
weapons that can hurt

"hey Nakia , let me guess , do we have to cut down this trees with power or somekind of magic scrolls that will made the trunk crack ?" I asked Nakia with a cynical note.

"ah.. yeah , some people used magic or power , some used animals like rhino or their pets" She said to me as she unsheathed her swords and put her body in a battle pose.

she looked into a big tree that stands before us , she asked "how much woods do you need ryuuji ?".

"Actually I just want to make a spear and some other weapons with the woods , I don't need this whole big tree so I guess we should look for a smaller one" I answered.

"well , as you can see , there are no such things as a small tree inside this forest so I'll cut this down and chop it into pieces" said Nakia.

she swing her sword with full power , a blue light covered her sword , I stood behind her for cover, and then a big chop is created on the tree.

"brace for impacts !!!" Nakia screamed to me.


"greeeeek" the sound of a big tree that starts to fall to the ground towards the soil that we were standing before.

the ground shakes , and it get worse the closer the trunks from the ground.

I looked up to the top of the tree , there are soo many big branches that will fall on us.

I pray to god as the tree fell closer and closer to us.

right before it hits our heads Nakia screamed "Quick Shield" then a ball shaped force field appears around us , locking ourself into ita protection . the tree branches that were about to crush us , is crushed and broke apart by the momentum of the fall , I was unable to Imagine what will happens to me if Nakia don't use her power.

Nakia hugged me because the shield is originaly meant to protect one person , but you can use it for two if you did that , her sword are ponting to the sky.

she is bigger and stronger than me , my body is only as tall as her eyes , not much of a different in size , but a big gap in power.

Nakia saw my face that were full of fears.

"it's okay , no one ever got killed by a tree in this world" said Nakia smiling to me.

"and I don't intend to be the first one" I answered , as I push my body back , releasing myself from that uncomfortable situation.

I saw the tree laid on the ground before my eyes , our body is surrounded by it's branches and leafes.

"ah , I guess you should just wait on the field back there while I cut this tree into pieces" said Nakia while pointing at an open field that we must pass before we arrive here.

I nod my head , and was unable to talk again due the fear of death , that nearly stroke me on the stupidest way possible.

I slowly walk trough the debris of the tree'* branches , I walked and lost inside my thoughts again , I was thinking , that I am so powerless , I can't even cut a tree without a help , I wonder how hard is this world without a help.

I keep wondering , I ask myself , "must I use my own creations to survive in this world without another's person helps ?".

I was thingking soo hard while sitting on the field that I wasn't paying any attention to what Nakia did with that tree.

I looked in to the sky , I was soo confused at that time , I mean , That was just a tree , how if the five kingdoms really came here to kill me and besiege the Adventurer's Peak with their full power.

what can I do , What will happen ?.

I put down my head and closed my eyes , I then took a deep breath , relaxing from all the thing that just happened and managed to empty my mind , I put aside all the negative situation that I might run into.

breath after breath , seconds by seconds , I keep thinking of a way out and then I found an Idea , an Idea that sounds really good to me that I'm not sure that it will work.

I opened my eyes and got suprised by the tree that were being cut by Nakia . the tree had already became a pile of woods that looked possible to cut by me.

"Oiiiii... Ruuuuuji , It's finished , come here and see , is it small enough for you to cut ?"

said Nakia to me while pointing her swords towards the tree.

I ran quickly , I rushed because I have a great Idea of saving everyone's life that might just works.

I arrived at tge pile of woods , tbe woods are chopped into pieces that are as long as my body and as thick as a water gallon.

I tried to lift on of them with my power and I was able to do it , I was very happy of it , and now I just have to find a way to cut it into a spear like form.

"hey Nakia , do you have tools thay I can use , you knew that I can't use swords right ? , maybe I could still use a saw or a machette that are used for cutting trees or butchering meat , do you have any " I asked to her while holding the wood.

"well , I have some at the tavern if you want to use , let me get it here real quick" said Nakia while reaching a mini bag that were attached to her thigs.

she took a black scroll and then opened it , she put the scroll on the ground , the scroll is as wide as a ventilation hole , I wonder what will she do with it.

and then she put a silver coin on the top of it theb write somethings , the scroll shines and than a portal that is as big as the scroll appeared on the scroll , Nakia then put her hands inside it ,and when she pulled it out , the tools that were mentioned before was already in her hands.

"here" said Nakia to me while handing the tools.

I put down the log in front of me and take the saw , then I immediately move into a sawing position , and then I tried to move my hands back and forward , and suprisingly , I can cut it .

I rushed to cut the log into a smaller staff like form . and then I sharpen the one of It's end with the machete and I managed to do it.

"hey Nakia , mind if I try something to you ?" I asled with a supicious smile on my face.

"what ? no ..... , if It's about the weapon im I'll be fine , but other , no !!" Nakia answered with an angry tone.

"I was just wanted to try the weapond I made on you , what the hell do you think Im going to do with you ?" I answered again and this time with an angry tone.

"okay ... okay... I'm sorry , I was just afraid because a girl like me is likely to became a victim of a man" she said answering my question.

"Im powerless okay , im as fragile as a new born baby , don't you remember ?" I said to her answering to her anxiety.

"anyway , get ready and give me your non dominant hand !!! " I said as I prepared to attack with the machete.

she gave me her left hand , and I slowly fold her sleeves so I can see her skinn.

then I put the machete on her hand and slowly pressing down and then slicing it , harder and harder evry time , but I was unable to put any effects on her skinn due the curse that I inherited from the Powerless hero.

and then I put aside the machete and switched to my sharpened staff , I slowly put the pointy tip to her skinn , and then gently pushed the staff into her hand.

"aww , It's hurt , just do it already so I can heal it" Nakia screamed and reach a scroll in her bag with her right hand.

"im sorry Nakia !!!" I screamed so loud and close my eyes as I stab the staff into her hand , and it pierces through her skinn and bone like if it was a sword.

"aaaaaaaargh , It's hurt , please pull it fast pull it out" said Nakia while crying and clenching her teeth due the pain.

her blood is everywhere , I bravely pull out the staff with all of my power, and managed to get it seperated with her hand.

then , she quickly use the scroll , and then a green light covers her wound , and slowly closing the wound until it completly gone , with no scars or nothing , as if it was just a soft skin of her.

"are you okay ?" I said to Nakia that were full of tears and looked really hurt.

"yeah , but there is something weird" She answered to me

"what is it ?" I asked.

"the wound heals completely , and left no scars behind , as if it was nothing , normally , a wound like that would took 7 weeks to heal, and another month to totally heal" Said her to me looking relieved.

I lost my energy , knewing that I've done a mistake .

it was a big mistake that I did that without knowing what would the result will be , bur thankfully , she is okay due the curse that I have.

hey its me again , thank you for the reads everyone , your Views are the main motivation for me to continue this project , and to celebrate 1K view I would make an illustration of our main character , Ruuji , Thanks for everything.

prehistoricman212creators' thoughts