
The New Legacy

Vampires and Mana not all of the human population were aware that one or the other existed. But they do. Vampires existed since ancient times. Mana on the other hand had existed since the beginning of time. Mana is the spiritual power that controls all magic. Mana can be found in humans, Vampires, objects and all supernatural beings. All wielders of Mana were powerful there was no doubt about that. Mana users are capable of manipulating the elements and doing other things like heal. Some of the even more powerful Mana users could cause all kinds of phenomenon like thunderstorms, Fly, create pocket dimensions, illusions and in rare cases control time. The Founder of Vampirism was said to be capable of all this and more. The founder was the strongest of all supernatural beings. And through the ages the power of the Founder was passed down. And those Vampires were known as Legacies.

Uzumaki_Rikuto · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Training and the promised Day

Chapter 2

To turn a human into a vampire the human needs a Vampire's blood in they're system. The Vampire needs to drain the human's blood until the human's heart is slowed down to the point where it's almost about to stop beating. It takes precise control."

"Seems complicated." Said Alex

"Mm. It's definitely a tedious task." Said Clara. "However for a Legacy to be created I have to pour my mana into you."


"Oh…I never told you about Mana did I? Alex Mana is what enables every supernatural being to use magic. Mana has existed since the beginning of time. Mana is the spiritual power that controls all magic. Mana can even be found in objects. Everything around us. The trees, the sky. Everything has mana Alex."

"That's pretty interesting. You make it sound like there are other supernatural beings aside from Vampires."

"That's a story for another time my young successor." Said Clara. "Now in order for me to turn you into a Legacy like I said I'll have to pour my Mana inside of you. Most of my Mana will be with you but I won't die right away and of course you'll need some of my blood in your system."

"Your….gonna die?"

"Make sure you do the right thing with the power I'm gonna bestow upon you. Of course I'm gonna die. Once I transfer my mana into you I'll maybe have a month or two and then I'll wither away."

Alex remained silent.

"I'm about to begin." Clara said as she walked towards him.

Alex nods as Clara bit her forearm exposing her fangs as she did so. Getting closer to Alex she offered her bloody arm to him. Alex gulped before grabbing her arm and drank some of her blood. After we he was done Clara pulled her arm away and nods. "Now we may truly begin."

The teen watched as Clara's entire body glowed in a bright blue color sort of like an aura and when she placed her hands on his shoulders a blue Aura surrounded him as well, though Clara did still have her Aura.

"This is gonna be a long task. Prepare yourself." Said Clara

Alex remained silent as the Mana continued to pour inside him. Right now he didn't feel any pain but how long before he did experience some pain? Becoming a Vampire…he couldn't imagine that it will be a pretty process. He just knew it was gonna be extremely painful.


Alex's thoughts were right, when the process was over with he dropped to the ground his body exploding with pain. He knew his body well, he could tell what was happening. His body was shutting down. His organs weren't functioning properly anymore. It made sense. If you were a vampire you were dead. Your heart won't beat if your dead. Neither will any of the internal organs.

Alex made peace with the fact that his life as a human was over and that he would dedicate his new life to protecting the world from evil supernatural beings. He also made his mind up to keep his loved ones out of all of this. He realized he may never see his mother or his best friend ever again but as long as they were alive and well that was enough for him.

On the first day Alex felt excruciating pain as his body shut down, all of his internal organs including his heart as it stopped beating. On the second day the pain was gone and he craved blood. Clara had access to blood as she had stocked up on blood from various blood banks. When he drank the blood he felt the power that came with bent a Legacy, at this point the pain was gone. On the third day he was completely fine and when he woke up that morning he had a bunch of questions.


Clara was sitting on the couch when Alex decided to enter the living room

"Where am I?"

"Your at my house Alex. I can tell you have much to say. Much to ask, but first I'm gonna tell you one thing."

Alex nods.

"Your first task as the next Legacy must be to take out the five Fangs."

Alex widened his eyes. The task she mentioned wasn't any he was so surprised. He knew he'd have to face them eventually but not this soon. He barely he even knew anything about being a Vampire.

"Of course you can't take them on right now. Even if you have all that power stored inside you. I'm gonna train you to hone your abilities to perfection."

Alex nods.

Clara explained all that a vampire was capable of. Flight, Telekinesis, enhanced speed, Strength and senses including hearing, vision and sense of smell, shape shifting, Telepathy which is the the ability to read or sense another person's thoughts, communicate with them or influence their thoughts.

"That's quite a lot." Said Alex

"It is a lot especially when you add Mana to the mix, but don't worry I'll teach you as much as I can."

Alex nods. "When do we start?"

"We can start right now." Said Clara. "Don't worry sunlight won't harm you. I used magic so even if you go outside you won't turn to ashes."

Alex frowned. "Are we gonna leave town?"

"I didn't plan to. No." Replied Clara. "Why?"

"I want to get as far away from this town as possible." Said Alex. "I don't want my mom or anyone I love involved in the supernatural world."

"You can't mean to…." Clara trailed off

Alex knew exactly what Clara was trying to imply. "If I'm no where near my loved ones then…they'll be safe. Away from the vampires. Away from this unforgivable Supernatural world."

"If that's how you feel about it." Clara said. 'But he has to understand that the Five Fangs will come after his family, anyone close to him may be targeted. There's always gonna be that possibility.'

A few minutes of silence passed before Clara spoke. "We should get started, you'll only get stronger the more you train."

Alex nods.

"Follow me."



Alex noticed as Clara used her Vampire abilities that she was in pain, she might've tried hiding it from him but it was obvious for him to see and when he asked about her well being she brushed him off saying it was for the sake of the world. He knew that she was right and that she was eventually gonna die but he couldn't help but feel worried for his teacher. He didn't know her for that long but she was his teacher for the past month or so.

Clara frowned as she watched Alex look at her worriedly. "I told you it's ok Alex. Im gonna die anyway."


"One day my mana will leave me and I'll die." Said Clara. "It's just the way things are. Im truly honored to have a part in training you. Your a good student."

Clara wasn't just talking either. Alex quickly mastered not only his speed and strength but his telepathy abilities. He even mastered how to fly and just recently learned how to use his Mana.

Alex sighed before nodding. Despite not knowing Clara for that long he had a bond with his teacher. In fact he was proud to be the student of someone so great. She would often tell him of her adventures as a Legacy. Apparently she had saved a lot of lives over the years and made lots of friends.

"When I die I want you to do something for me." Said Clara

"Of course. Anything."

"I want you to meet one of my closest friends, Emily Schmidt."

"Where is she?"

"Not in the city." Replied Clara. "She's in Texas."

"That's pretty far. What part of Texas? It's a pretty big state." Said Alex

"Houston. I'll text you the location later." Said Clara

Alex nods.

"Are you ready to learn how to use Lightning magic?"

The newly turned vampire smiled.

"Very well. Let us begin."


The next following month passed by in a blur and Clara's time was finally here.

Alex looked down at his teacher sadly. He could tell this was it. She was gonna die.

Clara smiled softly. "We knew this was gonna happen eventually."

"Yeah. I know. I just…"


Alex sighed.

To be continued