

After being stripped of everything including a home during a massacre, ten years down the road, Alpha Alex, is still trying to find a safe haven for the remaining pack members. He led his remaining pack members and learned to live among humans while carrying the burden of who they were. Along with the responsibility on his back, he struggles with accepting that maybe there was no mate for him. But after spending a night with a lady who left her scent on his bed and mind. A scent he regrets not understanding earlier. Being rejected was like carrying a dark mark on her forehead for Malia; her mother did it first, and her father held the painful candle longer, which became such a big scar for her. But when she wakes up in a stranger's bed after making a bittersweet decision, she will either regret it, or it could be a path she was searching for. She is with a piece of him, and he with her scent. Malia tries to come to terms with her new life, not knowing that her life had changed when she gave herself to him. She is the ONE, is all Alex sings, but he doesn't know where to find her. She could be the second chance for him to find happiness again, and him, a home she never had. If it's fate, it could be it for both Alpha Alex and Malia. Read the story to follow Alpha Alex and his Luna as they try to find a safe home for the wolves while fighting every thread on their way to happiness

Aloyo2008 · Urban
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93 Chs

Chapter 12

He looked a little pale but strong enough to have added double the fear that Denis had earlier on. "For someone, I called a brother; you were so quick to throw me into the enemy's den. Your plan was flawless, but you forgot that the Alpha personally trained me along with being a beta.

What Daniel said got Alex perturbed. He had to ask him to elaborate more, which Daniel gladly did. It was not as Denis had earlier explained; he had reached out to the hunters because he wanted to take over the Alpha position.

"That is a lie. You are lying, Daniel. Why are you turning the Alpha against me" Came Denis's voice? When he realized that no one was watching him intently anymore since they were all facing the Alpha, he picked the leg piece of the chair that had broken off earlier and ran towards where the beta was standing. He pointed the sharp end towards the heart area on his chest. Thanks to the Alpha's fast reflex, He kicked Denis and fell again the wall, causing him to cough blood after the hard impact.

Daniel went to where he was and kicked him hard in the stomach. "This is for Malcolm and Simon" The impact caused Denis to cal up on the floor. Denis thought that the beta wasn't going to make it since the Alpha was out of the country, and he was surprised to see him walking in just fine.

Pulling some papers from his pocket, Daniel threw them on the floor, where Denis was. The documents had evidence of Denis' interactions with the hunters and some of the contracts he had signed to hand over the Alpha. Names of every wolf that was in cahoots with

After hearing everything that was reported to him by Daniel, Alex ordered cross and the rest to open the tanks. To think that he almost forgave Denis and did not use the tanks. And that each and everyone who was working with him suffered the same fate as him.

Denis knew of the tanks and how he would disappear without a trace. He was unlucky to end up like all those others that drained there.

Old man Eliot moved to the front and poured a bag full of photographs in front of Denis and said, "You have betrayed every one of these wolves, including the previous Alpha, your family, and your mate. How could you work with those monsters after witnessing what they had done to our people? But, it's not like you weren't there and that the story was told to you." Old man Eliot spoke with teary eyes causing everyone to catch a somber mood.

He unbuttoned his shirt and showed Denis and everyone else the scar that ran from his left chest down below his waist. Then, using his hand, he traced the scar to the mid of his thigh, "This is what most of us carry, after surviving ten years ago," Old man Eliot pointed to his scar. "After witnessing such a massacre, how could you willingly offer everyone else to those hunters, even the Alpha who has been working endlessly for us? How selfish can one be?"

It could be guilt or fear of death, but Denis broke down entirely and cried in regret, but his cries fell on deaf ears. His fate was sealed the moment he thought of harming the wolves.

Cross came forward, followed by two other bodyguards. They lifted Denis and headed to another door, and the only thing that was heard by those left behind were his screams.

"Do you want to read through the list of names?" Came Daniel's voice after the screams had quietened down. He wanted Alex to read through the list because some humans were on the list. One was a perfect friend of his. He knew how his best friend was going to be heartbroken.

Alex knew exactly who it was that Daniel was referring to. He was suspicious after Chris's call, but he had not thought into it. Denis looked at him and just decided to put it out there.

"Some of the people are from the company you recently signed the first contract with. Please do not buy the Engineering firm. The boss is a hunter associate, and Christopher is one of them. He was sent to you by them five years ago. The female Engineer that you had hoped to join your company too. She was sent your way to seduce you, but because you wouldn't give in. So they sent her your way as a form of negotiation.

Alex already knew that the firm belonged to one of the hunters, but he didn't know that Chris was one of them and Hellen. He punched the wall in frustration and told Daniel.

"We need a second sweep of this city."

Daniel cracked his fingers and neck and gave Alex a smirk. "I thought you wouldn't ask."