

Anna2810 · Fantasie
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86 Chs


"Their security is a mess" sam whispered in to the phone as he worked his way past their walls. It took him all of five minutes to hack in to their company's database.

"Glad to know your job's done sam,call me after you're done. I'll pick you up" celeana said and hung up. Sam's lips curved up a little. He preferred talking to machines over humans. He sighed as he copied the data and leaned back, looking up at the company infront of him. He is currently sitting in a coffee shop in front of hye technologies. He thought he will have a lot of work to do but fortunately their security is such a mess that even people with little hacking skills will be able to find out anything they want about this company. Celeana dropped him here just half-hour ago, all the way cursing him for not buying a car. He'd always try his best to not get on her nerves but in times like this he had no other options. Just when he was thinking whether its wise to call her to pick him up or if he should just take a taxi home, he got a call.

He arched a brow when he saw who it was

"Miss song?" he said picking up wondering why on earth she called him.

"Yeah, its me.I need a favor from you" sam almost spit out the coffee he just drank.

" Favor?" he asked.

" Shiyu generally does the hacking and all but she's on her way home. But this is a little urgent." was all she said.

"Yeah?" he said still unsure what Favor she's exactly him. Song lin ground her teeth and said

"I'll send you a number, can you get me the data on it?"

"Yeah sure. Message me the number"

"Alright" she said and hung up. He looked at the darkened screen and muttered to himself 'Don't people usually say thanks in this situation?' From the moment they met song lin and lin shiyu he had a feeling, that they're welcoming another demoness in to their midst. He shook his head and got to work.

* * * * *

Song lin clenched her fists and took a deep breath. It's going to be alright, she told herself over and over on the way. Yet, standing infront of her home right now she still felt her hands shiver. The last time she saw here, was five years ago. Even then she came home because her grandfather asked her to come. A bitter smile spread across her face as she looked at her so called home. She slowly opened the gates and walked inside. The people working in the gardens and the guards standing at the main door bowed as soon as they saw her. She didn't pay them any heed. Its not like they'll start liking her if she talk to them she thought bitterly. No matter what she does she'll always be an unwanted guest in this house. With that thought she finally went inside, as soon as she went in, a maid cleaning the table in the foyer rushed over to her. Song lin stopped short when she saw the maid or should she say Mrs yuan? As far as she knew Mrs yuan was in this house from her childhood.

"Its been a long time madam. Are you here to see your grandfather?" she asked forcing a smile on her face. Song lin didn't bother answering her. She turned away and looked around wondering where her grandfather is.

"He's in the garden madam song." Mrs yuan tried talking again. Song lin turned around and looked at her. She was always like this, she would make it so obvious that she hates her yet she would try to talk to her, she would try to force a smile. Just why on earth would she do that? song lin thought silently.

"I'll be gone within an hour. Just don't bother me until then. Is that too much to ask?" she looked at her, her voice cold. Mrs yuan pursed her lips, bowed once and disappeared in to the kitchen.