
The One-Armed Warlock

Dragons, the unwaveringly strong. the ones who can only bow to gods, all wiped out by one man, one hero... all except two leaving the Dragon monarch to enact revenge on this hero... cast away from this world met with only fear and hostility the two run scared from humanity until they meet the another... another who is the last of his kind. a warlock, as the new and last dragon monarch is crowned, as the world around them is ripped away in a war for the world what will Teth do? the last of the dragons.

Alex_N67 · Fantasie
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5 Chs

First Breathes

The excruciating pain of a dragon's first breath, unlike the other things that inhabit this world dragons remember every second of their lives, all of it stored through their scales, from the moment they are born magic flows, unlike any other magic, pure power. The control over elements far surpassing alchemy, a raw fury that makes incantations and magic circles seem like nursery rhymes and silly patterns, the infinite and almost god like mana pool that makes the sacrifices of warlocks seem like mere circus tricks… the elven rituals like a court jester's dance, the dwarves enchantments like silly scratches in rock, the lizard man's natural 'gifts' like a dagger being complimented for its length before a greatsword.

This world is far beneath a dragon, but there is a price to pay for the fire that courses through my scales, as my feet first stepped foot out of my egg i could breathe, the roaring flames that had lain dormant in my throat bursting free, a brilliant spiralling flame, its colour like the sea, a deep and layered blizzard of fire bursting out in a torrent of every corner of the spectrum from turquoise to ultramarine.

"My child, look out on this world," a huge wing stretched over my head, its leathery texture eclipsing the sky, pointing my scaled face to a long and vast view of mountains, each white tipped chunk of rock scattering over to the left, the tallest among them interrupting the clouds, to the foot was a empty expanse of forest, the jewelled leaves shining up into my eyes. Water, fire, trees, rocks everything surrounding me sparkled through my pitch black eyes… the enchanting beauty filling my soul, after that first breathe, the first pain i saw… the first beauty.

"This world is ours, and we must protect it from anyone that would cause imbalance to this beauty, you, my child. are the Seventy Fourth Dragon Monarch… Uru."

Damn its been a long time since I released anything!!

i really enjoyed writing this intro but if im hones2t its hard to find the motivation so i will relaese more depending on the reactions from this


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