
The Hunger Games: The Orb of Worlds without Limits

Jacob, a young man burdened by tragedy and adversity, discovers a magical orb in his darkest moment of despair. This discovery sets off a chain of events that will lead him to uncover unimaginable things and embark on a perilous journey filled with dangers and revelations. After experiencing an unjust betrayal, Jacob finds himself immersed in despair and darkness. But one day, while wandering through the forgotten corners of his tiny world, he stumbles upon a mysterious glowing orb that emanates supernatural energy. Known as "The Orb of Worlds without Limits," the orb grants Jacob the ability to travel to different worlds and unlocks unknown knowledge within him. In his quest to uncover the truth behind the orb and his own purpose, Jacob encounters a truth he never could have expected. Throughout his travels, Jacob will experience otherworldly encounters and learn to appreciate his own existence in ways he never thought possible. [Make your choice!] "[... World A: The Hunger Games Difficulty level: 3 ... World B: Apollo 18 Difficulty level: 4 ... World C: Blood Red Sky Difficulty level: 3 ... World D: Sweet Home Difficulty level: 5

SrCuervo · Movies
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243 Chs

First night

Jacob had taken the shift to guard the small place where they were spending the night, and at the moment, he was assessing his options to slowly eliminate the other tributes.

He was closer to the entrance when his intelligent assistant alerted him of an anomaly.

"[Movement detected, something is approaching from the sky towards us!]"

"Hmm..." Jacob momentarily puzzled, but then he saw a parachute descending right at the cave entrance.

As he observed the approaching object, Jacob became a bit confused. Hadn't he requested the sponsors to send support to Katniss? What he saw descending from the sky was a silver parachute, and once it landed within his reach, Jacob opened it.

"This is..." The first thing he saw was a very peculiar weapon, enough to momentarily surprise him. This was his support equipment, the gear assigned to him through the roulette, which he had forgotten about.

"A compound bow..."

Jacob murmured in a low voice as he carefully inspected the weapon, and alongside the bow, as black as the night, was a quiver of metal arrows.

"[...Support item identified!

High-precision compound bow: A modern-designed bow made of advanced materials that offers excellent accuracy and shooting power. With specially designed arrows, you could attack your opponents from a distance, maintaining a tactical advantage and avoiding direct confrontations...]"

Immediately after retrieving the high-precision compound bow, Jacob noticed another parachute gliding towards his location.

"[...Support item identified!

Gauntlet with retractable blades: A gauntlet equipped with sharp retractable steel blades. These blades would allow you to engage in agile and lethal close combat. Additionally, being retractable, you could easily conceal them when not needed, avoiding alerting other competitors.

Electric smoke grenade: A special grenade that, upon detonation, creates a dense cloud of smoke and paralyzing electric discharges. This weapon would enable you to escape dangerous situations, confuse your opponents, and disorient them. Moreover, the temporary electric shocks could momentarily immobilize your enemies, giving you the opportunity to flee or attack.

Advanced first aid kit: A comprehensive first aid kit that includes bandages, medications, and tools for treating injuries and illnesses. This item would help you maintain your health and recover quickly from injuries, providing a vital advantage during the games.

Tactical survival backpack: A backpack equipped with essential survival items such as drinkable water, long-lasting food, multi-purpose tools, sturdy rope, and a detailed map of the area. This backpack would allow you to survive in adverse conditions and plan your moves strategically.

Optical camouflage device: A portable device that utilizes advanced technology to create optical camouflage around your body. This would allow you to blend with the environment and become practically invisible, facilitating stealth and avoiding detection by your opponents...]"

These weapons didn't come from the sponsors, but rather, they were his own weapons being sent by unknown sources. However, having them by his side was a must. His doubt lay in what would happen to these weapons once the games were over. Would he be able to keep them if he survived?

But such thoughts were unnecessary to dwell upon at the moment. After receiving these items, Jacob entered the cave and examined them closely. Each of them represented a vital tool for his survival in the Hunger Games. With great interest, he prepared to equip himself and strategically utilize these resources.

Taking the high-precision compound bow, Jacob carefully adjusted it to fit his body. He felt the perfect balance in his hands and knew that this would be his primary ally in the arena. The specially designed arrows were ready to be used, offering him the ability to attack from a distance and maintain a tactical advantage over his opponents.

Next, he put on the gauntlet with retractable blades on his right hand. The sharp blades glimmered in the light, ready to deploy with a simple hand movement. Jacob knew that these blades would provide him with agility and lethality in close combat, and he also appreciated the ability to conceal them when not needed, avoiding alerting other competitors.

Then, he took the electric smoke grenade. He was aware of its power to create a dense smoke cloud and paralyzing electric discharges upon detonation. This weapon would allow him to escape dangerous situations, confuse his opponents, and disorient them. The temporary electric shocks could give him a crucial advantage by momentarily immobilizing his enemies while he decided his next move.

Jacob couldn't overlook the support items. He took the advanced first aid kit and stored it in his backpack. He knew it would be crucial for treating injuries and illnesses during the games, maintaining his health and allowing him to recover quickly.

Speaking of the backpack, he took it and adjusted it on his back. It was equipped with essential survival items: drinking water, long-lasting food, multi-functional tools, sturdy rope, and a detailed map of the area. This backpack would be his lifeline in adverse situations, providing him with the necessary resources to survive and plan his moves strategically.

Lastly, he held the optical camouflage device. He was aware of the advanced technology he had in his hands. When activated, it would make him practically invisible, blending with the environment and avoiding detection by his opponents. This would give him the stealth necessary to move without being discovered and provide a significant advantage during the games.

With all his resources equipped, Jacob felt ready to face the challenges that awaited him in the arena. Each item was a tool that could make a difference between life and death. With a cold expression in his eyes, he mentally prepared himself to use them wisely and strategically, knowing that luck alone wouldn't be enough to survive in the Hunger Games.

"Sponsors?" Thresh asked after seeing the bow in Jacob's hands, who was almost turned away from him.

"Are you awake?" Jacob didn't respond immediately. After considering the hours Thresh had remained asleep, he said, "I received some interesting things. You can check what's in the backpack and gather all the useful items to avoid carrying too much equipment, which would slow us down."

"I'll check it while keeping watch. The professionals should have started moving by now..." Thresh didn't pay much attention to what Jacob received, but judging by the size of that backpack, the metallic thing on his wrist, and the bow, they must have been good things.

Jacob nodded upon hearing Thresh's words and said, "Then I'll rest. The professionals won't find us in this place."

"[Maintaining maximum alert state!]"

The intelligent assistant reminded Jacob of this, and it was then that he decided to rest a little before finding Katniss. Of course, it was good to trust, but not trusting was better. He knew Thresh was very loyal, but that wasn't entirely guaranteed, so he kept his right hand ready to attack at any moment.


Jacob settled into his spot inside the small cave, prepared to spend his first night in the arena. He was aware of the importance of staying alert and vigilant even during sleep. He knew light sleep, that ability he had developed to wake up immediately in the face of any threat that might arise.

As he closed his eyes, Jacob sank into a restless sleep. Confusing images and haunting memories intertwined in his mind. He relived the moment when he was forced to kill two people in the arena, an experience that left a profound mark on his being.

Suddenly, Jacob jolted awake, his heart pounding rapidly. Sweat covered his forehead, and his breathing was heavy. He looked at Thresh, who was on guard, protecting their shelter. Without wasting time, he spoke urgently.

"Thresh, we need to get moving... I had a bad dream, and if possible, I'd like to find our allies as soon as possible."

Thresh nodded, understanding the seriousness of the situation. Both of them knew that time was a valuable resource in the games, and every moment they spent idle could mean a missed opportunity. They quickly began preparing to depart, making sure their provisions and weapons were ready.

Jacob made an effort to leave behind the dark thoughts that his nightmare had evoked. He knew he had to stay focused and determined in his search. The arena was an unforgiving place that didn't allow weaknesses. Every step they took had to be calculated and strategic.

With burning coldness in his gaze, Jacob led the way, knowing that the fate of their allies depended on his ability to find them. He wouldn't let the weight of his past actions hold him back. They would move forward together, overcoming the obstacles that came their way, hoping to reunite and defeat their respective enemies.

If you want to read more than 40 chapters before its official publication date, you can visit my Patreon: SrCuervo

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