
The Owl house : A witch ?? no no ,I am a Magus

Synopsis: A fan of Leylin Farlier from the novel "Warlock of the Magus World" died tragically at the hands of his fiancée's lover. Fortunately for him, his death wasn't the end but the beginning of a greater story. Author's note: This is a crossover with other works like Gravity Falls, Amphibia, Star Butterfly (Star vs the Forces of Evil) and Warlock of the magus world . It's not a harem (but the protagonist will have two waifus at the end, which for me isn't really a harem) . [!!!chapter 1 contains extremely violent content like NTR but also words from a broken man who could offend certain people (I also add that I am tired of explaining the reason for this dark chapter) !!!]

Herohero · Anime und Comics
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52 Chs

Chapter 5: Sorry Amity, but this is the path that big brother has chosen.

Amity's POV

"See you tomorrow, Willow," I said as I left.

Since I had distanced myself from Leylin, I felt guilty, but now that I had Willow with me, I felt slightly better.

She really understood me, and I could feel relaxed with her.

She was different from the friends mother introduced me to, and I loved this difference.

"You're home late," mother suddenly declared at my bedroom door.

"I was with friends," I said quickly.

"Friends, huh," she said, moving closer to me.

"Do you know where Leylin is right now?" she asked, leaning slightly towards me.

"Studying?" I said instinctively.

"Yes, your brother uses his free time to improve his Oracle magic, and it's just a matter of time before he surpasses me," she said, clearly proud.

"But you, you're stagnating," she said, frowning.

"But... but father said I was more talented than him at his age," I argued, trying to appease her.

"You're right, but I want what's best for my children," she said, placing her hand on my shoulder.

"Amity, from now on, you must no longer associate with that girl named Willow," she said firmly.

"No, I refuse," I said, backing away. She had already taken Leylin from me.

I didn't want her to take Willow away too; I refused.

"Amity, I don't want you to associate with that girl named Willow anymore!" mother shouted at me.

Although severe, it was the first time she had taken this tone with me, but I didn't want to leave Willow.

*Sound* The creaking of the door.

"Sorry to have disturbed," Leylin declared, trying to leave.

"Stay right there, young man," mother declared, grabbing his shoulder to prevent him from leaving.

"I need to go to my workshop; I'm in a hurry," he declared, trying to make mother give in.

"I need you to make your sister understand that she doesn't need useless friends," mother declared, smiling.

At these words, I could see Leylin frown, but he quickly regained control of his facial expression. It seems mother didn't notice.

"Amity, I want you to face your brother in an abomination magic duel outside," she said with a smirk.

"If you win, you can stay with Willow since she doesn't hinder your magic progression, but if you lose against Leylin, then..."

She wanted to say something, but Leylin interrupted her.

"I want Willow as my subordinate," he said quickly to mother. His words shocked me.

Why would Leylin want Willow? Does he want to take revenge for my behavior towards him?

No, no, Leylin isn't like that; I refuse to think that of him.

"I don't want that girl from a low-ranking family near my children," mother declared, looking at Leylin.


Leylin's POV

I didn't really want to get involved in the story between Amity and Willow, but seeing Amity's desperate look when a duel with me was mentioned disappointed me.

I know I'm strong, and seeing my sister's weakness was hard to watch.

That's why I didn't really interfere with the separation of Amity and Willow, but I decided to be Willow's "friend."

If I can prevent the misunderstanding between these two and at the same time teach my sister that weakness is a sin, it's a win-win for me.

Not only will she keep in touch with her friend through me, but I can potentially make Willow my total subordinate.

She comes from a low-ranking family, and here, these are the Boiling Isles.

A place where only power and money really matter, which is why I've always made efforts to be on mother's side until now.

If I want resources, materials, books, and knowledge, then mother is the best path.

After becoming sufficiently influential and powerful, I can easily step out of her shadow and be independent.

"I don't want that girl from a low-ranking family near my children," mother declared, looking at me.

It seems she understood my intentions. After all, she's a woman who runs one of the most influential organizations in the Boiling Isles.

"I expressed myself poorly, mother. I desire to make her my 'servant,' and I think her family wouldn't be against the idea, right?" I said, giving her a devilish smile similar to those she often makes.

"You're not wrong; I like the idea of you obtaining her as a servant," she said, nodding before making a smile similar to mine. It seems I inherited too many of my mother's genes.

"So Amity, are you going to do this duel or give up?" mother asked, turning to her.

"I... I'll do it," she said, looking at me, clearly determined.

It seems that regardless of the result, Amity will change her way of thinking today.

After these words, we went outside, and mother established the rules of the duel.

The match will only stop when one or the other surrenders or is unable to continue, and only the use of abomination magic is allowed.

Everyone here knew that if I used mother's magic, I would win in seconds.

"Begin," mother declared to signal the start of the match.

"I always knew we would come to this moment one day," I said in a neutral tone, observing Amity create two abominations the size of a 10 or 12-year-old child.

"Why do you want to take Willow from me? To take revenge for my behavior?" Amity declared, clearly frustrated.

I wanted to clearly answer that she was wrong, but mother was there. If I want to take over the family business and one day the Boiling Isles, then I need her.

She is a safer path than Amity, and I can correct the misunderstanding between us later.

"My dear Mittens, the world doesn't revolve around you, and frankly, I just want to keep Willow so that you'll come back to take her one day," I said, a half-truth while dodging the fists of an abomination.

Frankly, I think I can finish this duel without magic, but I want Amity to pull herself together.

I want her to be stronger, and until she's strong enough, I'll watch over Willow to avoid their suffering as in the original story.

Of course, I gain a subordinate as a bonus. Nothing is free in this world, my dear sister.

After dodging the attacks of the abominations thanks to my agility obtained by physically exercising since I was 8, I traced a magic circle to create armor made of abomination.

This movement seems simple but surprisingly, it consumes a lot of magic.

Among witches, those capable of modifying abominations to create objects are considered to be of an advanced level in abomination magic.

I currently understand why Amity, in the future, just creates weapons with abominations.

A complete armor consumes too much energy for my taste; I used 25% of my magic in this thing.

I started to advance, ignoring the attacks of the abominations that didn't even scratch my armor.

"Give up, ,Mittens, you know you can't win," I said, looking at her through the visor of my helmet.

This armor is inspired by that of Momon, the hero of darkness, but in a kid version. For now, it's just as hard as steel, but I hope to achieve greater solidity later.

"Sniff sniff," Amity said nothing but simply started to cry.

I wanted to take her in my arms to comfort her, but I know that would do more harm than good to both of us.

I had already chosen the path I would take the day I was born in this magical world. I want to be better than Johnny.

I no longer want to be mortal; I want to be able to resemble that man from that novel, and if I have to temporarily separate my sister from her best friend for that, so be it.

"I hate you, Leylin..." she said, running towards the house. There, where she cries in front of me, I saw my earring.

Author's note: It hurt me to write this, but it's necessary. My protagonist will make many of his loved ones cry and will betray some of them.

Heroherocreators' thoughts