
The Outcasted Hero

Apollo grew up alone with no parents until came the time that his true strength unleashed and the people admire him.

kathy_katz · Fantasie
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22 Chs

Aarons Great Love to Meriam

Aaron to ease his mind from thinking about what his grandfather did to Meriam, he just visited Meriam and spend time together. Meriam was also happy seeing Aaron. That day, Aaron teach Meriam how to ride a horse. They had so much fun and just enjoy the moment.

Aaron said to Meriam, "hey love please come with me at the city so you won't be alone here anymore." Meriam becomes silent and then said, "I am really right that you're going to leave me here for the city," then she sigh. Aaron replied, "no that's not what I meant,....I said I want you to come with me in the city....you can be homeschooled and then we're going to go to college together." Meriam utter, "you know that my life is here....I just can't leave everything here." Just to keep the argumentation ceased, Aaron invited Meriam to go to the waterfalls. 

The two then went to the waterfalls. They lavished the beautiful scenery. A beautiful water and abundant flowers all around. "I really love it here my love, seems my problem has all gone," Aaron sighed. "Why? what's that you're not telling me?," Meriam said in concern. Aaron just swim near her, hugged her madlessly and kissed her. The two then again made love.

It was getting dark and Meriam wanted Aaron to go back to his house. "Hey it's getting late, you should head home now," Meriam said. "No I wanted to be with you here for forever...can I just live with you here..I promised I will try my best to learn planting vegetables," Aaron just tease Meriam but deep inside, he really wanted to tell Meriam that he will not be going back to his grandpa's house. He really wanted to tell Meriam about everything he knew but he was afraid that Meriam would be mad at him. So they just slept together for the night until morning.

Meriam prepared food for breakfast while Aaron was still sleeping. She noticed the gloom in his eyes and ponder what if Aaron has to leave for the city very soon, what if he would find another girl. When Aaron was already awake, she go near to him and utter, "seems you're having a great sleep, what's your dream all about huh?," she then kissed him on the forehead. "Get up now, let's have some breakfast...coz' you're going to do farming now," Meriam said and laughed loudly.

It's already been a week when Aaron didn't bother going home. Her parents and Don Conrad was already looking for him because even Jacob didn't know where he was. "Aaron, Aaron.....they kept looking for him. His grandpa even brought a different group of hunters just to look for him but they didn't found him. 

While they were busy looking for him, Aaron was just having fun in the company of Meriam. He had in his mind, that he's going to live with Meriam now. And if his family hated her, then he's going to protect her with all his life. Especially knowing that it was his grandpa who caused the pain of Meriam.

Aaron tend his horse for a drink near the river. Suddenly, his best friend saw him and said, "hey prince,,,,everybody's been looking for you..." Aaron replied, just tell them you didn't know and there's nothing here." Jacob insisted, "you must go home now...you're mother was so worried about you and because you're leaving for the city very soon." Aaron said, "no...I won't be going with them anymore....Meriam is here and so my life is here now....just tell them that there was nothing here and just tell them to leave without me." Jacob got no choice but to obey what his best friend said.

It was already late in the evening when Meriam and Aaron were having their dinner inside the hut. The two were so happy but suddenly, they heard a sound of many horses coming. Aaron tells Meriam to hide. Meriam hide at the back of the hut behind the bushes. Don Conrad shouted, "search for the house,,,,I know who owns this house....a witch..if you see her burned her...she must hide my grandson here....." and everybody shouted..."ho ha." They enter the gate and they found Aaron standing in front of the hut. It was me you're looking for and so here I am," Aaron said. "No we're here for the witch," Don Conrad angrily said and everyone also shouted, "where is the witch?" Aaron insisted, "well she's not here and I was the one you're looking for,,,I said here I am." 

Seems that Don Conrad was out of rage and didn't listen to Aaron and said, "find the witch." They look for Meriam and burned the hut. Aaron fight with them trying' to stop them from hurting the one he loves. Suddenly Meriam went out from the bush as she saw the face of a familiar face. It was the one who took the necklace from her mother's neck and his father is the one who killed her mother and father. She was referring to Don Conrad and she said, "it was you, you, you're the one who killed my mother," she said angrily. Don Conrad just shouted to the people around, "this is the witch I'm talking about,,,...the one who hid my grandson....she must be killed and must be burn to stop the curse in our village." Aaron gets mad at his grandpa hearing all that because he literally knew everything what his grandpa did and utter, "no you should listen to me, it was Don Conrad's father who took the life of Meriam's mother and father,,,,and Don Conrad is the one who took the necklace." Everyone was shocked as they couldn't believe their eyes that it was a grandpa versus his grandson. Caspar came near and said, "what are you talking about? it was your grandpa have some respect, he is the one who gave you almost everything." The fight is not yet over, what will happen to Meriam now?