

"My good sir this is a good story and you are already so far ahead in the story, I really like it, "Said the Japanese manga artist as well as the American comics creator

" I am glad you like it, now will you be publishing it, I will provide the money, of course, My name does not have to be in it, I just want to send a positive message," Said Steve to the artist.

As for what they were talking about, it was about two novels that he had written or to say clearly he had stolen, He wanted to spread a positive image to the world about what was to be released, He chose two stories that he had read in his previous world.

My hero academia


And the flash series in comics

These were the ones he was going to introduce to the world, make sure that he didn't write any super speed formula to later find out he made a flash in this world haha.

As for why he did not want his name in it as an author or stuff was because it would be a way for others to say that he was trying to manipulate the people and stuff

It would still take a month before the releases would start, by that time I will make a publishing firm as well as a makeshift company and stuff,

Charles and Bolivar were a good source of cash

'I will not outright be controlling people, it's just like being an ambassador of peace, except he would use magic to make people see his point as the right one.' thought Steve

Someone who will actively try to deny him can be safe from the effect of this magic but not others.

With that done he bid the two people goodbye and left the restaurant where they held the meeting.

To say that the comics and anime would spread a high favorability towards the mutants was a pipe dream but it might cause a little wave.

Maybe kids would not feel scared of seeing four-armed humans or seeing someone have ten ears or thirty mouths because of him being a mutant.

A river is made after a hundred drops and every journey starts with a single step was and will always be a true saying.

To say that he was giving it his all to save the normal people from the mutants was true because only he knew that if the normal people so much as dared to lay a single hand on anyone if his people, he would do his utmost to stop them.

A single child killed in The Xavier mansion was enough to make him go to lengths even he could not agree to at the moment.

He was on his way to Charles, It only takes a total of Fifteen minutes to go to Charles school so he was not worried about wasting his time, rather he was looking forward to meeting everyone, Rogue was busy with homework.....His homework so she was not able to come with him.

He also had good news for Some people of the Charles mansion.

Steve gently parked the car in the garage and walked in.

The Mansion was fuller than ever before, Kids of different ages we're walking here and there.

The sight of a small girl with Two horns on her head playing tea house with another boy with a pointy tail in the benches outside made him very happy.

Sometimes he thought that maybe he actually has the empathy skill for sure. The kids did not mind his presence and continued with what they were doing.

The school looked more like a house for orphans than a school at this point.

(My boy!! you are back already, Come here I will call for the others alright)

Charles talked to him specifically in his mind, he had allowed the Telepathy power of his Adoptive father to reach him, basically anything that did not directly invade his brains.

He took slow steps as he took the sight of the beautiful architecture in his mind, it seemed to him that he had left for more than a year rather than two weeks.

He walked into Charles's office without knocking, something the others were used to already.

"Hello, Charles!" Said Steve with a little bit of Awkwardness, before he saw the other moving forward

"How have you been man, I missed you"

"Yeah man it was fun being normal with you around," said Kurt

"Where is Rogue, Why did she not come with you"

Everyone asked him what was on their mind, Charles kept quiet on the side, Another blue colored beast was standing by his side, he was very furry but had a gentle smile on his face.

It was The beast, Hank Mccoy.

"It is nice to meet you Mr.Steve Tepes, I have heard a lot about you, Would you mind giving me a few vials" It seemed Steve was wrong

The guy was literally shoving two vials at his face with a huge smile.

"For research purpose of course," said Beast

"Alright that's enough let him have some free space," said Charles

After a while, everyone left the room besides Scott, Charles, and Steve himself.

"So what is it you want to talk about for you to drive the other out," Asked Scott with a slight frown

"I have a gift for you both, I guess you don't want it, sigh let's just forget it then," Said Steve trying to hold back a smile

"It's not good to tease an old man's heart, besides I would really appreciate whatever you have for me, and I also have another thing I want to talk to you about, it's very serious," said Charles with a hi to of concern.

Steve walked towards Scott and gave him a sign

"What! are you mad! No, I can't do that....oh wait for" Said Scott, Steve nullified his powers and asked him to take off his goggles.

Steve needed to take off Scotts goggles before he could actually heal him, or modify him in this case.

"Aye it's been a while since I was last able to see some other colors than red haha, I really missed you," Said Scott with a fresh grin

He would always follow Steve everywhere so that his powers could stay nullified for longer.

"Yeah II am about to make it so that you will never have to put those goggles on-again, Now close your eyes and don't put on the goggles alright, I am about to fix yo sorry ass," Said Steve with total seriousness

"Wait for what! I don't understand, how can you fix me, is that another one of your abilities or what"

Steve did not give him any time and turned off the qualifications, Making Scott close his eyes tightly, Scott began to feel that same searing heat from his eyes

Steve performed several spells at once,

Scanning Scott's whole body with Both of his Scanning spells in hopes of understanding his X gene factors changes as well as to see what was damage to repair it.

They stood just like that for a whole hour, Scott could feel constant waves of some kind of energy flowing through him as Steve kept understanding his ability to the best of his ability.

Repairing, Scott's eyes were already over, what he was really after was the understanding of what was different in his genes, studying the gene factor of Scott.

After studying for a while more, He finally gave up, He had the graph if Scotts X gene in his mind already so he can study it later.

Spells were really convenient, Although he could not understand it properly, the spell had saved the Virtual fragment of Scotts X factor in Steve to review later, just like with spidermans whole body graphs.

"Open your Eyes, Scott, you can do it," said Steve with a sole nod

He did not notice when everyone had come back inside the office, Charles was also looking at Scott hopefully.

"Did you really not nullify my eyes power.....I can see now, I don't have to wear those stupid goggles again, Thank you, thank you, this is the best Gift ever" said Scott as he gave Steve a big hug which seemed as if it could actually crush a log

Scott had always been someone that spoke less and was not proficient enough in saying his feeling to anyone, The very reason that kept Scott on the realms of Singles.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! " Scott was nowhere near stopping with his thanks as his snot was dangling from his nose and studying on Steve clothes

After a loving hug from everyone, Scott finally calmed down before he ran off with everyone, leaving Steve behind since Charles had something to tell Steve.

The others always felt that Charles gave Steve too many favors and now they had a clear reason why that was so.

They did not even question if he used some vaccine or not, Scott was now able to use his ability at will, though if he wanted to use his beams at full power, he would need to use some equipment.

Kurt and Beast were eying Steve with every bit of hope they had, which was soon crushed when he said that he would do it later.

"So what is it that you wanted to talk to me about Professor " Aske Steve while sitting opposite to Charles.

"I am really thankful to you, if it were not for you, Beast would have died by the Hands of Bolivar, he was among one of the people Bolivar had kidnapped somehow, I was not aware that Beast was captured, so I am thankful about that, I can't thank you enough," said Charles with a wide smile

"You have taken in more people than I have in my lifetime, You are really something, No matter what you do I am always with you," Said, Charles

"Yeah yeah, Just give me some more cash and it's all good and possibly teaches my new friend Peter some things that you know, other than the genetics, of course, He is an unpolished diamond." Said, Steve

"I can do that if someone has caught your eyes he surely must be special," said Charles with a twinkle in his eyes

"Old man, no looking into my friends mind alright, Hands off, I have promised him his privacy and I don't intend to go against it," Said Steve seriously, he did not want To let other people know about Peter, Mainly because he had promised To Peter that he would keep things under wraps. It did not matter to him if other people found out who he was though

Charles and Steve talked for another hour, talking about stuff

"Alright, I need to go and. before I do so there is a gift for you as well" Steve said with the smug face

"You are being overly generous these days am I going to get healed as well, haha," Said Charles in a mocking laughter


"Haha, nice joke, my inability is not because if my X gene, so yeah "

"Yup, sleep," Steve said before putting a finger on Charles, totally unprepared for it, Charles fell asleep

Steve made small work of Charles, using all magic he had to restore Charles destroyed leg muscles to normal, then repairing his spine and nerves, then using ailment healing in case Charles had something that he possibly could never miss,

After that was done, Steve, used his spell of Advanced healing again and gave the old man a tom of life force as well as having Body augmentation on Him to make him reach peak human state, A personal gift on the house.

The last thing that, Steve did was lift the old man up as he shoved the wheelchair to the other end of the office placing the old man on the sofa

The old man would surely be surprised once he felt the changes to his body.

No one came in to see Charles for the whole time, Because Steve told them all that he had told Charles very very sad news and he was told that he wanted to stay alone

'Kekkeke I feel like Santa now'

'But I also need to heal the others,' these were the thoughts going through Steves mind, But he was already tired mentally from studying so many specimens today, He asked Beast to visit him later on along with Kurt.

Today was an eventful day and made him feel like a Saint that he was


I used Grammarly and it shows I have made no grammar mistakes, so I will try and see if you guys can find any, ENJOY THE CHAPIE