
The Path of Men

Believe it or not, you have a Spirit in eternity. How does it feel to know and live in the reality of your Spirit? Welcome to the world where Humans can move through the Spirit Realm and control their spiritual reality to affect their World. The battle of Light and Darkness, good and evil has been an ancient battle that has continued and seems neverending. Humans continue to flourish in their world while wrestling with their idea of good and evil until they are thrust into a different level of warfare, that not only determines their life but also the human world. A larger stage has been set that now allows humans to fight and turn their world in the direction they want, either towards good or towards evil. "Nicos, seemed useless because he has weak and underutilized Spirit root which makes him not to gain entrance into the Spirit Realm, never stopped fighting - he kept on pushing, carving a path for himself even after he had been banished alongside his family to an unknown region that seemed to have sealed their fate. Weathering the storm alongside his entourage as they also play their role in the turning of their world to determine the final winner." Light or Darkness; either good or evil. Only one can be king, both can't seat on the throne. Only one side can be crowned the winner. Which will it be?

Phoenix_Wolf7c · Fantasie
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41 Chs

A Suspicious Helping Hand

Along the way, Nicos mind went back to the information he learnt of earlier, A girl of 16 years old already advance to Tier 3 Spirit Nebula Realm but he just gain entrance into the Spirit Realm to begin his own journey at the age of 18, the gap is really wide and he might not be able to cover it with time. But instead of getting depressed because of this, he become more determine to make up for what he lost with hard-work and extra effort compare to other people.

He couldn't help but still wonder the kind of monstrous talent the little princess has to be able to achieve the kind of feat she did including the rank of her profession. It has to be known that each Tier are divided into three stages – the initial stage, mid stage and high stage with each stage having five checkpoints. An average person will only be at Tier 1 high stage and at the verge of advancing to Tier 2 at the same age as her while more talent people will have already advance to Tier 2 and be at the point of entering the mid stage. Nicos considered this and thought that even if his Spirit root didn't decay, he won't be able to achieve what the little princess of Cyrene did. Advancing to another Tier needs a lot of resources because without it, it will take a longer period to advance to the next tier which is why those that are not affiliated with any strong organization decide to be Adventurers to be able to gain resources to support themselves. Advancing from Tier 1 to Tier 2 for example take approximately 3 years with have average talent and resources and it will take longer without any resources. For those with talents and ample resources it will take them 1 ½ to 2 years to advance to Tier 2, unless the person is a genius among genius, achieving what the little princess of Cyrene achieved is nothing but a fleeting dream because advancing to Tier 3 from Tier 2 takes nothing less than 4 years. But all these normal conventions are soon to be broken by the two monsters in human form that the Spirit Realm just accommodate in an unconventional way.

At this time, Nicos and the rest has arrived at the front of a grand hotel. Alfonso looked at Tamika in a confused manner. They were all thinking that Tamika will just take them to a small inn that won't cost them much since he is just helping them and coming to a place like this might cause some inconveniences and troubles.

"Sorry Mr. Tamika, but do you have a business you want to carry out here? If so, we will just part ways here and find a place to stay before we decide what next to do." Nakita said. If one where to look it from the point before Chloe was banished to the Forgotten Region, then staying in this place won't be a problem and will be more befitting for their status as someone affiliated to her. But with their current circumstances, they can't afford to stay in a place like this, not that it too grand for them, but they don't have the resources that will allow them to be able to stay in a place like this. The hotel is the one with twelve floors and tinted glass fitted in the front that only allow to see through from inside. It stand alone in it vicinity, taking up a lot of space with the next building some meter away from it. It looks grand, being at the same level with the Adventurer Association building and the Trade Union building in the Terac City and only a few points below that of the City Mayor building.

"Don't worry." Tamika said. "I own this place and no one will question you from entering this place as long as I allow it."

"Wow" Tabitha exclaimed with the others having an astonishing expression on their faces.

"Let's go in, I will tell the receptionist to arrange a place for you to stay." Tamika said.

"Hmm, Mr. Tamika." Alfonso called out "Sorry for saying this, but his favour you are showing us seems to be misplaced, we've not done anything for you to treat us this grandly, is there anything you are after."

"So straight forward…haha, I like this." Tamika said "You don't have to worry too much, just take it as me investing blindly into the future. This is what my instinct is telling me and it has never been wrong unless I decide to ignore it."

"We will be sure to make you not regret the decision you make now and repay you back when the opportunity come." Alfonso said solemnly.

They enter the gate of the hotel and the first few things that caught their eyes is the flowing fountain in front of the main entrance and the flourishing garden with vibrant plants and flower that makes one feel relax and clear away fatigue. "Surely this place is not a place any ordinary person can step in." Alfonso thought feeling the thickness of the Spirit essence in the atmosphere which is being gathered with a formation array.

"This place looks really beautiful and refreshing, the rooms will definitely be high class ones." Tabitha said in a low voice "Tell me, how will you rate this compare to the special space you discovered in the Forgotten region?" Tabitha asked keeping her voice to the lowest minimum.

"The gap is too wide for me to start making comparison between the two." Nicos replied her.

After walking for a while, they got the door that leads to the reception which opened automatically through the heat emission sensitivity. Entry through it, they meet with the receptionist who received them with a smile on herself.

"Welcome President." The receptionist said as she stand to greet Tamika.

"How are you doing Mahlah, and how is everything going at the moment?" Tamika asked Mahlah with a voice that gives one the illusion of reliability.

"Everything is under control sir, there's no need for your to be worried with the regular operations" Malhah replied.

"That's good. Here are friends of mine, allocate a room big enough to accommodate them and make sure they are comfortable." Tamika gave instruction to Mahlah

"Okay President, I will do as you instruct." Mahlah said.

"Okay, I trust you know what to do." Tamika said, "She will allocate a suite for you to stay till you decide what you want to do. You can contact me through her if you need anything and do not hesitate." Tamika said as he turn to Alfonso and the rest.

"Thank you so much Mr. Tamika, we will be sure to return this favour to you." Alfonso said, thanking Tamika once again.

"I will take you for your words." Tamika replied and left the reception to attend to other things that needs his attention.

"Please, follow me to your assigned suite." Mahlah said.

"How about you just direct us on what to do so you won't have to leave your position to attend to us?" Nakita said to Mahlah.

"You don't have to worry good sir; I don't have to me around for activities to go on. The system implemented is self sufficient." Mahlah replied "and as people the President called friends, I need to personally see to it that you are comfortable."

"If that's the case, we will have to trouble you to take care of us." Nakita said.

"Thank you very much." Alfonso said.

"Though I'm doing my job, nevertheless you are welcome." Mahlah said.

Mahlah lead them to their suite after completing the necessary documentation. Tabitha raise the question of being able to keep the Spirit beast with themselves and was told it is allow because they are still young cubs.

Alfonso and the rest were lead to one of the suite on the 8th floor which is one of the exclusive suite in the hotel. This is to show how much attention Tamika is giving to them which made Alfonso to think more on the cause of this preferential treatments they are getting.

When they got to one of the room on the 8th floor, Mahlah insert a key card similar to the one they got from the City gate but this one is with red light round the edge into the door and open it, leading them into the suite which contain a large sitting room, with a conference meeting table and chairs at one side and four rooms, each having its own restroom. Mahlah explained the necessary things to them. "If you need anything, there are lines available in the sitting room and each room for any kind of services you need, you can also reach me if you have anything to discuss with the President and I will make sure to get in touch with him for you." She said as she left the room.

"This feeling has almost become foreign to me." Tabitha said, as a daughter of the ruler of Silversky city and prominent aristocrat household in the Mesopotamia Empire, living in a luxury place like this is second nature.

"You have to be careful at all time, when you go out make sure you have your hood up, we can't afford for anyone to recognize your face." Alfonso said.

"You can rest assure Uncle Alfonso, we won't be going out by ourselves for the time being as someone is already feeling pressure because of a 16 years old Princess that is now at Tier 3 Spirit Nebula realm while he's just starting his journey." Tabitha said.

"Do you have to always expose your brother all the time, does that mean you are also not feeling pressured? She only year older than you." Nakita said.

"Hmph" Tabitha scowled when she didn't get the desire outcome she's expecting.

"You can choose any of the room for yourself. I will call for you when needed." Alfonso said in attempt to clear the air.

"Tabitha, which room are you choosing?" Nicos asked

"Hmph" Tabitha refused to answer him and storm off into the first room from the left and close the door forcefully, Nicos shake his head and choose the room next to her. Alfonso scan the room with his aura after Nicos and Tabitha left to be sure if there's no device in the room that can be use to spy on them. "You don't have to worry, I already did that when the receptionist left.

Alfonso took a deep breath "while this is settled, we need to be careful, though that Tamika guy looks friendly, we can't afford to be careless and make any mistake that will cost us." He said

"I agree with you, there's no way one will give all these without nothing in return, hopefully, he won't ask for what we cannot afford to give." Nakita replied.

"I hope so too." Alfonso said.