

After being stripped of everything including a home during a massacre, ten years down the road, Alpha Alex, is still trying to find a safe haven for the remaining pack members. He led his remaining pack members and learned to live among humans while carrying the burden of who they were. Along with the responsibility on his back, he struggles with accepting that maybe there was no mate for him. But after spending a night with a lady who left her scent on his bed and mind. A scent he regrets not understanding earlier. Being rejected was like carrying a dark mark on her forehead for Malia; her mother did it first, and her father held the painful candle longer, which became such a big scar for her. But when she wakes up in a stranger's bed after making a bittersweet decision, she will either regret it, or it could be a path she was searching for. She is with a piece of him, and he with her scent. Malia tries to come to terms with her new life, not knowing that her life had changed when she gave herself to him. She is the ONE, is all Alex sings, but he doesn't know where to find her. She could be the second chance for him to find happiness again, and him, a home she never had. If it's fate, it could be it for both Alpha Alex and Malia. Read the story to follow Alpha Alex and his Luna as they try to find a safe home for the wolves while fighting every thread on their way to happiness

Aloyo2008 · Urban
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93 Chs

Chapter 16

A desperate sound came from the living room. Amber ran so fast because she knew that voice. It was her friend, but Alex had already taken her in his arms.

"It's ok, it's ok... Calm down, baby, calm down, baby. It's ok. I am here now. You are safe; no one's going to touch you. you are safe." Alex patiently repeated the words like mantras until Malia fell back into a peaceful sleep. Then, he carried her, placed her on his lap, and held her like a baby.

Amber was surprised but decided not to ask. Looking at how the Alpha was being so soft and caring, one could only guess one thing. Malia was indeed their Luna. Who could ever tell how wonderful it would be if her best friend was really Luna. She felt so happy because Malia deserved everything, and she was also a beauty that was so caring.

Daniel looked at his friend, who was also his Alpha and tried to get him to look at him to confirm the questions in his head, but Alex was looking at the girl in his arms like she was the only thing around him right now.

After realizing that his Alpha wasn't going to say anything, he returned to the kitchen where his mate had gone. "Who is she? Daniel could only ask Amber because he was dying of curiosity and wouldn't keep quiet about it.

"You mean Malia? Daniel nodded his head as if to confirm her question. "She is my good friend. We work together at the restaurant. She is living with me because her aunt and uncle threw her out of the house. I found her crying in the bathroom and brought her here. Hope it's fine with you? And today, some idiot held her hostage. How pitiful. She pretended to be strong, but she even had a scary dream." Amber told her boyfriend with reddened eyes. She really felt bad for her friend and could only pray that she was really the Alpha's mate. If so, she was really going to live like a queen.

Alex, whose hearing was so strong, got a whiff of what the beta and his mate were discussing. From their talk, he could clearly decipher that his princess goes through a lot, indeed. He bent down and pecked her forehead, making Malia turn and hug his waist. He froze and felt awkward because the tingles spread all over his abdomen. After ascertaining that she was still sleeping soundly, Alpha Alex breathed out the breath he was holding. He really wanted her to know that he was her mate, but the position that they were in was indeed a weird one for her to find out through.

He doubted if she really remembered who he was because she was drunk when they were together, and she left before she could even look at him. Finally, however, he promised himself to tell her after the complete sweep mission.

Alex promised to smoke the bastard who held a knife at her neck from the prison. He thought he could be safe in jail after what he had done to his Luna. But, he must have heard something else coming. No one touches what is his and still keeps his hands.

When he saw the fear on her face due to the scare from the dream, he wanted to take it all away. Especially after hearing what Amber and Daniel were discussing; she has gone through much. He wanted to know even the littlest things about her. She was his to protect and looked like his new weakness, one he was glad to have.

It was over an hour since Alex held Malia in his arms, and he was enjoying every bit of it. He felt proud and looked at her beautiful face like he wanted to look through her. Amber had come earlier to wake Malia for food, but Alex stopped her and told her to wait a little longer. He still wanted her to sleep longer.

Daniel could only perceive one thing, though; that the Alpha only wanted to hold her a little longer. He could only pull his girl towards him just so the Alpha could get his wish. However, Amber was not settled; Malia hadn't eaten anything since morning since she wanted to head to the market first thing in the morning. So she went back to the Alpha. Daniel could only let her.

"Alpha," she bowed in respect. "Malia hasn't had anything to eat since morning. How about waking her to have something? She could sleep some more in the night."

Alex, who wanted to push her, could only comply after hearing that the girl hadn't eaten anything since morning. The statement pissed him off, though. He wondered how she could skip meals when she looked so boney as though she hadn't been feeding well.

He stood up and slowly took her back to where she was sleeping. He didn't want her to wake up in his lap; she could get scared. As he placed her down, he expected her to wake up, but Malia only turned a little and went back to sleep. Alex looked at Amber worriedly and pulled her to their side.

"Why is she sleeping for so long like she hasn't had any good sleep?"

Amber could only look down guiltily; she knew that she was partly why Malia hadn't had enough sleep. She looked after her a night ago and must have not slept well later on because she was worried about her. So she only scratched the back of her kneck awkwardly.

"She was looking after me the other night. I had a fever when I couldn't get through to Daniel, and I think she must have not slept well again due to worry for me. Daniel was shocked when he heard that Amber had a fever. He came to her and asked why she hadn't told her, and she said to him that she was really fine.

Alpha Alex could only ask Amber to wake her up so she could eat. Sleeping for too long during the day wasn't very healthy. So Malia woke up and rubbed her eyes to rid herself of the sleep that won't leave her eyes.

When Malia was sure she could see well, she removed her hands from her eyes and stood up immediately. She bowed in greeting the two men sitting on a couch opposite. She felt so weird. Were they watching her all this while? She felt so embarrassed and looked at Amber in blame. She could at least wake her up.

"Come, let me introduce you to the" Amber pulled Malia towards the Alpha and his beta. "This is Daniel, my boyfriend" Malia felt more awkward being in his home without asking for his permission, so she could only bow her head. "And this is our Alph..." Amber slapped her mouth before she finished her statement

"My boyfriend's friend, Mr. Alex," Amber finished awkwardly. She didn't know how to introduce Alpha Alex to Malia. She couldn't call him Alpha because Malia didn't know anything about the wolf world, and she couldn't reach him, Alex, too. Only the beta had the right to do so since they were childhood friends and had grown up together.

Malia bowed again. "Pleasure meeting you both. My name is Malia Anderson." She introduced herself to them politely and turned to Daniel, "I am sorry, Mr. Daniel, I occupied your home without your permission. Unfortunately, I won't be here for long. I am looking for a place of my own, and I will leave as soon as I find one suitable" She was praying that Daniel wouldn't throw her out.

Hello, beautiful people. It's me again; just saying thank you again.

You are greatly appreciated for taking the time to read my story. Thank you.

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