
The Phoenix Gamer [MARVEL]

A woman from the real world gets a chance to reincarnate into the world of marvel. But the question is what world of marvel is she in? and will she survive the long haul?

DarkPhoenix52 · Filme
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30 Chs


Sorry it's been a while since I released a chapter for this, but work has been keeping me busy and tired so sometimes I'm just not in the mood to write, but I'm gonna try to release more chapters soon.

This little recruiter arc is about to come to an end in the next chapter after this, and then we'll be getting into facing the Brotherhood and Magneto's plot from season 1 of Evolution.


I reentered the room we were in previously, while Gambit left to find a way out of the building. The scientists were running around the place like chickens with their heads cut off, trying to find the missing diaries. Taking my focus off of them, I walked over to the observation window to see a scientist and guard taking Laura out of the tank she was in.

Alright, let's see where they're going to take her, so I can intercept them. I read their surface thoughts to see that they were gonna take her back to cell, pod, or whatever it is that they've kept her in for almost 10 years.

I left the room, and a few minutes later, I found Laura. This time, she had two guards with her, and they cuffed both her hands and feet and put one of those collars that suppressed mutant powers on her.

While the two guards went to open the doors to X23's cell, I used Telekinesis to break her cuffs and the collar. It took about 3.5 seconds for Laura to process her freedom before she savagely attacked the guards with her claws.

Once she was done with the guards, she sniffed the air and turned around to my direction. I dropped my mental cloak since she knew where I was and slowly stepped to her as she watched me with calculating eyes and her claws ready to maul me.

"It's ok. I'm here to get you out of this place," I told her only to get a growl from her in return.

She sniffed the air again, I guess to take in my scent, but I don't know, so I decided to start talking to her again and hope she could use her senses to tell that I'm being truthful.

I don't know how long we did this little confrontation, but it must've been long enough for more guards to find us.

"Freeze!!" The guards yelled as they started shooting bullets at the both of us.

I used Telekinesis to stop all the bullets before they reached us and then sent them back at the guards, killing at least two of them and seriously injuring the rest.

'This is really getting out of hand,' I thought to myself as I put the thought of killing two people in the back of my mind.

"Do you believe me now!" I exclaimed to X-23, who was staring at me with wide eyes.

I guess she's never seen another person with powers. Which would make sense because I don't think they ever took her out of this facility.

"Let's go," I said, grabbing her arm and running down the hallway where the guards came from.

"We'll get you mutant freaks!!!" One of the injured guards on the ground yelled out.

"That guy is not whelmed, not whelmed at all," I said as me and X-23 ran.

We kept running and kept getting cornered by more guards that we had to deal with. There were only supposed to be five guards, so either my telepathy couldn't pick up the rest or they had a mutant guard with the power of duplication like Multiple Man on their side.

After putting down the last guard we found, we made it to the entrance that Gambit and I used to get in here, but it was currently blocked off by more guards.

"This is getting ridiculous!!" I exclaimed, frustrated, and was about to use Telepathy to put them to sleep when the entrance was blown up, sending the guards flying.

"Did you miss me, mon chère?" Gambit said as he came in and looked around to see all the scattered guards. "Who did this?"

"No time, let's just get out of here," I said, pushing X-23 in front of me so she could go out first.

'I hope this works,' I think to myself.

I Telepathy and entered all the minds that were still present in the facility and started trying to make them forget my appearance her and about the stolen diaries.


Once I was sure I made them forget those specific things, I cut the telpathic connection and ran out the building to see Laura aiming one of her foot claws at Gambit's neck.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, X-23, he's a friend, you don't need to kill him," I said to the girl, causing her to retract the claw and put down her leg.

"Thanks, mon chère. I knew you wouldn't let nothing happen to Gambit," Remy said with a smug smile.

"Get over yourself," I said, rolling my eyes at him. "Let's just get those diaries back to Nathaniel Essex quickly so I can get X-23 out of here."

"Yeah, about those. I sorta destroyed them," Remy said.

"You did what?" I asked him, and then he started to explain that he read through some of the diaries and deemed them too dangerous for the likes of Essex, especially since he believed that Nathaniel Essex is untrustworthy

"Won't the Guild be disappointed in you?" I asked him.

"So what, it's not like it hasn't happened before. Besides, I could always join you at your little school," he said.

"Well I guess we can just head back to the Guild, since you basically broke this contract," I said as I started walking away with Laura following me close behind and Gambit a few paces behind her.

Through our trek back to New Orleans, I brought up the notification that I got a while ago.

[Through continues use a skill has upgraded]

[Telepathy (Basic) -> Telepathy (Advance)]

Finally!! I now have both my telekinesis and telepathy at the advanced stages now. I know there's more stages for both, but now I can start trying to level up Psionic Energy and the TK Bomb skill I created from it.


A/N: I'm thinking of getting rid of the MP function or at least not having it be connected to Jean's Telekinesis and Telepathy.