
The Path of the Investigator/Devastator

Samarth is a sincere police officer in the department. After arresting a politician and throwing him in prison. He comes to his parents house in the weekend to spend time with them along with his big brother. The politician comes out on bail and kills him along with his family. His soul along with his family's souls transmigrate to another world which is dark and needs cleansing. He along with his family take a dark path to cleanse the world of scum.

ashwiniprasad · Fantasie
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47 Chs

The truth unveils (3)

In the Ulrich family manor...

The manor is not huge than other mansions in the nobles district. The manor is painted outside and inside with dark green, blue and black colors. It had a rather ominous look than a welcoming one.

In the study of the manor, Kenneth Ulrich is frantically packing his things as the knights got word that the summoner was from Under Helm. He also came to know from the black summoner he sent that a student from the academy is the one who came across the truth and the kingdom is on high alert.

"Relax Kenneth" came the voice from the entrance of the study room. Kenneth looked at the Black summoner standing there.

"This is your fault. How could you leave evidence at the scene, "Stanley Bross"?" shouted Kenneth.

Stanley Bross aka Crimson hunter is notorious bounty hunter among the crimson elves which lived in Under Helm. He has completed many bounties and the knights all over the kingdom are in search before this case even started.

"There you go again pushing the entire blame onto me. If not for my relationship with your grandfather Adam I wouldn't even care about you." Stanley retorted.

Kenneth gritted his teeth and slowly his body transformed into an elf with red colored body.

"That old wench was the reason I had to experience a drastic childhood. After grandfather was killed by her husband, my father took over business. But he became a gambling addict putting the family in debt.

My mother died one night due to a rare disease "Jeriasus" which only affects the crimson elves. I took over the business before killing my father. I brought back the family but I have a deep hatred for that old woman Tatiana who was cause for family's decline and the trouble I experienced in childhood." explained Kenneth to the old man.

Stanley heard everything and closed his eyes. Slowly his body transformed to a crimson elf which looked wild and had a murderous aura radiating from his body.

"You and your entire family did a great job by concealing yourselves as humans for decades." said Stanley.

"Unlike other crimson elf families we Ulrich family had a innate talent for disguising which cannot be detected even by high level mages or cultivators." said Kenneth.

He finished packing all he needed. He took out the ghost crystal and smiled. "It's bad luck that the ghost crystal inside the boy was too underdeveloped, otherwise I would have got two of them." said Kenneth.

Suddenly two servants which are crimson elves came into the room running and said "My Lord, bad news. The knights have found out that you are involved in the murder of that old woman." said one of the servants kneeling.

Kenneth widened his eyes and asked "How did they know this fast? The portal to Under Helm in the basement still needs time to become active."

Kenneth brought Stanley from Under Helm using the portal in his basement and sending his wife, children and other members of the family to Under Helm before executing the plan to kill Tatiana.

"This is what you get as a form of punishment." came a voice. The air swirled and slowly blue color enveloped the room and a figure materialized from the flow of magic.

Kenneth and Stanley were shocked at the figure that emerged. There is fear in Kenneth's eyes.

The person who he wanted killed is standing in front of him. It was none other than "Tatiana Ulrich".

Even the summoner was petrified on seeing "Tatiana". He thought he killed the old woman but she was standing in front of them.

Tatiana is wearing blue robes with a black tiara on her head and eyes shined red. "H-How?" stuttered Kenneth.

"Did you forget the innate power of Ulrich family is disguising ourselves? I can not only disguise myself but also other and make them look like me." said Tatiana with a bragging tone.

"The old woman you killed there is a puppet I created through a ritual and disguised as myself. I created it in such a way that it would deceive your bounty hunter. The same goes for the boy. My grandson is now far away from you guys." said Tatiana conjuring a red flame.

"I know the Scarlet demon clan wouldn't keep quiet and send people after me. I removed the Ghost crystal from my body and planted it on my puppet. I removed ghost crystal from my grandson and placed it into the body puppet.

The scarlet demon clan is so crazy about ghost crystals and you wanted revenge. My husband William might have been a human but he has taught me techniques which can determine hostility. I was able to detect hostility from that maid Sandra and extracted truth from her through torture. I've put her under my grasp until your summoner corrupted her with dark mana.

"I think killing the two of you would be beneficial since this realm will be freed of your bane." said Tatiana.

"Wait. How did that student find out that we are involved?" asked Kenneth.

"As soon as I sensed that my puppets died I sneaked into my house and placed my diary there. He followed the trail and the shrapnel left behind by your beloved summoner also helped him." said Tatiana mocking Kenneth.

The summoner looked at the scepter and found a small piece of purple crystal missing. "The clan has infiltrated this realm as scarlet demon cult. What can you do about it?" said Kenneth with a grin.

"Everyone of them will suffer a gruesome death." came a voice and they saw Gabriel blasting the walls and enter the room.

Stanley took his stance and decided to fight back for Kenneth to escape. Gabriel knows that he needs to capture the summoner to finish the quest. But he is not in a mood to let go of Kenneth who was the cause for the murderer.

As for Tatiana it is for the authorities to deal with her. Gabriel looked at Tatiana and said "You've played great game granny. But as soon as I saw those bodies I understood that they were fake."

When Gabriel scanned the bodies in the house, the system informed him that they were puppets created by a ritual to look like humans. The diary which he read had traces of dark mana on it. He understood at that time that Tatiana is not a human but a race from Under Helm.

When he looked at the orange fang in the knight's office, he could not find blood on it and this concluded his suspicions that no one was murdered there. Gabriel understood that if he goes back to the house he would not find any body since the puppets will disappear without traces after few days have passed.

When he entered maid Sandra's house and saw the state of her before transformation, he saw that she has been tortured. There were rope marks on her legs and stab wounds on her stomach and some of her nails were taken off. Since Sandra was working for Kenneth there was no reason to suspect them and the conclusion Gabriel to at that point is that Tatiana might be responsible for that.

Gabriel entered the Ulrich mansion using Disguise skill and disguised himself as a servant. Since he could hear voices from long distances due to his city realm, he heard the entire conversation of the group and later stormed in as Gabriel.

"You academy brat. How dare you?" shouted Kenneth. Gabriel replied "If you surrender yourself to the knights, they might be merciful but if I had to hand over you guys I'll only do it after I beat you to a near death state".

"Hahaha." laughed Stanley with a psychotic look appearing in his face. "Finally someone worth murdering." said Stanley as he released purple energy in large amounts.

Gabriel was startled as according to this world's mage level he is a "5th stair mage". Gabriel and Tatiana looked at each other and decided to team up. "I'll surrender myself after this. If I am to be executed please take care of my grandson." pleaded Tatiana. Gabriel hesitated for a minute but gave his approval afterwards with a nod.

Tatiana released her energy and she is at 4th stair. She could give a challenge to Stanley. Gabriel transformed his hands to a sword and shield to battle the bounty hunter.