
The Piercing ICE [Free Story]

Ten years already passed when Sabrina Marques lost her parents during their dinner meeting. She became the CEO of their family hotelier since it was the business of her parents that she inherited. But aside from being beautiful whom everyone adored and loved, she was also known in their company as a strict, grumpy, and cold person. The only person who can tolerate that was her personal bodyguard that has been assigned to her ever since she was a teenager. But even the peaceful silence of being alone together stir up some feelings that had been hidden from a long time ago. It awakened something in Iolana Caine Ervania or ICE for short whenever Sabrina was very close to her. Her sleeping vampire blood. What would Sabrina do when she learned the secret of her parents about ICE's real identity? Will she be able to accept that her feelings for ICE were for a lifetime commitment? Can Sabrina welcome the potential motherhood when ICE’s hidden secret is revealed in their heated session? *All Rights Reserved

MistIris · LGBT+
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36 Chs

21: Meeting Prey’s Lover & Annoyance

As always Sabrina was being bombed by mumbling squeals from ICE fans as soon as they got inside the DEMar Hotel. Automatically she tightened her hold around ICE's arms. ICE smiled deeply and just let her lady hold her possessively until they get on the lift.

"They're gone now, babe." ICE teasingly whispered in Sabrina's ear.

"When are they going to stop?" Sabrina nudged her sides while glaring as if she was going to burn anything that she sees.

"Never even I got married to you. It won't happen." ICE smirked as she watched Sabrina's reaction.

"And why do you expect it won't?" Sabrina cold asked as she arched her left eyebrow at her.

"Hm, maybe because that's how handsome you're girlfriend was." ICE winked at her then the lift opened for them.

"Argh…just thinking of it made my blood boil." Sabrina was totally annoyed by what her lover just said.

ICE was laughing as they walked toward her office and were greeted by a confused secretary. Joan followed a look at them as they passed in front of her desk heading to the ICE office. She just shakes her head and leaves them be. But once they got inside the office, ICE pulled Sabrina immediately closer to her body and let their lips meet once again.

"Does that kiss do its trick on calming you down?" ICE asked while her eyes burns deeply into Sabrina's.

"It does. But seriously, why early than yesterday?" Sabrina's curiosity started on kicking in.

"I have to since you already knew what I am dealing with at the moment. You even managed to guess who am I meeting at the moment." she answered while she put her coat on the coat rack and settled on the desk.

"So, you're indeed meeting the prey's lover today?" Sabrina wondered as she took a seat on the couch in the office.

"Earlier much better than later." She smirked while operating her computer and Sabrina began scanning the magazine she found on the coffee table beside the couch she was sitting on.

"As expected from you." Sabrina expectedly smirked when she heard that response.

"I know right." ICE confidently chuckled and soon their conversation dropped which made her go back to her duty as the lady boss or the CEO of the DEMar Hotel.

Sabrina was absorbed with the magazine that she was checking on while ICE was preoccupied with work around the hotel. They were both busy in their own world until a knock began echoing throughout the office. It made Sabrina stopped from reading magazines and went to the shelves of novels that ICE sorted neatly.

"Boss, Ms. Park is here as per your request." Joan politely informed ICE as soon as she entered after the knock that she did.

"Let her in then and prepare tea for us." ICE nodded and commanded to prepare them something to drink.

"Ms. Park, you can enter now." Joan guided the lady in her thirties and leave once Ms. Park entered the office.

"You asked for me, Lady boss?" Ms. Park curiously wondered why she was summoned by their boss.

"Don't be afraid, just relax and have a seat. I hope you don't mind the presence of my lady in our meeting." ICE smiled genuinely and friendly manner that made Ms. Park smile in return.

"No, I don't have any complaint with it." Ms. Park smiled while sitting comfortably on the couch across from Sabrina's spot.

"Okay, I know you're shocked when I requested for you this early, and don't worry you are not in trouble at all. But I will be blunt and go straight to the point why you are here. Do you have any idea about the existence of the Spider Lily?" ICE was serious but went careful about asking Ms. Park about her knowledge of the spider lily's existence.

"I just heard it from the news and from my lover. Why, you asked me about it, boss?" Ms. Park honestly answered but curiously wondered.

"I will give you something but you have to stop working late at night and be with your child." ICE gave some hints which made Ms. Park agitated and Sabrina started to notice it.

"How?" Ms. Park was agitated.

"Babe, you're making her nervous with your bluntness." Sabrina stopped ICE from speaking too direct about Ms. Park since it was giving confusion in her mind.

"Oh, sorry about that but I'm your boss. I am taking care of my employees and this is one of my way of saying my gratitude to those who were deserving to receive them." ICE pardoned herself for being too much blunt and explained what really meant to her offer.

"We're going to give you the privilege of working here full-time and taking care of your child's education and health." Sabrina was the one who offered since ICE might say it in another way.

"You mean?" Ms. Park could not believe what she was hearing and she began to cry.

"Your child will be in Marques' educational scholarship and health insurance." Sabrina went closer to her and handed her a tissue to wipe her tears away.

"Why do I deserve such an offer?" Ms. Park cried.

"Terek Evangelista asked you to, didn't he?" ICE directly asked and it surprised Ms. Park as soon as she heard it.

"How did you know about him and his request?" Ms. Park started to feel agitated once again as she asked.

"I have my ways as my old code name still represents me in time of need." ICE answered and made him gasp.

"You're…" Ms. Park was about to speak to ICE a long time ago code name but ICE raise her hand to stop her from finishing it.

"Sshh, it is long gone. But are you accepting our offer?" ICE wondered.

"Oh my, I will. Thank you for this. You won't regret it." Ms. Park jolted up and bowed with such eagerness and the couple smiled at her acceptance.

"Go to Joan, she will give you something and make sure to move on that address today." ICE get up from the couch and shook hands with her.

"Thank you, lady boss." Ms. Park was crying with happiness.

"You're very much welcome." ICE smiled and let Ms. Park excuse herself to get what her lady boss on her secretary's possession.

As soon as their meeting with the prey's lover, ICE finally sigh in relief and Sabrina pulled her hand to sit once again on the couch. Once she was resting on it, Sabrina's head leaned over her shoulder after guiding ICE's arm around her. ICE chuckled but she started gently caressing Sabrina's shoulder as the silence began to wrap around the office.

There were a few minutes of silence when ICE started to hum a melody called Music of the Night from the Phantom of the Opera soundtrack. Sabrina sweetly giggled and started singing the lyrics of the song.

"Nighttime sharpens, heightens each sensation

Darkness stirs and wakes imagination

Silently the senses abandon their defenses…" Sabrina started singing while she was savoring the warmness she was receiving from ICE's arms.

"Slowly, gently night unfurls its splendor

Grasp it, sense it, tremulous and tender

Turn your face away from the garish light of day

Turn your thoughts away from cold, unfeeling light

And listen to the music of the night…" ICE continued before she pushed Sabrina lightly to make her look deeply into her piercing eyes. They both stopped singing the song and just looked at each other.

"What is it?" Sabrina wondered while their eyes were fixed on each other.

"Nothing, my love. I just hope one day when you learn my dark secrets, I hope you still accept the love that I have for you." ICE smiled as she caressed the face of her beloved human.

"Why are you saying this to me? Are you going somewhere?" Sabrina felt the sorrow and longingness in her voice. It worries and hurts her.

"I am not leaving but I have to deal with the Bad Brothers tonight. Please, don't interfere in this matter. Let me move freely so, I could come back to you alive." ICE smiled weakly at her and Sabrina already could sense that it will be dangerous for her to asked not to interfere in her case anymore further.

"I understand, but come home to my arms." Sabrina almost cry but she hold it and caressed dearly the face of her lover.

"You're my home, Sabrina." ICE smiled and felt the warmness that she could feel around Sabrina's presence.

Slowly, the gap between them was closing in and lips were about to feel the need once again but an unexpected guest ruined their moment.

"Oh, lovebirds, kissing in the office." Lexie teasingly interrupted the kiss that Sabrina was about to taste once again but never gonna happen at the moment.

"Way to go to interrupt our moment." Sabrina rolled her eyes in annoyance yet, she still received a loving kiss from ICE's lips when it landed on her cheek that was closed to her lips. Sabrina could not hide the blush tainting her cheeks.

"Totally, loving the kiss there." Lexie teased Sabrina as she put her arms around ICE's waist when she head to her desk. Sabrina glared and immediately grabbed Lexie's arm and pulled it away from ICE's waist.

"Don't touch her. She's mine." Sabrina possessively told Lexie who was faked take a back while ICE facepalm herself from what was happening to the two ladies across her desk.

"So, what? You're not married." Lexie hit the nerve and Sabrina didn't like it. She was indeed boiling in anger and was about to say something when Lexie pecked her lips.

"LEXIE." ICE firmly warned but Lexie was just fooling around Sabrina who was totally fuming already.

"Protective. I'm not after her. Here's the file you requested to get for you and hurry. They might move from another town." Lexie smirked since she won against Sabrina and handed a file to ICE as she reminded the task she needed to deal with as soon as possible.

"Noted. You can leave now." ICE nodded while reading the file as soon as she received it.

"See you later, sweet lips." Lexie winked at Sabrina.

"GET OUT!" Sabrina threw the pencil holder from ICE's desk and it landed perfectly on the door as soon as it was shut close. The pencil holder was totally broken already and ICE just sighed over the temperamental issue that her lady has.