
Is it worth it?

Yang Jun left the Yang clan heading towards a specific direction. When he left the hall someone sneaked behind him and followed him from the crowd. Most of the elders so this but they adopted the stategy of opening one eye while closing the other. The patriarch simply closed his eyes as if he didn't notice this at all. No one noticed that after the woman left she was followed by two other men. They all followed after Yang Jun. The second group obviously followed after Yang Jun with malicious intentions as it could be seen from their gloating expressions earlier that they did not like Yang Jun that much. After walking a few kilometres off the Yang clan territory, Yang Jun stopped for a moment and did not turn around even after he heard footsteps from behind. He apparently wanted to hide his face from this individual. "It seems you have been waiting for long. How did you know that I would come after you?" The lady asked. She was the young mistress of the Yang Clan Yang Xue Yue. Yang Jun did not turn around even after hearing her soft and pleasant voice. The voice seemed to tug the strings of his heart as his expression became conflicted but soon his eyes shone with resolutions as if he already made his choice.

" Senior sister surely jests. Associating with a criminal like me is not worth it especially for your reputation and that of the Yang clan ," Yang Jun said in a cold tone." What happened ? Are you really willing to leave like this? Have you forgotten our promises?" Yang Xue Yue asked. Yang Jun did not answer as sadness and nostalgia overcame him but only for a moment as memories replayed in his mind. In front of a giant tree two people are seen standing together with hands intertwined together and one of them laying her head on the shoulders of the other. Red petals are scattered all over the place making the atmosphere to be romantic. 'I promise you Xue Yue that no matter what happens I will forever be with you and will never leave you even if I have to face off against the world,' the man said. The memories replayed infront of Yang Jun. Yang Jun immersed himself in these memories for a while but his face was still hidden so Yang Xue Yue did not notice the change in his expression.

"Why dwell in the past when it will only haunt us. Young miss should forget the past and focus on her future instead of caring about a wastrel like me with no future. I hope one day you will find the right person for you,"Yang Jun said before he continued forward. Yang Xue Yue could not bear the sight of him leaving and hugged him from behind." At least tell me that you love me one more time ,right?" Yang Xue Yue asked with tears in her eyes. Yang Jun did not turn around but rather removed her hands." I never loved you. Not even once . I was only using you after all you are the daughter of a Patriarch so how can I, a toad, not lust for swan meat especially when you gave yourself so willingly. After this I hope to never see you again . It always disgusted me everytime I had to pretend to love you and whisper sweet words to you . Words that conflicted with my conscience so I am happy I will never see you again. To tell you the truth I hate you very much that I can't bear the sight of you ."

Yang Xue Yue couldn't stop her tears from flowing down her beautiful face. Yang Jun felt thorns stabbing his heart making him unable to breath." Are you really this heartless? Tell me you are lying. You love me I see it in your eyes everytime you look at me. Look into my eyes and tell me the truth. You love me ,right?" Yang Xue Yue asked as she turned Yang Jun to face her. Yang Jun closed his eyes and did not dare to meet her gaze. Yang Xue Yue saw this and tried convincing him to look at her ." I am tired of your face. They will only stain my eyes. You are so ugly that staring at you might make me vomit," Yang Jun said. Yang Xue Yue could no longer restrain from slapping Yang Jun. Although she did not mean it but her slap still sent Yang Jun flying especially after his cultivation had been crippled he was now mortal while Xue Yue was a cultivator so their difference in strength was obvious. Yang Jun stood up and wiped the blood from his lips before he started his journey. He did not pay attention to the crying Xue Yue and directly left but Xue Yue failed to notice the tears falling from his face.

After Yang Jun left Xue Yue stood in a daze as she stared at the departing figure. This was probably the last time they met. This separation marked the last time they met. After Yang Jun disappeared from sight it started to rain . Xue Yue was stranded in the rain and did not condense her qi to protect her against the rain.Yang Jun did not turn around even once it it was evident he was hurting more than her. He had decided to cut off their relationship as he knew that if she chose to leave the clan with her she would only suffer with him so it was better to break her heart as time would heal her wounds. It was fine as long as he kept her in his heart rather than her suffering. "Senior brother, karma is indeed real,don't you think so?" A man asked as he blocked Yang Jun's path. Yang Jun did not answer and decided to take another path but it was also blocked." What's wrong,senior brother? You used to hold yourself above others and always thought of yourself to be above anyone else now what have you become?""Yang Shi,since things have already reached this far. Since you have already seen how pathetic I am it is better to leave me now to continue my journey and look for a place to rest my dying body," Yang Jun said with a smile on his face.

"Is everything you have done so far worth it?"Yang Shi asked as he stared at Yang Jun with a condescending look. Yang Jun simply smiled at this question and did not hurry to answer it.

" It is better if things remain this way. As for regrets, I only regret not being able to accompany her. She is broken right now because of me. Take care of her. Goodbye,"Yang Jun said and then left.