
The New Legacy

Vampires and Mana not all of the human population were aware that one or the other existed. But they do. Vampires existed since ancient times. Mana on the other hand had existed since the beginning of time. Mana is the spiritual power that controls all magic. Mana can be found in humans, Vampires, objects and all supernatural beings. All wielders of Mana were powerful there was no doubt about that. Mana users are capable of manipulating the elements and doing other things like heal. Some of the even more powerful Mana users could cause all kinds of phenomenon like thunderstorms, Fly, create pocket dimensions, illusions and in rare cases control time. The Founder of Vampirism was said to be capable of all this and more. The founder was the strongest of all supernatural beings. And through the ages the power of the Founder was passed down. And those Vampires were known as Legacies.

Uzumaki_Rikuto · Fantasie
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3 Chs

Founder and Legacy

Chapter 1

Vampires and Mana not all of the human population were aware that one or the other existed. But they do. Vampires existed since ancient times. Mana on the other hand had existed since the beginning of time. Mana is the spiritual power that controls all magic. Mana can be found in humans, Vampires, objects and all supernatural beings.

All wielders of Mana were powerful there was no doubt about that. Mana users are capable of manipulating the elements and doing other things like heal. Some of the even more powerful Mana users could cause all kinds of phenomenon like thunderstorms, Fly, create pocket dimensions, illusions and in rare cases control time.

The Founder of Vampirism was said to be capable of all this and more. The founder was the strongest of all supernatural beings. And through the ages the power of the Founder was passed down. And those Vampires were known as Legacies.


Year; 2022, August 10th; New York ; Xavier High School

"Alex. You should join me, after school I'm going to the arcade." Said a young woman of 16 years old. This gurl had dark brown hair and hazel eyes.

"No thanks, Skye." Alex smiled slightly. "I promised my mom if help out with dinner."

Skye frowned before nodding. "Some other time then."


Alexander or Alex as he was known by those close to him was a teenager the same age as his friend Skye. He had short black hair and bright green eyes. He had known Skye since they were children. Ever since preschool. They were best friends.

Skye more than anyone could tell that Alex was still affected by the loss of his father all those years ago. Alex often smiled and he seemed genuinely happy being around her and his mother but deep down he missed his father who was tragically murdered when he was only nine years old.

Alex was the only one there when Zander died that day. Only he knew what happened and he told her as well as the authorities that his father was mugged. Asked to give all of his belongings up or the mugger would kill him. Zander gave him everything he had including his watch. The mugger murdered him anyway right in front of his kid. Alex. There was no way he was okay after that.

"I'll see you later Skye."

"Right. Have fun with your mother, tell Ms. Young I said Hello."

Alex nods before he bumped fists with her. Skye smiled as her fist connected with her best friends. After a moment or two they're fists parted ways and Alex made his exit.


"The time is near." Came a soft feminine voice echoing in the darkness. "The time for my heir to rise."

A sigh could be heard. "My time as Founder is all but done. All I have is my promise. I…hope I'm doing the right thing…..Zander."

The current Legacy of Vampirism, Clara Davidson smiled somberly. She could only hope that Zander's boy found happiness one day even if he was forced to drink blood to survive. Although she had the power of the Previous Legacies and even the Founder she always used her abilities to help others. Some called her a traitor to her kind. Some called her a hero.

To Clara it didn't matter what they called her, she made up her mind a long time ago on how she would use her abilities as A Legacy. She even gave up happiness with a man she loved very dearly for the sake of peace. For the sake of the world.

Zander was an old friend and he made it very clear that he wanted his boy to become the hero the world needed and her time was almost up. She was losing strength. She was losing strength. Pretty soon she would wither away. She had been alive for over 30,000 years. Now she could survive for much longer if she would drink blood.

Clara refused to do so as she realized it was time a New Legacy took her place. But she also realized he had to want it. He has to want Vampirism. If not she'd just wither up and die, turning tip ash. She would survive maybe a month or two at most.


On his way home Alex could feel he was being watched. He narrowed his eyes before turning around and facing a woman with long brown hair and brown eyes.


The woman smiled. "It's nice to finally meet you young Alexander."

He frowned. "You know me? Who are you?"

"Clara. Clara Davidson. I was an old friend of your father's."

Alex looked surprised. "You knew my Dad?"

Clara nods. "Indeed….you know of the supernatural world don't you?"

Alex widened his eyes. "You know?"

"I do. Zander was offed by a member of the Five Fangs."

"The Five Fangs?"

Clara nods. "They're an organization of Vampires hell bent on the control of the human race. They want complete supremacy over the humans. In they're eyes if they can rule over them they can drink as much blood as they want. Damn gluttons."

Alex frowned. "Dad knew about this organization? About the Vamps?"

"Yeah. He knew. We were friends for a long time and one day I told him everything. Zander soon learned of the Five Fangs and was gonna reveal them to the world but before he could-"

"He was killed, right? I was there."

Clara nods. Several moments passed. It was so quiet, the boy was obviously thinking about something

"Somehow I don't think you came here just to tell me of your being a Vampire." Said Alex

"Your right. Sharp just like your old man I see." Clara smiled. "I came to offer you…well to become a Vampire but not just any vampire, one of the Legacies."

Alex widened his eyes.

Clara explained that the Legacies have all the abilities of the Founder of the Vampire's whom was said to be capable of a great many feats.

"I've devoted my life to protecting the innocent but it's time I handed the torch over to someone else. To you. The fifth Legacy. But it's your choice. If you don't want to become a vampire I'll understand."

"I…I don't know."

"Understandable. I just want you to know your father wanted you to be the next Legacy. Because he believed you were the right choice and I think he's right. I've watched you from afar and I've seen what a hero you can be. Your father believed your the savior this world needs."

'Dad believed in me? But if I accept this power. I…I won't be human anymore.' He thought. 'But if I don't accept it I'd be rejecting the faith he has in me. I can't let him down'

"Alex? You ok?"

The teen nods. "I'm fine…I'll do it."

"A-Are you sure?"

"I'm sure. If i can protect the world from evil I'll do it even if I have to become a vampire." Said Alex

"Good." Said Clara. "It's gonna be a rough few days for you my young successor. Don't worry though once you've transformed I'll help you become the Legacy I know you can be. The Legacy your father wanted you to become."

"How does this work?"

Clara's expression turned serious.

To be continued