

After being stripped of everything including a home during a massacre, ten years down the road, Alpha Alex, is still trying to find a safe haven for the remaining pack members. He led his remaining pack members and learned to live among humans while carrying the burden of who they were. Along with the responsibility on his back, he struggles with accepting that maybe there was no mate for him. But after spending a night with a lady who left her scent on his bed and mind. A scent he regrets not understanding earlier. Being rejected was like carrying a dark mark on her forehead for Malia; her mother did it first, and her father held the painful candle longer, which became such a big scar for her. But when she wakes up in a stranger's bed after making a bittersweet decision, she will either regret it, or it could be a path she was searching for. She is with a piece of him, and he with her scent. Malia tries to come to terms with her new life, not knowing that her life had changed when she gave herself to him. She is the ONE, is all Alex sings, but he doesn't know where to find her. She could be the second chance for him to find happiness again, and him, a home she never had. If it's fate, it could be it for both Alpha Alex and Malia. Read the story to follow Alpha Alex and his Luna as they try to find a safe home for the wolves while fighting every thread on their way to happiness

Aloyo2008 · Urban
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93 Chs

Chapter 47

Alex was now relaxed after he had spoken to Malia. Seeing Chris today was bittersweet for him, but all in all, he was glad that he could see him again. Checking for time on his wristwatch, he wondered whether the mission at the restaurant had run smoothly or maybe it hadn't yet ended since there wasn't information from there yet.

Despite not showing it, Alex was a little anxious; he wanted to know the ins and outs of everything that had happened three years ago. The Grandier Palate was that place to get the answers from.

It was a stretch, but everything he had done three years back ended at the doorstep of the X4. Whatever it meant, he didn't care; he only wanted to reason out the whys. Together with his team, they had tried to reason why the X4 would try to sabotage him, but nothing came out. So finally, they all concluded that someone was doing the pushing from the back.

Three years ago, Alex had watched Almond, and his sons use his proposal to get the contract with the government how Almonds got the suggestion still confused Alex because he never left loose ends while handling the project. There was a rat.

If he had wanted to prove the innocence of the Ford group at that time, it would have been possible, but he let it go. He didn't want to play the game of whoever was pushing the buttons.

Alex was so embarrassed when he was accused of stealing the Almond group's proposal after they had handed it in before them. Making noise with claims of being innocent would have smeared his company more with mad. So he pretended to let it go at that time but still investigated the law. Alex had played the green snake in green grass theory, and it had paid off.

He didn't know what was being discussed in that private room, but he hoped it would be something handy. He couldn't wait to put his hand on whoever sabotaged his efforts.

Most employees were heartbroken when their proposal was stolen, but they were more hurt when the President chose not to pursue the matter further. Well, it was high time that he gave them justice after all the sleepless nights three years ago.

Let Amber camp at the restaurant four months ago was a good idea. It was a gamble that they had decided to trust, but it was also the only means they could rely on. He was confident that some helpful information would be gathered thanks to the wired tap that Amber had placed in the room.

They had tried their best to investigate the issue three years ago, but they always came face to face with the Almond group and X4. Alex had looked deeper into the Almond group but saw no loopholes. So he decided to go with X4 when he found no string that joined them.

Whoever was in control of everything was wise, knowing that he knew the buttons to click. But, on the other hand, he might have underestimated Alex.

The noise the masked person had expected from the Ford group three years ago didn't happen. He might have been disappointed when nothing came out. But, thanks to Arnold, the internet was quiet as well.

Suing the Almond group would have helped in clearing their name. Still, it would have painted such a negative picture to the public. Alex didn't want negative publicity for the company since he believed it came from a personal grudge against him. At the Grandier Palate, the four men inside the private room let the girls out after being served drinks. What they were about to discuss was too personal for them. Amber could only imagine what they were discussing when they stood out with Lambert's bodyguards.

She remembered how she placed the listening device under the table. Together with one of the girls, they were tasked to organize the private room for the meeting. They had been checked thoroughly to ensure they had nothing on them when they entered the room.

Amber believed that as much as they were checked, Mr. Harold trusted them to know they wouldn't try anything funny. So, the checking was a little rough in terms of being thorough. And to make it worse, they were checked by men who were embarrassed to cross the line.

Amber had pulled out a wire from her bra lining inside the room. She had removed the one that had come with the bra and used the audio tapper to stand-in. When she heard of the checking, she was scared they would use a detector, but they only used the old method.