
The Geek Lounge

The day had been long and stressful, so I was incredibly happy when the evening rolled around and I was able to leave the office to go and meet with Nikolas. There was fifteen years worth of catching up we needed to do, and I was ready for it. 

To my pleasant surprise, Hugo had already gone home, so that saved me the trouble of having to send him there. Most of the people in the office were already gone, so I didn't have anyone to say goodbye to on my way out. 

The elevator ride was quiet and quick, just how I liked it. Sad to say, but on the busy days where people are trailing back and forth, the solo elevator rides were the only brief moments of comfort one had until they had to go back home to the family and children. I really hoped that wouldn't be my case. As far as I could tell now, having triplets would be a joy. My heart's biggest desire was that the feeling would be permanent.