
The Power of Ice

Our dear protagonist is obsessed with the power over ice. Whether or not that is healthy, remains to be seen. The fact is, that he is granted a chance to not only wield that power but to show everyone, that it is the most powerful one around ... at least in his hands. A Multiverse Fanfiction, starting in One Piece. He will travel from world to world, using the powers of Essences, which are given to him. He has no say in what he is given.

Daoistz1VV3s · Anime und Comics
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28 Chs


(Kuzan POV)

[So you're telling me, you had to kill Doflamingo because he was about to kill, Commander Rosinante?], the voice of Sengoku is heard.


[That is bullshit, Aokiji!! Do you have any idea what will happen now, that you killed a former Celestial Dragon? They will have to punish you!]

"Didn't you also want to eliminate the Donquixote Pirates for good though?"

[Yes! But if you kill him, you indirectly disrespect the Celestial Dragons. This will have terrible consequences for you.]

"Eh, those old geezers should be wary of me more than I am of them. It is time that someone cleans up around these waters.", I say. I am bored of this discussion right about now. Tsuru already told me all of this. This is old news. 

[You Brat!! You're just like Garp! I should have never allowed you to be taught by him!]

"You and Kong-san tried to stop it and you succeded for a good part. So don't beat yourself up. I would have never accepted another teacher anyway. I didn't change my ways because of Garp."

[What's done is done. You knew what you were doing. So you must accept what happens next. ... How is Rosinante?]

"He'll survive. Took quite a beating your boy. He protected that child, you can be proud."

[Where is the child now? Did you take him in?]

"Why would I take a child in? You told me to watch out for the clown and I did that. If you wanted me to abduct a child, you would have had to tell me."


"Sengoku-san are you there?"



"Better I hang up right there. We wouldn't want to have young children hear this.", I say and then look at the boy in front of me. He is looking at me with a strange expression. He has been watching me for a while now. 

"What is it? You hungry?"

"Why did you say that?"

"Say what?"

"That you didn't take me in?"

"Do you understand what will happen if they find out that you have eaten the Ope Ope no Mi? The World Government was willing to pay 5 billion berries for it, so if you ate it, they would either take you in and make you a slave of some kind, or they would kill you. The World Government is a corrupt and dark place and most of what they say is a lie. 

The Marines are their dogs for the most part. I am looking to change that. So by letting you go now, I make sure that they won't get you and your powers. Find a good doctor and learn from him. The Amber Lead is not contagious, so don't worry. Using the Ope Ope no Mi, you will be able to get rid of the lead in your body and then be healthy again."

"... Why do you tell me all of this?"

"It's the truth. I want you to know what you're up against. Heal yourself, grow strong and then gather allies and friends. Make sure to grow strong, because otherwise ... you will die.", I say and then walk away from the scene. Before I disappear though, I say another thing. 

"I suggest you leave Minion Island and go to Swallow Island first. If you don't want that, I'm sure I could take you with me to see my daughter. She could teach you and another one, I will take with me."

"W-where would that be? Don't you just want the power of my Ope Ope no Mi?"

"No boy. I don't need your power. I have enough of that on my own. But I believe you could use some friends.", I say waiting for his response. After contemplating for a moment, Law decides to accept my offer and nods his head. I nod as well. 

"Good.", I say and stomp on the ground. There, a small ice entrance can be seen and I open it, revealing a tunnel. I just created this while standing here. I motion for Law to come and enter the tunnel. 

"You two will follow this tunnel to the shore. There you will wait for me to come and pick you up. Don't leave, understood?"

"Two?", he asks me. Instead of answering him, I look to the right where a small girl has been hiding this entire time. 

"You can come out now, girl. I won't hurt you.", I say and see the girl look from behind a small wall. 

"Baby 5?", Law exclaims.

"Come here little one. I'll bring you somewhere safe.", I say to her and see her slowly approach me. She looks at me with fear and also hope. 

"Will you need me?", she asks and surprises me with that question. Need? Why would she ... I see. This world ... seriously.

"Of course. How can someone not need such a cute girl like you? And I mean this in a very clean and proper way. I'm sure my daughter would love to meet you as well.", I tell her and that seems to be all she needed to hear. She has a problem. We'll need to address that in the future. 


"Really. Now, be a good girl and go with Law to wait for me. I'll pick you guys up later, ok?", I say and she nods her head vigorously. Then she jumps into the tunnel and Law does so as well. I then seal it again and then finally leave. Robin will not be happy that I brought two new kids with me. Or maybe she will enjoy it? Yes, that makes sense. 


The aftermath of what happened here took hours to resolve. I couldn't leave, because I was told to explain everything over and over again. It was honestly very tiring. And then, just as I was finally finished telling the same story over again, and I wanted to leave, I was stopped by a group of white-coated and masked individuals ... Cipher Pol. 

"What can I do for you fine gentlemen ... and lady?", I asked them. 

"Admiral Aokiji, the Five Elders have summoned you. You are to go to Mary Geoise immediately and with haste.", one of them says. 

"Aha, very nice. I do like the tea they have there. I wonder if they would finally give me some of it ... what do you think?"

"Enough! Do you understand your order?"

"Sure sure.", I say and then walk away. But then I stop again and look behind me. 

"Why are you following me?"

"We are to make sure that you follow the order you were given. You have a record of being tardy and not doing what you were told. This time ... that won't happen.", the leader says and tries to be intimidating. But he's not. It is rather annoying. 

"Aha, well suit yourself.", I say and continue walking. What they don't know is that three clones of me, made of ice have risen from the ground and knocked all of them out. There is no way I would allow these idiots to accompany me. I have something else to do entirely. So the Five Elders can wait. 


Finally, I take my leave. I create the same underwater tunnel out of ice as I did when I brought Robin from Ohara to East Blue. Doing that, I make my way to the place where the ice tunnel is located, where Baby and Law are waiting. I make my way there and feel them waiting. I connect the tunnels and then remove the top, revealing them. 

"Hey there. Are you ready to leave?", I ask and Baby nods her head again. She has a big smile on her face but Law doesn't. He seems to be worried about something. 

"What is it?"

"What will happen to Cora-san?"

"Rosinante? He will now get healing and later, he will probably get a promotion or something like that. There is no reason for you to be worried about him.", I tell him and he nods. 

"I'm sure you will meet again in the future. And depending on what you want to do with your life, he might have to hunt you down later."

"Hunt me down?"

"Well if you become a pirate, I mean."

"You will make me into a pirate? Aren't you a Marine?"

"I won't make you into anything. What you want to become is your own choice. And that goes for both of you. Never let someone else tell you what you should become or what your dreams are, ok?"

"Yes." "Oki"

"Good then. So let us leave. There might be a stop we'll do in Swallow Island later, to get you guys some food. But for now, enjoy the ride.", I say.

"Ride? What do-", Law starts but then is shut up when he and Baby are suddenly inside a Dog sledge, with me standing behind them and a few ice dogs pulling us through the tunnel. 

"Woooaaaahhh", Baby is in awe and Law also can't mutter anything right now. He must be impressed at how I use my devil fruit. This is good for him, he will be able to take some inspiration from that. 


We make our way to Swallow Island. I tell the two to stay put here and not move. There is a chance that someone will see us and I don't want that. Thankfully, the World Government doesn't know about me being able to climb the Red Line to reach the East Blue or any blue for that matter. 

I use a disguise and buy a lot of food for the two of them. When I return though ... I see that instead of two children ... there are now three children. Two humans, one boy and one girl and one mink. 

"What is this? Where did you come from?", I ask.

"This is Bepo. He was getting bullied, so I helped him.", Law says. I can see that he expects me to get angry for some reason. But instead, I just nod my head and tell them to get back in the dog sledge. 

"You ... you're not mad?"

"Why would I be mad?"

"Because I didn't follow your order to stay put."

"That is true, so why did you help Bepo?", I ask him.

"W-ell ..."


"He was getting bullied and he needed the help. I couldn't just watch and do nothing."

"Then that's that. You weighed helping Bepo as more important than staying put here. Life is full of such decisions. And I agree with you. Helping Bepo, was the right decision.", I tell him and then we continue our journey.

Only now, I don't bring only two children ... but three. What will Robin say? She will be glad no? I mean she did want me to bring her a book to learn new things. But what is better to learn from, than your own mistakes? Yes, I am smart. 


After a few days, we reached the Red Line. I took it slowly with the three. They were still rather small and not used to travelling this long per day. I carried them all up the Red Line and then back down the other side. 

I made sure that no one saw us, but when I saw the three looking at me with puppy dog eyes ... I believed Bepo could do it the best, I just had to do it. They had asked me whether I could create other things with my ice and I told them yes. I told them that I usually create roller coasters. That was a mistake. After that, they asked me once per minute to create a roller coaster for them.

So when we were about to descend the Red Line, I created a roller coaster for all three of us and had them scream their lungs out. If you mess with the bull, you're going to get the horn. 

We finally arrived at the village, where Robin was staying. I could tell that this would be a complicated discussion. 


"You did what?!!"