

"You unrepentant brat,things have already developed to such a point yet you still refuse to own up to your mistakes,"The third elder Yang Chen said to Yang Jun. Yang Jun stated at him in disdain and sneered inwardly. When the third elder so Yang Jun's expression he was annoyed and started condensing his qi ready to attack him at any moment." Yang Jun,why did you do it?" The patriarch of the Yang family Yang Hai asked as he stared at Yang Jun with creased brows. His aura was restrained and one would think of him as a mere mortal yet if one observed carefully they would be able to sense a terrifying and tyrannical aura from within. His voice was calm and relaxed while his expression was unreadable. Yang Jun stared back at him and the former disdain disappeared replaced by a respectful attitude. "Things have already developed to such a point that l know you will not allow me to leave this place but I still can't tell you the reason for this. Some things are better left unsaid because if they are said it will cause nothing good in the end instead it will cause despair so it is best if I keep quiet," Yang Jun said as he stared at the patriarch

Yang Hai narrowed his eyes and did not say anything more." You realise your silence will cost you. Yang Jun you are wise so you should know when to retreat and when to advance. An ant cannot triumph over an elephant this is a fact you understand," another elder said. Yang Jun only stared to the side and maintained his silence. Most of the elders sighed at this while others couldn't hide their gloating looks seemingly happy about Yang Jun's predicament." Are you really going to be stubborn even at this moment?" The second elder Yang Kai said." Elder,you know me too well. Since I have made up my mind I won't change my decision. Maybe one day you will be able to understand my current situation. The family has raised me so this is my chance to repay the family. Maybe you will one day understand that I made the right decision," Yang Jun said. The second elder Yang Kai nodded his head and did not say anything else instead he let out a sigh and left the hall without looking back.

Yang Jun stared at him and also sighed as he knew that the second elder was disappointed. He had always been close to the second elder and he knew that the second elder regarded him as a son and always took special care of him. If only he had a choice he would not hesitate to tell him everything but now his hands were tied so he could only hide his grief and pretend to not notice anything.' Since things have already reached this point I have no other choice. Second elder forgive me if one day I have a chance I will tell you everything at some point in time but that time is not now,' Yang Jun said and the look in his eyes became resolute as he stared at the direction in which the second elder left." Yang Jun has disobeyed the family rules and committed a taboo. His sins are too heavy and cannot be forgiven. His cultivation was given by the family and will therefore be abolished. He is then to receive 100 whips from the dragon slayer whip . After all of this his name will be wiped out from the family's chronology and henceforth the name Yang Jun is a taboo in the family and anyone who mentions this name will be punished severely. He is therefore banished from the family and should never step foot anywhere near High Heavens city or even ten thousand kilometres near this place or you are free to kill him. My word is final and should not be disobeyed," the patriarch decreed.

Everyone who heard this decree could not help but shudder inwardly. Just the first punishment was that severe and this made everyone wonder what Yang Jun had done to deserve such punishment as only the elders knew." The criminal Yang Jun accepts the punishment of the patriarch and thanks him for showing mercy to me and sparing my life," Yang Jun said as he bowed slightly towards the patriarch. He condensed his qi and it soon formed into a golden ball. He did not hesitate and crushed the ball. His qi started leaking from his body into the surrounding and his cultivation dropped until he became mortal. Everyone in the hall looked at him and were shocked as they never expected him to be so ruthless even to himself. No one ,not even Yang Hai expected him to destroy his own cultivation.

In the hall some were mourning while others were staring at Yang Jun with excitement evident in their faces. Yang Jun had an expressionless face as he stared at the patriarch. Instead of a pained expression he seemed more of relieved as if he had finally left behind a huge stone that was weighing on him. After this he left the hall under everyone's curious gaze and came back with a whip. He handed the whip to the patriarch and then closed his eyes as he turned around. He felt a gaze directed towards him and turned to stare at the source of this gaze. The gaze was filled with tenderness that made his heart ache as he saw the tears dripping from her beautiful face. He steeled his heart and smiled to her one last before he closed his eyes. A whip landed on his back and sent him flying . He did not release any sound and only stood up again. Everyone stared at him in shock as they knew clearly about the whip and how painful the whip was. If one was hit by the whip one would feel a stinging pain as if he was being stabbed by a thousand swords if not eight hundred swords.

Yang Jun received the hundred whips and did not make a single sound which made many people in the hall stared at Yang Jun as if he was a monster. Everyone knew what it meant to receive hundred whips from the dragon slaying sword. If a cultivator cannot bear such pain yet Yang Jun who has just abandoned his cultivation had to bear such which made many of the elders to admire him at the same time they could not help but sigh thinking it is a pity to lose such a prodigy but none of them showed any signs of stepping forward as they understood that Yang Jun had reached a point where they could no longer save him unless they also wanted to end up being being public enemies. "Elders ,for the care you've shown this criminal all these years I am grateful. This is a favour I can never repay in this life but maybe in my next life. I know I have disappointed all of you but if I had to make a choice again I'd still make the same choice. I don't regret any of this as this is the consequence of my actions so I have to bear them. Goodbye," Yang Jun said as he turned around and left the hall under everyone's gaze.

Not once did he look behind and instead walked out of the hall with his wounded body. A tear drop could be seen falling to the ground but nothing else was seen.This was probably the last time they heard from Yang Jun. Maybe they thought so.