
What Can Go Right?

Two days have passed, and the wolves were loaded up into the DNR van and off to the airport to head for Europe early morning. Earlier beforehand they talked it over with each other and after much debating, the wolves came to an agreement about going along with it. Hours later, they arrived at the airport and had to go through customs. Once that was done, the wolves were taken to be loaded onto a plane meant for transportation of wildlife while their human caretakers flew separately. The wife had doubts, but the husband assured her that they were good hands. Once everything was set, the plane carrying the misfit pack was set for takeoff.

Meanwhile inside the plane, everyone seemed nervous especially Borris. He was pacing around in his kennel softly whining.

"Relax, Borris. Take a deep breath," said Achak. "You're starting to make us all nervous."

"I can't help it. I've never flown in a plane this long," said Borris anxiously. "I know we should trust our human caretakers but I just have a bad feeling that something might happen."

"Then don't think about it," said Radolf laying in his kennel. "Otherwise it might most likely happen."

"I don't really mind myself," said a content Colt. "This plane ride be as smooth as a fresh spring of mountain water. It's a little rough and nauseating at first but you'll get purty use to it."

"As long as we're together, we'll be able to make it through anything," said Meika.

"Any idea how long we've been flying for?" Radolf asked.

"Not really," said Elda. "But I'm sure we'll know eventually." No sooner had he said that that the plane started to shake and dip. Duke, being nearest to the cockpit, could make out that they had just ran into a sudden storm. Lightning flashes outside of the plane as Borris whined frantically as he curled over on a corner of his kennel just as the others were too.

The plane struggled against the turbulence, fighting it out when suddenly a sudden jolt caught one of the pilots off guard. In being shaken into a harsh right, the main pilot accidentally had his hand land on the emergency cargo drop button. Soon the cargo plane door opened and the kennels flew out of the door and into the raging storm the wolves were flung out. Bracing themselves for the worse, the wolves were free falling and tumbling down below as their chutes were yet to open up. Halfway down, the chutes opened shaking the wolves violently from the sudden force of the parachute.

Hours later, Achak and Duke were the first ones to open their eyes. They were still in their kennels as they shakily sat up. "Anyone still alive?" Duke called out.

"I'm still alive in one piece," said Achak.

"I reckon I'm still in one piece also," said Colt.

"I'm alright." Meika spoke up.

"Still here," said Elda.

"I'm okay," said Radolf shaking his head.

For a moment, there was no reply from Borris. This got Duke worried. "Borris? You still there buddy?"

A few moments later, "Yeah. Yeah I'm okay. Just shaken that's all."

Duke sighed in relief, then investigated his cage to see if there was a way to get out. "See if you guys can find a way out of your kennels. There's got to be a way to get out of these things." The gang went to work trying to open up their kennel doors, unbeknownst to them that help was on the way.