

Calder returned to the chicken restaurant, where he worked as a delivery guy.

He had an afternoon shift, so he wasn't late when he came in for work.

Calder was in a foul mood and didn't look like himself when he returned to work.

Although not many people saw the gloomy expression on his face, However,one person surely noticed it.

His colleague, who doubled as the only friend he had,Ryan,was the only person who noticed his mood.

Seeing this,he asked,You told me it was your anniversary yesterday; how did it go? Were you able to take Irene out for dinner like you planned? You know I had to work an extra shift because of you!" Ryan said,feigning frustration.

Calder stopped in his tracks,looked at Ryan, and said,I'm sorry I caused you so much trouble. I shouldn't have bothered you with my responsibility."

"Of course not! I didn't have any trouble doing your shift for you. After all, you could have done the same for me. So,did you enjoy your date?" Ryan continued to pry.

Calder exhaled and said,Don't even ask about it. It was horrible. Next time, I'll look myself up in the mirror before trying to impress others. I'm such a pathetic loser; how could I possibly think that others would appreciate me?"

"What the hell are you talking about,Calder? You are not a loser. Everyone should have a friend like you and a husband like you."

"Stop buttering me up,Ryan! No one needs a person like me!" Calder chimed in and scolded Ryan.

"I'm not trying to butter you up; this is the truth. I'm sure everyone agrees with me!" Ryan continued.

"If this is true, then why did Irene cheat on me? Why did she divorce me and throw me out like a piece of trash?"Calder asked.

Silence erupts once Calder lets out this bombshell. It was too heavy.

Ryan, on the other hand, didn't know how to console a heartbroken man. He drew closer and pulled him in for a warm hug while patting his back.

"It's not your fault,Calder; she's the one at fault and should be blamed accordingly. If I had a sister,I would have asked her to marry you instead; you are such a kind person and don't deserve to be treated so badly."

Hearing this,Calder felt a little better and let out a chuckle.

"Ryan,you are such a good talker; I can't argue with you. You always make sure you know the right wording. Come on,let's get back to work!"

Calder disengaged from the hug and picked up a box of chicken. However,before he could lift the box, the loud cacophonous sounds of cars reverberated from the door of the restaurant, and then the police siren.

Curious,all the customers turned to the door.

Before one could say Jack,an elderly lady in her forties came out of the car and raced towards the front door with a few policemen behind her.

It was Lily Lane,Irene Scott's mother.

Calder was shocked.

Next, Darius, who was wrapped in bandages, came out of the car limping and wincing in pain.

"That's him! Here is the bastard that assaulted me. Arrest him and make him pay for inflicting injuries on me!" Darius yelled and pointed to Calder.

Shocked,Calder dropped the boxes and said,What the hell are you talking about,Darius? I didn't do anything! I didn't hurt you, so why are you blaming me?"

"Are you calling me a liar? Did I hurt myself to put the blame on you? Everyone saw you hurting me at the company. I have evidence and witnesses. Don't you dare to act sleek with me,you trash bag!"

Darius lied through his teeth and acted pathetic on purpose.

"Officers,what are you waiting for? Arrest this man for assaulting my son. What if my son had died from suffering such a grave injury? Hurry up and lock him up!" Lily Lane chimed in.

Calder was lost for words and didn't even know how to defend himself in front of Lily Lane and her son.

Those two had made life very difficult for him, and they still won't let him breathe even though he and Irene have gone their separate ways.

The officers immediately went on and cuffed Calder. As they led him to their vehicle,Calder continued to yell,"Darius, stop trying to frame me. I didn't hurt you. Tell the truth already!"

"I have nothing else to say to you; you deserve to be punished for hurting me so badly. Don't think I'll have mercy on you because you and my sister are married; it has nothing to do with me."

Darius ruthlessly refused and returned to the car while the officers took Calder with them to the police vehicle.

Once he was put in the van,Lily Lane stood by the door and glared at Calder mockingly.

"This will teach you not to mess with a member of the Scott family in the future. I had warned you to quietly divorce Irene and go away from our lives, but you are so stubborn. Don't blame me for being ruthless with you; you deserve it! Hahah!"

After saying this,she strutted back to her car. It was a luxury Range Rover Sport with a driver.

She sat in the back beside Darious, who was leaning against the door,peering at Calder from his peripheral view.

He smirked, watching how miserable Calder looked. He always wanted to make him feel immense pain, and now his dreams came true with the help of his mother,who equally loathed Calder.

"Did you see how pathetic that loser looked,mom? I should have beaten him up first before handling him over to the police! I can't believe I got beaten up by that loser!"

Darious felt humiliated. He balled his fists angrily.

"I told you I was going to handle him for you. I'll get him beaten badly by the police; don't feel bad about it anymore. That trash won't get away with this!"

"Come on,take us home. I'm tired!" Darius placidly says:


Calder was immediately thrown into jail as soon as they arrived at the police station. He was silent all through as he waited for his fate to be decided by the men.

His mind was still occupied with thoughts of the painful event he had to endure the whole day, only to end up in a jail cell for doing absolutely nothing wrong. There was no longer any doubt in his mind that he was indeed cursed.

After twenty minutes,one of the officers came back, took him out of the cell, and led him to a room.

He was asked to sit down while a constable came over to talk with him.

"Calder Landry,that's your name,right?" The constable asked.

"That's right,sir." Calder nodded with his face down.

The officer looked over the file in his hands and said,You have been charged with grievous offenses by Darius Scott, and he has evidence and witnesses to prove his claims against you. You are charged with assault and battery, bodily harm, and hate speech."

Calder raised his head in shock. His eyes widened with disbelief.

How could he be charged with so many crimes when all he did was kick Darius away and dodge his blows?

"You have the option of paying a fine of three thousand dollars or risking going to jail for at least a week." The officer said it conclusively.

"Officer, I really didn't do anything. Please let me go home with a warning this time." Calder pleaded.

"I can't let you go. If you are unable to afford the fine, then the only way I'll let you go is if you could get the Scott family to drop the charges against you; otherwise, I won't be able to help you out!"

The officer said it with a note of finality.

Hearing this,Calder felt his entire body covered in cold sweat. How on earth was he going to get the money?

He could barely afford a good meal for himself, and now he had to pay three thousand dollars to save his skin!

Seeing the worries on his face,the officer said,You are entitled to a few phone calls; if you don't have the money with you,you can make a call and ask for r helpOr better yet,you could ask the Scott family to drop the charges against you. I'll give you an hour to find a way out."

Saying this,the officer handed him the phone.

"Thank you so much,officer," Calder smiled,receiving the phone.

There were only two people he could ask for help from at this time; one of them was Ryan,his only friend who has an elderly mother to look after.

And the second person was Irene,who had just divorced him a few hours ago.

However,he didn't have any choice; he called Ryan first.

As Calder scrolled through the list on his phone, he let out a bitter laugh. He didn't even have up to 10 contacts listed on his phone.

It was expected, though, as Calder always worked most of the time. Therefore, he didn't have time for parties, occasions, fundraisers, and the like.

Finally,he found Ryan's number.

Although Ryan was not wealthy, Calder was sure that he could help him out, no matter how small.

He dialed the number and placed the phone in his ears. On the second ring, Ryan picked up the call.

"Hello Calder! Calder, is that you?"

"Yes Ryan. It's me." Calder replied.

Ryan let out an audible sigh of relief. He had been so worried after the police took Calder away from the restaurant.

"Ryan, I'm in trouble. They won't let me go without paying three thousand dollars."

"What? Three thousand dollars?" Ryan asked,shocked.