowlife get his behind spanked!"