
The Originals Untold

Esther and Dahlia grew up during the Viking era. During a village war Esther and Dahlia were captured. While Dahlia was slaving away to keep herself alive Esther was falling in love with a Viking soldier. After they marry Esther got the family she always wanted. However, getting her life came with a price. Was it worth it?

Babygirl0108 · Fantasie
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3 Chs

Ch 2: Immortality

Flash Back:

During the 1st century B.C.E, a woman named Qetsiyah fell in love with a man named Silas. Both were very powerful witches. Wanting to spend eternity with each other Qetsiyah made an immortality spell that they were both supposed to drink at their wedding. However, little did Qetsiyah know Silas was also in love with her handmaiden, Amara.

The night before their wedding Silas steals the immortality potion and drinks it with Amara. Feeling betrayed by them both she separates them forever. Nature having to correct what they had done it started creating doppelgangers of both Amara and Silas. The doppelgangers were to meet, fall in love, and die to counterreact them being immortal.


As Esther's children grew up they started building a life in The New World. Niklaus and Elijah ended up falling in love with a woman named Tatia. Very beautiful long brown hair, skin sun kisses, and free spirited. Knowing she just lost her husband during the Viking wars and her having a child, both Niklaus and Elijah treaded carefully with her heart.

One night during a bomb fire Tatia tells Elijah that she is in love with him. Niklaus tells Elijah that he deserves Tatia, even though he loved her too. Esther later asks Tatia if she could have some of her blood. Esther then enchants Tatia's blood with a spell like Qetsiyah used for her immortality spell. Tatia's blood was used to allow them to be reborn and be a new powerful species. In order to do the spell she used the sun and the ash from the White Oak tree. The White Oak Tree is what gave the immortality to whomever the spell was used on. The sun was used for life. She then laced the wine that Mikael and her children drank for dinner. Mikael then stabs his children and himself with his sword.

Once Mikael and their kids awoke they fed on human blood to complete their transition. However, this spell came with a price and several of them. Their hunger for blood was too strong along with them burning in the sun.

Due to their hunger Niklaus accidentally kills six villagers while feeding on them, in return triggering his curse. Elijah by mistake walks up and finds Niklaus displaying his glowing eyes from the werewolf gene.

"Whats wrong with me, brother!?" Niklaus cries out in pain.

"I do not know brother. We will figure this out. We need to get you home. And hide this body."

Whilw discussing the fact that his father was a werewolf Tatia walks up and sees the dead villagers. Scared she runs off. Elijah chases after her

"Your mother asked for my blood. I would have never given it to her had I known she would turn you all into monsters!"

Elijah, hurt by her words, he tries to explain that they aren't monsters. By mistake from anger he kills Tatia.

"Mother....what have I done?" Esther could see the remorse and pain in Elijah's eyes.

"It's okay son. I will take care of this. You need to forget about this." She takes Tatia inside behind a red door. Elijah cleans up and tries to forget what has happened.

Due to Niklaus's hunger, and him accidentally triggering his werewolf curse, Esther ends up using what blood was left to create another spell. This spell would then help to keep Niklaus's werewolf gene dormant. She hoped it would fix her wrongs against her husband and Nature. She was ashamed of the abominations she had made and that Niklaus was an even bigger one.

Mikael found out about Niklaus being his bastard son and began beating him even more. He felt so betrayed and hatred that he slaughtered over half the village and then went after Ansel. He mentally and physically tortured Niklaus. Whenever Elijah or Rebekah tried to help Niklaus Mikael would then threaten them.

Because of the spell that Esther made there were many downfalls to her spell, other than the hunger. Many of which made them vulnerable to others. Some made them stronger.

Esther had to make them daylight rings to allow them to be out like normal people. Without the daylight rings the sun would burn them and they would burts into flames. Another problem was vervain. A plant that grew on the White Oak Tree. When used on a vampire it can weaken them and burn them. When a human drinks it it keeps vampires from being able to compelle them. One of the biggest issues was that if a dagger was dipped into the ashes of the White Oak Tree and stabbed into the heart of a vampire it would put them in a coma like state until the dagger is removed. However, only a human can use this dagger safely. If another vampire or werewolf uses it their life will be taken as well. Vampires also have to be invited into a home in order to enter. The most deadly one of all is that a stake made of the White Oak Tree is the only thing that could kill them. Just a normal stake would only hurt them or put them in a coma like state for a few hours.

Not long after Mikael forces Esther to suppress Niklaus's werewolf side. Furious with his mother he chokes Esther to death and blames Mikael for it. Due to his rage Mikael flees his village. Finn and Kol flee as well knowing they were no longer safe. Esther's body was laid to rest by Ayana by Niklaus, Rebekah and Elijah. Once they said their goodbyes Niklaus, Rebekah and Elijah fled as well.