

Anna2810 · Fantasy
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86 Chs

She giggled

Song lin walked in to the garden and saw her grandfather sitting on a bench. She felt a pang of sadness as soon as she saw him. He would always ask her to come and visit him but she never did. She walked over to him, her feet silent on the grass. Her grandfather is the only one who wanted her home but as she looked at him now, she realized someday he's not going to be there and there would be no one to call her, no one who would miss her. Though she knew it wasn't going to come to this, acknowledging it somehow made hard for her to breath. She clenched her fists and forced a smile on her face and said

"Grandpa" the old man turned and looked up at her, his face lit with a pleasant surprising smile.

"Linlin" he exclaimed, his voice sounded dull with age. Song lin didn't have to force a smile at the nickname, it was surprising how easily the old man made her smile. She walked around and sat down beside him.

"How are you grandpa?" she asked.

"I'm fine, I'm fine. Why are you here? you never come when I ask you to..Is something the matter?" she shook her head.

"I'm just here to see you. Everything's fine grandpa" he laughed.

"Why? Did you miss me suddenly?" song lin smiled

"Well,you could say that" she said.The old man took her hand in his and said

"Since you are here, why don't you stay over for dinner? your mom and dad are going to be home soon too" song lin stiffened immediately. His grandfather as if sensing her discomfort, said

"You're all grown up now linlin. You need to let go of the past. After all, family is what you'll have left at the end" a muscle flickered in her jaw but she stayed silent. She came to visit him after so many days, she's not going to upset him. So gave her best attempt at a smile and said

"I have to get back to the unit grandpa, I'm sorry I can't stay over for dinner" the light winked out in his eyes but he nodded as if to say he understood. They stayed silent for sometime and the old man said suddenly

"I don't know how much time I still have left Linlin but before I leave I wish to see you smile without effort, I wish to see you stay happy" a lump formed in her throat as she looked at her grandfather.

"Don't say that grandpa, you're going to live for a long long time" she said, her voice breaking. He sighed and asked

"Get married song lin, find your own family and happiness. Can you do that for me?" she blinked back her tears and looked away. He patted her on the head and said softly

"Not everyone are your father and mother, not every marriage is going to be like your parent's" she nodded, a little dazed. This is why she never came home, because no matter what they talk about, in the end they end up talking about her so called parents. She turned away and heaved a sigh.

"I'll be leaving now grandpa, its cold outside, you should head back too" she said and stood up.He nodded, she helped him up and they both walked inside. Song lin left soon after that but her grandpa's words stayed with her as she drove the car aimlessly.

'Find your own family and happiness'....

'Not everyone are your parents'.....

She chuckled coldly. Happiness? She didn't think something like that existed in her life. She stopped the car infront of a bar. She remembered coming here with shiyu. Right, she would've reached home by now she thought. She took out her phone as she got down the car as if thinking to call shiyu but stopped. Shiyu is a master at identifying song lin's moods. She didn't want shiyu to worry about her, so she pocketed her phone and walked inside. The smell hit her the second she was inside. Sweat, perfumes , alcohol. It made her little dizzy. She crossed the crowd and walked over to a table in the corner.

"The usual mam?" a waiter asked her. She looked up at him and nodded. Everytime they came here they ordered the same things, the waiter probably remembered her since she once picked a fight with him. He arrived a minute later, he was just about to pour the wine for her when she stopped him. She grabbed the bottle from him and drank from it . The waiter stared at her. She arched a brow at him

"what? you want to join me?" he shook his head repeatedly.

"Then get out of my sight. you're blocking my view" she said annoyed at him. He looked at her like she went nuts. View? what is their to see here? except for a dance floor and the people,he thought and scurried off.

Songlin drank and drank and drank until she didn't have the sense of her surroundings, until she could see nothing but the bottle in her hands, until the voice of her grandfather quited down in her head. She felt someone walking over to her but didn't look up, couldn't look up. She felt dizzy, her head aching from the sounds around her.

"You look like you need some help mam" she heard someone say.But song lin could barely lift her hand. The bottle fell down from her hands with a clink.Someone was touching her shoulders. She should tell them to mind their business but words just won't come out. Oh, someone's lifting her up. Shit. she had to get away from them or she's going to be in trouble. Her eyelids felt so heavy. Now. she should tell them to get the fuck away from her now. She tried lifting her arm. Oh, its heavy. Just how much did I drink,she thought helplessly. She felt someone's hand over her shoulder. oh gods, they're taking her somewhere. She shook off that man's shoulder and took a step back. She had the feeling of the world tilting around her. Her legs swayed under her. Just as she gave up and her feet slipped out under her, someone caught her by the waist. a scent of rain kissed cedar wafted her senses. This scent....why does it feel familiar?

"Song lin?" song lin's eyes burst open at that voice. A face hovered over her, sharp eyes, high cheekbones, perfect jaw. Why does this face feel familiar? she blinked once, his face blurred. She blinked again, his face cleared.

"The devil" she said and giggled. His face turned angry. She blinked. That look didn't suit his face she thought and reached up her hands, touching his face. She poked his cheeks with her fingers. His eyes widened. Song lin giggled again.

"Gods, you're unbelievable song lin" that face said, and then that face is lifting her up.