
A start of a journey

I tried to close my eyes , the cold breeze of the winds that got indise the tavern sliced trough my face , it feels really cold an uncomfortable making my mind realize that im in such a different world than my life before.

while laying down I thought of the things I can do and create , the things that I learned from school , how to make Explosive by fuseing one chemical and another.

" I wish I was a scientist , or someone that understands how to make a weapon , how they work and all , but instead I was just an ordinary sallary man that you can easily find anywhere hahahah" I said to my self realizing that even tho I know there are so many chances I can dominate this world because things from my world haven't been found yet here , I have not enough knowledge to create them.

My minds keep wondering untill I slowly closed my eyes and fell asleep in the cold air of the so called "Adventurer's Peak".

As I sleep time keep changing , seconds turns into hours untill finaly the sun rises , and shines it lights to the unkown world.

I am awakened by the sounds of birds that are so loud , as if they were right beside my ears , I opened my eyes and saw , the light rays came in through the Tavern's wall that had some cracked because its weird building technic.

I just woke up at that time , and I rushed out , throwing my blanket up in the air and went outside the tavern to cure my curioustiy about this place.

When I got outside the Tavern , I immediately take a closer look ans inspect the way they build the tavern , I used mye steps to measure the lengtho of each side , and yeah I found that it was not the same.

I am really sure that the tavern was meant to be built with a rectangular shape by its creator , but Instead , the height of the front side and the back side was not the same , the angle of its corner also not excatly 90 degrees , I started to wonder in my head ,"haven't they found measurement tools ?" I smiled and went back inside the tavern , knowing that in this dangerous world , people are really dependant on their powers , and because of that , the importance of science is being asided , no Inventors or anything , like Nakia said yesterday , they even use magic to create fire , because almost everyone can use powers here.

Nakia is already there , her faced was really messed up and also her hair was. She smiled at me and "good morning ryuuji" she said as she laid her face on the table slowly yawning and closed her eyes due to her sleepy feeling.

" hey Nakia , the sun has already rose up , aren't you supposed to rush your preparation for the Tavern ?" I said as I looked to Nakia's attitude

"ahh, I see , you haven't realized yet , my only customer are that prince and his friends , and they always came here on the evening so I don't need to rush" she said wit a low voice , she sounds very sleepy , I wonder what time do we slept yesterday , is it to late for her , I relly didn't know anything about this world.

"hey Nakia , wake up , I need your help , please , I want to test something today" I toched her shoulder to woke her up

"what is it that you are up to ?" said her while she starts to sit properly ont the chair

"I wanted to try to make my own weapons , I got afeeling that if I create one by myself I would be able to use it , because the weight is suitable for me , come on and help me gain some woods" I said to Nakia with a serious face.

"okay , wait , I want to take a bath first , you can use the Tavern's rest room under the stairs if you want to" She said to me and then she left and went upstairs to take a bath.

I wen tto the restroom , but when I opened the door , I can't see no toilet , no water and nothing , nothing but a chest full of magic scrolls. I took two of the magic scrolls , they were written with a really weird looking alphabets , but I can read it somehow , I thought that the light maybe gave me some basic abilities too so that I don't have to waste my time to learn language.

The scrolls are the same , the scrolls said how to use the scrolls , I followed the Instruction that Is written in the scrolls , I took up my armour , and my suit , and became naked , then I said the magic words that were written on the scrolls , and then a white light appeared and surrounds my body , it is really warm and refreshing , and after 5 seconds , it disappeared , and yes , I can no longer feel the will to go poop or anything you shuld do in the morning , and I also lose my bad smell , and then I put back my suit and armour , then went back to the Tavern.

"man , that was really weird , the rulse said I can't use magic but I just did that" I said to my self , lost inside my thougts again.

Then Nakia came with a different outfit , she wore a dress that is made from cow's skinn under her light armour.

"alright ready to go ? we will be heading to the woods if you want to search for some wood" she said smiling gently to me.

"okay then , the woods it is" I said as I turned my back on her and started to walk outside the tavern.

Nakia and me walked down the street , the people that passes and saw us always looks really sad , maybe they just people that knew Nakia , and think thast she is already hit her game over , because she is the one who helped the "powerless hero" , maybe for them helping the powerless hero means a certain death wish.

Got disturbed by that , I look up to her face , but she is still smiling like always , her smile really ease my feelings about what happened yesterday in the Tavern , and I started to understand why the prince humiliated me like that , and wanted me to die , if I were him , I will do the same to protect Nakia.

"hey Nakia , aren't you afraid ?" I asked to her with a face full of consideration.

" afraid of what ?, you ? , you won't be able to do anything stupid with me in the woods , your weak as a newborn baby" she said to me while smiling.

"no , I mean , you are currently helping the so called "powerless hero" right ?, it means that you are putting your life and also everyone in this area to the danger of being invaded and punished by the other kingdoms" I answered to Nakia's question and got a little bit frustated with her

" ah… nope" she said , as her expression chages , reflecting her true felings.

"you know , you don't have to help me if you want to , im okay" I said to her , tho I knew that im the one that took her with me in the first place.

"no … its okay , im more than willing to help you , I …. Ah…. I just want you to at least have one single person that helps you , so you won't end up killing yourself like the hero before you" she said as she smiles to me with a sad face.

"wait , what ? the hero before me , suicide ?" I asked to her as I got surprised by her statement.

She nod her head slowly while smiling , her smile was different , it is a smile that carries sadness in it , a smile of a person that had lost someone important in their life. My thoughts fill my head again , I wonder what happened between Nakia and the hero before me.

We walked down the street untll we finally reached the woods that is located just outside the village , the woods are really dark , with really tall trees , the trees are so tall , it is almost the same with a five stories building , they are big and strong , I started to wonder , how can I cut this down with my own hands , I bet they use power or magic to take this down.

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