

Currently, I am at the building that is owned by Bolivar Trask, the Xmen's worst enemy to date. The creator of the sentinels, he is my target and one of the things in my to-do lists.

I am currently invisible and am waiting until he is done with his little speech and stuff, I can probably do it faster but I better be patient and not mess up. Invisibility potion really is the best thing, I can just study my new magic while I do spying work.

The new magic that I got is... BODY ENHANCEMENT BABY!!

From what I can see a guy is a good person..to the humans that is, he considers my kind as a bad omen, things that are cancerous, maybe it's just that he is jealous that he cannot get what we have that son of a bitch. I really hope to know if he knows about the mutants or not, With his so human-friendly speech I am starting to doubt the settings of this world, out of the whole marvel I don't know much a bit and I don't want the most of what I know to be pure garbage.

and I am proud to say it's much easier because of my previous magic study, I know the body enough to enhance but I am not gonna start by enhancing myself that is for sure.

It takes two hours for the great humanities savior to adjourn the meeting, I follow him to his personal office, the guy has no idea.

He walks over to his desk and seemingly puts a pen in a small hole by the side of the desk before a holographic blueprint comes up, it looks what is like acts like robotic thing, probably a sentinel kind that I did not know of.

"Soon I shall send you to have a test run," he says as villainously as he could with that short midget body of his. Alright, this guy is bad news for the mutants, it will also help me complete one of the two missions of Blessing of Steve.

Now here is a problem, I cannot go back to normal, because there are still two minutes left before the timer ends for the invisibility potion.

I don't want to take any chances so I wrap the midget in light chains as he homes in surprise, flailing his arms.

"So you think you can threaten my kind without any consequence and effect, watch how I ruin your life, watch what I do to your family, watch how I cruelly kill your children, watch as to how I slice you piece by piece, Hahahahahaa," I say to him sounding as mean as possible, his eyes are practically coming out of his sockets, trying to speak up, to bargain probably. Or it could be a command that would initiate something bothersome, a lesson I got from watching sci-fi movies.

I tap his mind and activate my Wicked voice actively, pinpointing his memories of finding out about mutants....the fucker has some other people who know about it, most are scientists.i will have to mind rape them as well.

I basically erase his superstition of us mutants being a. threat as well as being planting a seed that mutants are going to be the pillars of the human race.

Now that this is done I look at my blessing of Steve and the mission bar has filled by half which means I have stopped or avoided one high-as-fuck level threat.

I also thought it would be a wise idea to make him see me as an important person, seeing me as someone he should be thankful of and stuff

I also thought it would be a good idea that I restore the guy to full health while getting rid of some of the diseases he has, it's like a future investment when the world will openly get to know of the mutants I need to have some backing to keep standing.

After I was done with him I went on to take care of the others that have similar expression as him, some minor engineers and scientists.planting false love in their minds.

This whole sneak operation took me a couple of hours, but it was all worth it. Since I had nothing better to do at night than to sleep so did this whole thing in the night time.

I will also be using the Bolivars lab to do some testing on my enhancement magic. I also ordered him to take all the children back to their families or give them over to Charles, though discreetly.

The magical spells that I have acquired from the book are


ALLOWS YOU TO STUDY THE SAID THING UNDER OBSERVATION IN KEEN DETAILS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF BODY ENGAMCEMENT.skill already at highest level due to light magic advanced scan magic. Allows you to study magical integrity as well


Using your knowledge of the body and others to augment your body,

It's great magic depending on how you use it, I can use it to first scan Captain America as well as spiderman if he agrees to it. Hulk as well.

I will also have to take a trip back to the X mansion, I have enough ability to give some of the mutants a chance, such as repairing Scott's eyes as well as Charles's spine.

Though I have already used it to increase my physical limit to the best of humanity already.


Bolivar Trask POV:-

Ohh my God! what was I about to do, I was about to kill innocents, more like I already killed some of them, yes if it were not for master.....Sir, then I would not have seen my folly.

I must correct this, I shall help the mutants any way I can, and see if sir needs my help with anything though I doubt he needs some financial aids. I must right my wrongs.

First I need to send these kids to Charles and see what can be done, I hope he does not see me in any bad light, Should I use mast....sirs name in this or not.


"So have you decided what your pay is gonna be , Honestly I don't know what the pays are normally so just give me a figure" I asked him

"Yeah about that, I also searched online and it seems that...., " he gave me a paid with a hint of excitement,"Fucking 5~6000 dollars a month baby!!"

Won't that's a fucking time number ,I hope I can really bring this guy in , maybe I need to establish some business as well, some innovation company , yeah that will be good

"Yeah that is about right, Anyway you can do whatever you want in the lab as long as the building does not blow up.Lets see what you can come up with" I said to him in challenge,I was his employer.

Hearing me , he put his finger up as if he just remembered something,"Ohhh! Actually, I already came up with something, "

He said to me and threw a small perfumed sized bottle at me

"It's a spray, one to stop open wounds from bleeding out, stays on for an hour, and I also have the dissolution with me if you need it too dissolves faster. Can contain anything from an ax wound to a bullet wound" He said while giving me an explanation

Man, I knew that he was a genius but already making something, I doubt he can take full four days to complete it.

Now I just need to establish a company, or maybe just ask Bolivar to take care of it, Nah I will make my own company, who knows if he is even going to act out or not! This is marvel anything can happen


So I chose the enhancement magic

Just did not have the drive to learn death understanding, too Op from what I was going to make of it..

Imagine you having something close to mystic eyes of death perception.