
Chapter 44: Knock, Knock, Knockin' On Hooty's Door

A typewriter is outside the Owl House with Hooty bashing his head against it to type up a letter to Lilith, calling her dearest Lulu and hopes the letter finds her well and enjoying her time with her parents.

The audience giggled at how weird this looked.

He is writing to let her know that he is a genius.

They then heard King laughing out loud and everyone then turned to look at him with Hooty looking hurt, Luz looking dissapointed in him and there were quite a few glares from people including Lilith. "Oh wait, was he serious? Let me laugh even harder..." King said as he began laughing harder.

"Come on King, are you going to act like a jerk like in the writing competition episode?" Willow asked with her arms folded and King was peeved to be reminded off that.

"Yeah, not cool King..." Luz had to admit and King looked down to see his big sister figure once again being dissapointed in him.

"Yeah King; you could tone it down..." Eda said while skeptical of Hooty's claims, thought was her son was taking it too far.

"There there Hootificer; I am sure that we will see you come up with something worthy of being called genius!" Lilith said comforting Hooty.

Flashes back to the Owl House at night; Hooty narrates as it shows Hooty going to the mailbox and finding Lilith's letter. Lilith's voice narrates as Hooty reads it; Lilith says that his letter concerned her as he is feeling unimportant while Luz, Eda and King are off on adventures and Hooty looks up to see them up in the window.

"Yeah, don't worry Hooty! You are plenty important! I mean you are an effective guard with how you embarassed the Emperor's Coven!" Luz reminded Hooty and he looked grateful feeling better.

But Hooty is the Owl House and takes care off everyone inside him, if that isn't a worthy purpose then what is?

Hooty smiled feeling even better and there was a tear in his eye, "Yeah Hooty; you are like the best living house that someone could ask for! No other house could compare!" Luz said with a smile and Eda gave a nod and a look from Eda made King do so as well; the others were looking unsure since they were still creeped out by him.

"Well I would say that in terms of Disney living houses; there is Casita who comes in 2nd." Cornholio said as they were confused. "Forgot; the movie hasn't been released yet when I took them..." Cornholio muttered.

Hooty sheds a tear and opens the door to ask them what they are doing; King tells him to keep it down and asks why does it keep happening. Hooty comes closer and says that it looks like their little demon is becoming a deMan and King asks why does it sound so wrong coming from him. He then goes away saying that he is done with this.

"Teen King in his mood swings..." Eda laughed along with the rest of the audience as King grunted.

"I will give you 3 out of 5 for the pun!" Gus said and Hooty smiled at him.

Hooty goes to Eda who is reading a scrool; he says about the teens aye and their moods change like the wind. She shows her face showing some clothes pins keeping her eyelids open shocking Hooty; Eda is freaking out and says that Belos is planning something big and she is weaker than newborn witchling.

"Yes Eda and you will only make sure yourself weaker if you don't get any sleep! I mean honestly Eda; there is stubbornness and then there is this!" Camila muttered in disbelief and there was Raine sighing though most of the audience were creeped out by the sight of Eda here.

"You look like you do need your beauty sleep sister." Lilith commented as Eda glared at them.

"First of all sock it sister and second of all; I don't need rest when there is a tyrant planning something!" Eda ranted.

"The second episode I remember you being rusty with your magic in the morning." reminded Edric with a smirk shared with his twin as Eda glared at their direction.

Eda gathers her stuff and says that if she wants to protect them she has to train as hard as she can to get strong with no rest.

"Still too stubborn for your own good Eda." Raine sighed sadly and Eda frowned.

Hooty reminds her that everytime that she overworks herself she turns into the Owl Beast but Eda repeats that she said no rest blowing an air horn causing Luz to cover her ears.

"Once again Hooty has to be the voice of reason! If I had a snail for every time that happened... I would have 2 snails but it's weird that it happened twice..." Willow muttered and the audience did find it weird that Hooty had to be in this role.

"Hey I can be plenty reasonable and wise when I need to be!" Hooty said with a glare to Willow's direction.

Eda leaves as Luz asks if they can please be quiet as she is looking at the cage of the echo mouse; they are scaring him and if he's not happy she will never make her way into Amity's heart... She corrects herself saying make a portal back home with her face red; she then leaves with the cage.

"Tan Vergonzosa..." Luz muttered with her hands on her head as there were laughs in the crowd and both Camila and Amity put a hand on her shoulder.

"Come on Luz; I am not much better as you have seen me be much more embarassing trying to hide my crush on the screen!" Amity assured her with red in her face and Luz smiled at her.

Hooty's narration said that Lilith was right; these 3 need his help so he deviced a plan of plans and it shows him grinning.

The audience were creeped out by the look; "Oh great; the bird tube demon is going to help us with our problems... You might as well just kill us now!" snapped King with his arms folded as Hooty looked hurt.

"Come on King; what's the worst that Hooty could do..." Luz asked and most of the audience just stared at her in disbelief. "I should know saying that never works out..." Luz muttered to herself.

The opening is shown.

Hooty's narration said that Lilith's words inspired him to help everyone as it shows Hooty going to see King in the kitchen reading books about demons, wanting to find out what kind of demon he is so he will know what is going on but nothing in his books look like him.

The audience were wondering about this; nothing any of them had heard about a demon that looked like him. "Maybe he is a lost night variant of a Cubone that got lost in the Demon Realm?" suggested a human teen and the the other humans shook their heads to the Demon Realm residents' confusion.

Hooty's narration says that their little bundle of joy was growing up and he had questions, as the only other demon in the house he had answers but would he accept help from him?

King shouted 'as if' but the audience pretty much knew the answer already.

Never unless... It then shows Hooty overlooking King with his eyes glowing yellow and then swallowing King.

"Hooty... WHAT DID YOU DO?" Eda shouted as the audience looked terrified and Lilith was looking uneasy and Steve was now asking other audience members if they wanted to switch seats; not wanting to be sitted near him now.

"You are never to be near me again!" King shouted at Hooty terrified as Hooty looked uneasy.

"Come on; it was for your own good..." Hooty muttered.

"Amity; I think in the Grom episode you should be thankful that the thing didn't fight back..." muttered Edric as Amity was open mouthed and hoping that he never tries anything like that with her.

"Wow Hooty... I am kind of freaked out about you now..." Luz muttered as Camila was just speechless.

There is a giant Owl Pellet in a dark room and Hooty gets himself out of it, he demands if he Owl Pellet him and then there is Hooty's voice asking if he is angry, sweaty and if there is hair in places. Hooty circles him with his eyes going yellow asking if his voice cracks in a super embarassing way, he has the answers he seeks and he is going through Demon Puberty. It lights up to show the diagrams that he set up.

King was mortified about what he had just witnessed himself go through and the audience was scared; "Why should we be concerned about some Ghostface killer in a costume when we have a legit horror movie monster right here!" Skara cried and most agreed with her.

"Come on; I am not that creepy... Isn't that right Lulu? Lulu?" Hooty asked and didn't like the silence that followed.

"Learning about puberty was bad enough so I am thankful that this thing didn't teach it to me." said a human teen with most in agreement.

Last thing King wants from him is a health class, Hooty says that it isn't a health class and it's an unholy test to determine what kind of demon he is while bringing down a Who Am I chart.

"Pocket monster is at question mark so he could still be a cubone!" said the human teen from before and he only got stares.

"We saw what his dad looks like and Cubones don't get that big!" corrected another while the Demon Realm residents just got confused again.

King asks really and Hooty said yep and besides he is pretty sure he is the only other demon there so what other choice did he have; King ends up agreeing and Hooty takes him by the collar excited.

"This should be good for a laugh..." grinned Eda as King glared at her and those who had faces that agreed with her.

Hooty with a hat gives a lecture about how their ancestors rose from a decomposing Titan and there are so many demons but they can be placed in three categories: bug, biped and beast and King says that everyone knows about the 3 Bs and Hooty tells him to interupt.

"Hmm... If I am needing a subistute or a permanent replace..." pondered Bump and Eda snorted.

"You want to take my home's security system in that bag so he could teach your dweebs?" Eda asked thinking of how to con Hooty into giving his pay check to her.

Hooty is pretty sure that King isn't a bug but they can't rule anything out and as a type of worm himself which freaks King out; he is an expert in this suspect.

Barcus barked and Viney said "Barcus points out that apparently he is counted as type a worm and apparently was a kitten and so wants to know where exactly the Owl Lady found him?"

There were mutters about this as well and Eda just smirked refusing to say a word.

Hooty takes him away to begin the lesson and he is now in a pink shirt with music notes on it and he is so embarassed.

"I hate you Hooty..." moaned King as there were laughter at his predicament.

Hooty with a fairy and a two headed demon butterfly near him says that bug types naturally communicate through dance and they do a short dance as Hooty tearfully calls it poetic.

Most of the demons had tears in their eyes as well while the rest of the audience just looked weirded out, "so thought provoking..." muttered the bat demon who was Skara's Grom date.

King does a short dance.

Most of the demons were open mouthed and King was frightened as Lilith had to keep back a furious Hooty.

"Wow... Even I think that low and uncalled for..." muttered Boscha.

Barcus barked and Jerbo said "Barcus said that was shameful..."

"You know what that translate to Amity..." asked Luz to Amity who shook her head.

"No and I don't think I want to know..." Amity replied shaking her head.

"Me neither..." muttered Camila.

King and the two bug demons are shocked and Hooty then furiously tells him not to talk about his mother and chases after King.

King gulped along with the audience who weren't demons.

Hooty tells a a tired King that his dance was offensive and his attempts to spin a cocoon was just sad honestly and King asks if they can just not talk about the cocoon.

"Thank the Titan; we weren't shown that..." muttered Bump and most didn't even want to think of that.

Hooty shows his charts to see if he is a biped demon who walk on two legs and even have Bile Sacks just like witches so for this test he is going to have a duel with a little friend off his; opening a box to show Tiny Nose playing a handheld games console.

"A scuffle; this should be easy..." laughed King.

"Unless she still has that patch from the Covention that made her the destroyer of worlds." reminded Steve and most had forgotten about that.

King says not to get mad if she can't but King rings the bell, Tiny Nose then throws the game console and then angrily puts up a spell circle to fire fire magic at King.

Most were wide eyed and Bump said "she was the captain of the duelling team when she was here."

Hooty points out to King that not a single spell and even bug demons have some magic; King says that it's fine and wants to keep going and Hooty says that there is only one way to test for beast types: out from a box is Tiny Nose with a giant syringe for a blood sample with Tiny Nose saying that she graduated from medical school.

"I... Have nothing..." Camila said as most of the audience were just in shock and King looked worried.

The outside of the Owl House is shown with the sound effect of the shot and King screaming.

Those scared of shots felt for King.

Hooty came to a conclusion after reviewing the results, King doesn't care about what type he is and just wants to know what he is. Hooty with his eyes yellow says that he is... He with a 'You Are You' party banner, red balooons and Tiny Nose has a cake made to look like his head.

"Thank you Hooty for that complete and utter waste of my time!" King ranted with tears in his eyes as Hooty looked down and Eda held King close knowing that he would want to know more about his species.

"Was just trying to help..." Hooty muttered as Lilith comforted him.

King has a party hat put on him; Hooty says that the blood tests were inconclusive so they don't really know what he is but that's okay because they don't need to know that to be their friends.

"We get what you are trying to say Hooty but I don't think this is what King needs right now Hooty." Luz said softly and Hooty looked down as King was looking sadder.

King thought that he would have real answers, Hooty tells him that the only real answer is inside his heart but King walks off throwing away the hat saying that he doesn't need him to tell him to love himself and he wants to know where he came from, what his dad looked like and what he looks like when he grows up looking into a baloon that pops.

Most looked at King in sympathy but King was refusing to meet anyone's gaze. "I thought this scenario of Hooty trying to see what King is would be funny but at the end off it's just sad..." Eda said uncharacteristically softly looking down shaking her head.

Hooty looks sad as King says that he doesn't have any responses to his video yet or his wanted posters; maybe his dad is gone and maybe there is no one else like him so he will live the whole off his live without any answers kicking away balloons.

"Don't worry King; we saw your dad so we know at least that he is out there!" reminded Luz and this made King feel a little bit better.

Hooty says no and he didn't want to make him mad; King retorts that he is mad turning around and continues saying he is mad at him for not being there while he is crying. King says that he left him alone and shouts letting out a wave that destroys the cave and party decorations.

The audience were open mouthed; "Wow King... Did you know that you could do that?" Emira asked and King with the eyes on him shook his head.

King is confused and Hooty says that he is sad too and Tiny Nose said that at least the cake is good; Hooty sadly leaves after saying that it was supposed to be a crumble with King calling for him.

"Maybe he will have better luck helping Eda and Luz?" suggested Willow with a fake smile with the audience uncertain.

"You really don't believe that; do you Willow?" asked the Hexside student next to her on the opposite side from where Gus was sitting.

"Off course not; I am just trying to help the mood..." Willow retorted in a whisper.

Hooty returns to his door as his narration said that things got a bit messy with King but he wasn't about to give up and what Eda said confused him; how can she get stronger when she's bone tired? Maybe he was being a nervous nellie but he couldn't shake his fear off the Owl Beast coming out; Eda is seen walking saying that she can't sleep until she can call herself the most powerful witch on the Boiling Isles once again.

"Seriously Eda; you are only doing more harm to yourself and not helping anyone with an attitude like that." Raine told Eda and she frowned.

She finds a plate of cookies made to look like Hooty's head along with a glass of milk and a note from Hooty saying that it's a reward for her hard work. Eda could use the fuel eating a cookie saying that boy can he bake.

"HOW?" asked the majority of the audience trying to imagine the scenario in their heads.

"Plus you seriously didn't ask too many questions about this? Were you that sleep deprieved or just being like you were when you walked into that Tibbles' con in his first episode?" asked Luna and Eda grunted.

She says that the rest of the cookie is magical and notices Sleeping Nettles and Hooty comes out from the floor saying that one bite will put her to sleep for hours; Eda tells him that they don't just put you to sleep but they heighten your dreams and do he realise what he just stick her with?

"...I messed up again, didn't I Lulu?" Hooty muttered and Eda glared at him and Lilith not wanting to lie to him just nodded her head.

She ses a dark corridor and tells Hooty not to let her fall asleep but he falls to the ground cut off with a hole at the other end and repeats what he just said with 'hours' repeating. She then looks at the dark corridor saying that maybe it's an opportunity; the Owl Beast is why she ran away from home and why she never got close to anyone and she notices a shadow go past her and to a corridor.

"You didn't like sharing your problems with people before Eda..." Raine reminded Eda as she stubbornly looked away and the audience were frightened.

She continues saying why she doesn't have magic and sees the Owl Beast who snarls at her; she says that it haunted her for long enough and think it's time for her to haunt it.

Eda grinned at this.

After taking a step she finds herself back in her old room and sees her teen self in the reflection with her old voice calling it a development; she hears Gwendolyn calling her from down the stairs and she walks down to find a ghostly image of Gwendolyn putting food down, young Lilith appears in a chair showing her napkin folding.

"This is eerie..." muttered Luz along with Camila.

"A mental exploring of someone's past and faults like the WWE FIrefly Funhouse Match..." muttered Cornholio to himself.

"Forgot about that old hobby of mine..." Lilith muttered.

She says that it looks nice and calls Eda down to help set up, Eda tells her dream mother that she doesn't have time for whatever this is and is on a mission. Gwendolyn says that she is going to say that the day her dad leaves for the Mandible and Eda muttered about her dad.

Eda and Lilith blinked at this.

Then entered Dell ask Eda embraces him saying that's so good to see him again.

Luz smiled at this and looked to Eda who refused to look at anyone smiling at this affection from her and King was excited to see his new grandfather.

"Wait Mandible... This was... Oh no..." Lilith muttered and Eda grimaced making the audience feel uneasy.

He says that he was only gone for an hour and knows he won't be home for a while and for tonight he brings out a party popper and Eda says wait as she remembers it now, he says that he will be leaving in style and the eye of past Demon turns black and the shadow of her Owl Beast form is shown and it attacks Dell. Normal Eda watches from the door open mouthed as the Owl Beast gets her father to the ground and Eda goes to try and stop it from ruining this again and throws it through the door and closes the door.

The audience gulped and Eda wasn't looking at anyone but so was Lilith; "I remember that night... I couldn't sleep after what I saw and I couldn't forget how it was my fault..." Lilith whispered with guilt in her eyes as she wiped away a tear and Hooty comforted her.

Eda now as an adult looks towards her younger self with feathers in her hair and looks at her father covering his scratched out eye; Dell tells Lilith to call the Healing Coven and Eda is now standing on a triangle shaped floor board as the rest flies off.

Most were freaked out; "Can you really blame me for not wanting anyone to get close after I did that to my own dad..." Eda whispered to Raine who put their arm around her shoulder not sure what to say after seeing that.

Eda says that it wasn't her fault and turns around to see the Owl Beast and says that it was it's but then find herself on a cliff seeing young Raine. Raine asks Eda what she is doing as she is in a punching pose in her young self and acts casual saying that she is fine; Raine says that she is lying again and it's like they don't really know her so they have made a decision.

"No! Please don't tell me this was your break up scene?" Luz cried and Eda sighed shaking her head along with Raine with the rest of the audience not wanting to see this but yet their eyes were glued to the screen.

Eda stands up and turns her back saying that she knows how this plays out, she will be ready this time and calls out to the Owl Beast. Raine says that they are joining the Bard Coven and Eda whispers to herself that she hates this part; Raine says that they think that they should see other people. They are sorry but it's over.

At this it seemed like a thousand hearts had broken at once and they wiped away their tears.

Young Eda looks at her hands and is sprouting feathers with her hands transforming and black in her eyes; Raine asks if she is okay getting up and if this is the curse and then Eda goes up to her younger self saying to just tell them and let them help. Young Eda just says that it's fine, everything is normal and they can leave now. Raine sadly turns around saying that they can't do this anymore and disappears. Eda tells her younger self to stop pushing them away and is faced with the Owl Beast.

While freaked out there is sympathy put towards Eda; "yeah; I kind of do push away those who could be my friends thanks to being scared of this stupid curse..." Eda ends up admitting.

Eda angrily rants at the Owl Beast saying it was always it going towards it to fight, fighting around it's neck saying that it was always it's fault but is pushed back and goes to fight it saying to stop ruining her life. She is now in her Owl Beast form overlooking a cliff and seeing the skull of a Titan.

"Wait... That's not the Titan's skull..." Bo ends up saying as most were shocked.

"I think it is a Titan skull and not our's..." Bump says as they watched.

Eda sees a spell and is put into a net with the Collector laughing saying not to bother; can't run away anymore and it's over with the back off his cloak shown.

"Wait... Who is this... Is this the Owl Beast's memories..." Eda muttered in shock as most didn't know what to think; maybe there will be some good in Hooty's little scheme after all since it may not be answers about King's father or his species but there maybe some about the Owl Beast's past.

The Collector is seen with a moon covering his face in the darkness and Eda gets loose and flies away but the wings burns away causing her to fall into the water and into a scroll to be picked up by a demon and put into a barrel.

"The scroll... The one that I got..." Lilith muttered in shock and most were stunned.

"So... The Owl Beast was just a caught animal, have I just been blaming my problems on another innocent victim in all this instead of just owning up to it..." Eda muttered thinking about it.

"But still doesn't explain why Lilith turned into a Raven Beast when she got the curse." King points out and they didn't know what to make off that good point or who this cloaked being is.

Eda is sitting on the beach seeing the smaller Owl Beast fall into the water with a red rope tied around it's claw and the other end is tied around Eda's foot and she puts it around her finger and sends the Owl Beast to the water. It gets out of the water tired and Eda comforts it saying that it's okay; the water starts glowing yellow as there is a bottle of her elixir washing up. She picks it up saying that she thought it was a way to fight it but she thinks that it's the reason why they can stand there face to face. She says that neither of them wants to be there but they are and there is no changing that as she opens up the bottle. She puts the elixir in her hand saying that if they can't accept eachother then this nightmare will never end as the Owl Beast see it's reflection.

"Self reflection; looks like you ended up helping Eda with this." Lilith smiles at Hooty who looks excited.

"Does anyone else want me to use Sleeping Nettles to help with their problems?" Hooty asks the crowd and they all bellowed out at once:


Eda asks for a truce for now and the Owl Beast nods and sips the elixir making Eda laugh and it then snuggles up in her lap and she pets it.

"You have made a new friend in your cursed self..." cooed Luz and Eda laughs not bothered by the other cooing from the audience.

The sky turns brightly colored and Eda is in awe at it saying that she never had a dream this pretty but then there is a light and Eda wakes up with the shadow showing her Owl beast form; she asks if she turned again and looks into the mirror seeing her new harpy form.

"Wow; I look great!" Eda smirked as most were surprised and some were trying not to think off how hot Eda looked like this.

"Don't say anything..." Raine muttered red in the face and Eda smirked at them.

Hooty muttered about making it worse with her saying to wait and it's okay; Hooty runs off crying and then after trying to cal lfor him then wolf whistles at her reflection in the mirror saying that it's a hot look.

"Priorities Eda..." Camila muttered not even that annoyed with Eda for that after what they had just witnessed.

"Felt like a nightmare type horror movie..." muttered someone with others in agreement.

"I never thought to get such a character study off my mentor but I am not complaining." Luz said in awe.

"You do realise that you are next to get the owl tube's help right?" pointed out Mattholomule and Luz froze at this dreading what they were about to see.

The room for a door is open and Luz's last words are heard as she then enters the room with the cage and closes the door with her foot. She talks to the cage saying that the echo mouse doesn't want to talk about Phillip or how he made his portal then maybe he could try and ask out a cotton candy haired goddess but the echo mouse just goes into it's tube.

"I don't know what's more embarassing: being caught calling the most cool girl I had ever met a goddess or seeking love advice from a mouse? If only I got to have that sleepover with Anne and I could have asked her..." Luz moaned into her hands emabrassed as there were laughs and Amity was red in the face and Camila put a hand on Luz's shoulder.

"Goddess huh..." Amity asked feeling flattered.

"She definitely is not the same girl she was two days before..." laughed Willow and Cornholio was pleased with himself for how much character development he forced out of his audience with so little time.

Hooty's narration said that Luz's heart was torn between finding a way home and her pursuit of love as she puts the cage on the window sill. how does he know all that; he supposed that she is attuned to other people's emotions and it shows Hooty watching Luz at the back off her.

"Totally not creepy at all Hooty..." Luz said sarcastically and then her eyes widened. "Wait... The timeline of these events... It looked like King was first but this seems to be taking place just after I left at the beginning of the episode..." Luz pointed out and they were confused as well.

Hooty said that she wasn't going to make any progress if her attention was split and Luz says that Amity is smart, cool and classy and asking her out should be breathtaking, emotional and real.

"Bad enough when Amity was acting like the hopeless girl with a crush but then you became one as well..." Willow muttered and Luz glared at her along with Amity.

"Are you going to stop with these comments Willow?" Amity asked frustrated.

"When you both stop acting like that in the show and just get together!" Willow retorted with her hands on her hips.

Everyone back home said that she was cheesy and can't let Amity think the same.

The human teens felt uneasy about this.

There is a knock on the door and Luz finds a note on the floor with a riddle; she turns it over to read a PS saying that it meant the basement and it was from Hooty. Luz says that she doesn't have time for this but is then confused about them having a basement.

"Not used often but we do have one." Eda explained.

She goes down with a light glyph activated and finds a lamp with a shadow that Luz mistakes for Amity at first but there is an Owl Pellet nearby.

"Another Owl Pellet... Wait... Hooty did you do what I suspect you may have done..." Eda muttered and Hooty looked away and Amity was dreading this...

Luz thinks that it's silly and why would Amity be in their but hears a noise from the Owl Pellet, it opens up to show Amity inside.

"HOOTY! NO! BAD HOOTY! YOU DON'T KIDNAP COTTON CANDY HAIRED GODDESSESS OUT OF MY LEAGUE!" Luz yelled as Amity was open mouthed and Hooty looked guilty.

"I am pretty sure that he was still harbouring a grudge from the Grom episode..." smirked Boscha.

"Wait... Would he have had to go to our manor to kidnap Amity? How long can his neck stretch?" Emira points out and their eyes widened.

"I would be lucky if Amity still wanted to speak to me after this; you pull this off with anyone at my human school and I guranteed you that they will not want anything to do with me again!" Luz muttered as there were confirmations from the human teens.

Camila shook her head knowing that Hooty was trying to help but kidnapping someone's crush in a scheme to get them together was not something okay.

Amity asks where they are and thinks Hooty brought her there; Luz is red in the cheeks explaining that this is their basement and helps her up apologising for all this since Hooty had been acting weird all day. Amity says that house demons get like this after a couple thousand years and it's fine; she turns to want to talk about what happened at her place asking if they could just forget about the whole thing maybe and Luz looks freaked out for a second.

"I know what you are doing!" Amity sighed with her arms folded not even bothering to look at her siblings, Willow and Gus who had 'I am so done' looks on their faces.

All she cares about right now is getting her out of their dirty old basement but then they step on somethign and hold onto eachother with them becoming red in the face but falls down through the ground.

"I swear Hooty if you are sending them to a makeshift wedding ceremony... I would probably laugh out loud for a few minutes but then I would be scolding you for not respecting their boundaries..." Eda muttered to laughs and Luz and Amity were pretty freaked out about what was going to come next.

They land on heart shaped pillows and the picture on one blinks at Luz and she says 'oh no', she uses a fire glyph to destroy it scaring Amity.

"I know this was spurn off the moment but you could have seriously burned Amity like that Mija..." scolded Camila lightly and Luz looked towards Amity apologetically and most had an idea of what was going on.

Luz gets off the pile and grabs a note falling from the sky saying to return to the world above; they have to make their way through the tunnel of love and the lights go on showing the swan boat.

"Please; whatever is up there please grant me mercy and end my suffering before it starts..." cried Luz into her hands as there was laughter from the audience and Amity red in the face grabbed Luz's hand as Camila shook her head thinking that Hooty was just trying to force it.

"I know you mean well but forcing it would do them no good..." chided Lilith to Hooty who looked down about messing up again.

"I would love to go on a tunnel of love with my dear Skara." said the bat demon boy and Skara smiled at him.

Romantic music starts playing and Luz thinks that if Amity sees this then she will see her as such a loser as Amity is next to her asking what it is.

"I would never think that... Okay; if this was me as we just met then maybe but right now no..." Amity assured her and Luz was in awe that she was smiling.

A pink Hooty is at the head off the boat and takes them onto the boat as it starts.

"Wait how did... I don't... What?" Eda asked wondering how exactly Hooty pulled this off.

Luz shouts Hooty's name angrily and there is animatronics; Luz puts her face in her hands and Amity sees a banner saying that she thinks that she is smart, cool and classy and is red in the face smiling. Luz thinks that she is going to be made fun off again.

"Not true Luz; you can see that I like it..." Amity told Luz continuing to hold her hand and Luz was surprised. "You have too much off a high view of my supposed 'coolness' if you think that I would make fun off you for this." Amity told her and Luz smiled.

Willow, Gus and the twins who were pretty much Team Lumity at this point were smiling at seeing their first date on the screen.

Amity asks if she just said something and Luz just stares at a sign being held up by two bees animatronic saying 'Amity Bee Mine!'. Luz says no and attacks the sign saying that it was an invasive species and there is Cupid Angel Hootys sending notes into the water and attacks them while apologising to Amity and Amity looks sad.

"Now you will have Amity thinking that you didn't want to do anything romantic with her!" muttered Edric shaking his head with his arms folded and Luz groaned at her screen self trying not to have Amity think less off her.

Amity is shocked as Luz is destroying animatronics with glyphs and everything with Amity closes her eyes with her head down sadly.

"Great job Luz; you are giving off the wrong impression..." Luz muttered with her arms folded and Amity and Camila hoped that this would end up well.

The boat stops and Luz gets out of the water saying that this was a nightmare and Amity gets out of the boot saying that yeah, it kind of was and will get out of her hair and Luz tries to tell her to wait and this wasn't her and it was Hooty's stupid idea. Amity said that it was stupid because them dating was stupid right?

Hooty gulped at the twins, Willow and Gus glaring at him as if blaming him for if the events in the episode ruined the possibility of them getting together now.

Luz is panic shocked and Hooty starts crying saying that he did it againand it cuts to him squirming about at the front of the Owl House saying that he can't help anyone; King is on the tower telling Hooty to calm down while calling him a ding-dong. Hooty continues trying to break free off the door and King holds on as he is about to fall off and Hooty says that he has to do this the hard way going back to the door.

"Oh great; going to need a new house after this episode..." Eda muttered as things were tense in the audience.

King is clsoe to falling, Hooty is gone from his hole and Eda is walking about the corridor and sees King through the window who ends up falling to be caught by Eda; who is shocked but she tells him not to worry and she thinks that it's a good thing.

The audience shared a sigh of relief.

Eda asks where is Luz as King looks down and spots Luz going out of a side door with Amity who asks what is going on, Luz doesn't know but things always gets weird when Hooty is upset and the ground is shaking and the tower breaking. King shouts to Luz to run; a debris is falling and the two teens ducks for cover and King ends up giving out another wave that breaks it and puts them into a dome with bright colours around them.

They saw that wave again and the audience were now in awe; forgetting how worried for the two they were and some forgot how they wondered how they couldn't try and do more to run out of the way.

They stare at eachother and Eda asks King if he did that; King says that he thinks that he did and he thinks that he has a power. Luz helps Amity up as Eda goes to them asking if they are okay. Luz excitedly says not as okay as she and has a few questions for later.

"Seriously Amity; no reaction from you about that?" Luz asked Amity amused and smiled.

"Well with Eda's reputation as the Owl Lady; I probably figured that she did something to herself with some illegal magic or potion." Amity said and Luz shrugged her shoulders thinking that it was fair.

Hooty's neck comes up from the ground from behind the two teens crying saying that he failed them all and Eda tries to tell him that he weirdly actually helped her; she is actually a harpy woman now and King excitedly says that he can explode things with his voice powers and Hooty cried that he still failed Luz. Eda asks Luz what Hooty was trying to do as Amity is looking up; King says to quickly pretend that he helped her before he destroys everything.

Though still tense some still looked at King amused.

Luz sweating looks to Amity and comes closer to whisper that he was trying to help her ask Amity out; Eda is shocked and asks if she want to and Luz slightly nods with her cheeks red. Eda then smiles as she tells her to do it and Luz asks like this with Hooty rolling around crying.

"Supportive second mother..." sighed Camila happily but the four member Team Lumity were extremely tense with cautious optimism within them.

Eda says that she hears her putting King on her back; saying that she might be able to help and it won't be perfect but does it really need to be. She wishes her good luck as she flies to catch Hooty by the neck.

"Nothing needs to be perfect Luz; even asking out the person you like. Eda is right about that." Camila told Luz and she smiles hoping for the best.

Luz faces Amity but then they fall into a small circle on the ground and she goes up to Amity asking if she is okay; Amity puts a hand up saying she is alright as Luz helps her up. Luz says that she had been wanting to ask her something for a while but wanted to do it in the best way and in the tunnel of love she thought Amity was too cool for this with red in her cheeks. Amity with red in her cheeks replies that she isn't as cool as she thinks.

Even Boscha knew not to make a comment at this and Amity smiles at Luz nodding in agreement with her screen self.

Luz says that everything is so crazy right now and she has no idea what her future holds but it would be so cool if she was in it so...

"Is..." Edric started.

"This..." Emira continued.

"Really..." Gus continued.

"Happening..." Willow finished as the four and the audience were hopeful about what was going to happen next...

Luz is red in the face trying to continue and Amity interupts asking if she wants to go out with her. Luz puts a hand to her face complaining that she was already and Amity smiling in an amused face apologises saying that she could say it.

The audience laughed and the couple were embarassed but there was smiles about this.

Luz asks if she Amity Blight wants to go out with her and Amity replies yes.

Luz and Amity smiles at eachother holding hands and the audience bursted into cheers; "To think you lot wanted this to be skipped..." laughed Cornholio.

Camila then hugged them as the loudest claps came from Eda, King, Lilith (while also hugging Hooty crying tears of joy), team Lumity who went to eachother to high five eachother and then went to the couple in the front row to huge them to their embarassment.

After a few awkward seconds they hold hands with them embarassed; Luz asks why is it still so scary and Amity doesn't know.

"You two are so perfectly imperfect!" Willow cheered with tears of joy that her friends were finally together and she no longer has to suffer watching them dance around it on the screen.

Hooty is now crying tears of joy as Eda smiles saying dang Hooty; he really is something and it shows that the circle in the ground they are in is heart shaped.

The audience smiles certain that nothing could ruin this ending. They also agreed with Eda about Hooty being something.

Hooty's narration said that King may not know where he came from but he is learning more and more about himself everyday and it shows him using his new power against a glassand Eda puts a claw to stop him.

"Could have broken the crystal ball there..." laughed Eda.

Hooty's narration said that Eda became harpy Eda now, she still drinks her elixir but she is accepting the Owl Beast as part of her as it shows her arm going back to normal from a claw, it's progress.

Eda smiled knowing that at some point here she has to have that conversation with the Owl Beast.

Luz is with Amity as they are looking at something that the echo mouse is showing while Luz is writing it down, Hooty explains that Luz's new GF is helping to get more information from the old human's diary and they are shown red in the face while looking at eachother. Hooty smiles at them as his narration said that they are adorable and deserves all the happiness.

"Well we all agree with you there Hooty!" Willow smiles and then the audience nods.

Cuts to Hooty at the typewriter saying that he made a promise never to help anyone ever again but nevertheless he's a genius. He takes the letter to the letterbox and puts it in saying that everything is solved and no more mysteries. Then there is the shadow fo Tarak begging Hooty's pardon.

"Wait... No way!" King muttered in excitedly shock along with the audience stunned; King was thinking that this just got a thousand times better!

Tarak then puts a black letter on a rock asking if he would make sure it finds it's way to King Clawthorne as he leaves with Hooty shocked.

King was squealing with excitement; his father may not be visiting but he left a letter! Nothing could ruin this!

There is a bug on the letter and Hooty excitedly sees it and swallows the letter; he realises his mistake and hopes that it was junk mail.

Everyone blinked in silence for a minute.

King then stood up looking unexpectedly calm as he then slowly walked to where Lilith was sitting with Hooty. "King ol pal; you do know that this was a spur of the moment accident right? You are not too mad right?" Hooty asked hesitatingly.

King then took a deep breath.


After a few minutes Cornholio laughed and said "well; good thing that I got the break scheduled for right now, isn't it?"