just an op girl, with a yandere god after her
shock. that's what the audience was feeling right now. this girl was either a mad woman or just generally insane.
jay meanwhile had an hourglass in her eyes and it was like she was looking into the future.
"that could work. yes, I accept," she said as she snapped her fingers, and suddenly everything around us was cleaned up.
jay was in a beautiful dress and vel was also in an equally beautiful dress, meanwhile, I was in a tux with a purple rose in my shirt pocket.
"I think that would suit both our tastes," jay said looking at vel who was eyeing me, before nodding.
"now then, let's proceed," she clapped her hands.
you know the good thing about marrying the literal goddess of all creation? she knows where all the good spots are.
we had quite a lovely honeymoon. first, we traveled to the beach before eventually the stars. now let me tell you, guys something, chilling on the moon is as fun as it sounds.
especially when you have magic powers that let you float in space. the cold in space was easier to manage, and control now that I have jay with me.
so now if I were to get sent to space I could breathe in it just as naturally as air, the reason for that was because of the artificial air that my lungs would be taking in.
what can I say except it's magic?
other than that, there was no explanation necessary. aether was also proving to be a major help in improving my overall body.
it was making even my cells stronger. even my eyesight which used to be okay suddenly got extremely better.
I'm talking like an eagle's eyes. I could see in the dark passively, and the ability to enhance my vision. however, the enhanced vision does have some minor setbacks.
one of the major ones was that it causes me severe headaches and overuse will lead to blindness, however, the blindness wasn't that bad since I was able to heal the eye.
even from the moon I was on I could see very far away, however, jay covered my eyes and just sighed.
"what happened," I asked trying to see.
"if you looked now you would be blinded," jay said as she waited a couple of seconds and released her hand from both mine and vel's eyes.
"why did something happen," I asked with major curiosity.
"just an idiot who was in a supernova, she survived, unfortunately, and has Been causing me trouble ever since she died," jay sighed.
"... so who was that person," vel asked.
"their real name? Joseph Smith, their name now? Alice Jackson," jay answered.
"What did she do that made you upset," I asked. if this person can make her upset then they had to be strong.
"ah, well she's a reincarnated person. she was trapped in time because of something she did. now she is a dimension hopper, although that paperwork is relatively easy, my god that supernova is going to be a pain," jay sighed.
"lady Nasha," Gabriel appeared behind me.
"what is it," Jay said looking at her.
"i-," she never got to finish her sentence because a certain someone was grabbing her wins.
"Athena, you can play with mine," Nasha said as wings appeared on her back.
instead of white wings like the angels, her right side was white, and the left was grey. 4 beautiful wings and I can touch them as long as I wanted.
"get my clones from multiverse 4038 to do the paperwork," jay said and Gabriel disappeared the next second.
"Will that be fine," vel said nudging her head in my direction.
I meanwhile wasn't paying attention and was too busy drooling over Jay's magnificent wings.
"it should be fine.... she will be over it in 24 minutes and 52 seconds," jay said as she shivered.
"so.... can you see the future," vel asked.
"Indeed. I can see the future. although that is on the lower tier of what I can do. past, present, and future are all within my command. all except this person," she said fingering me.
"her unpredictable nature and her will simply are beyond my control," jay finished.
"tell me about it," vel laughed.
"each choice, each action, endless possibilities. I have everything in the palm of my hand. strength, intelligence, endurance, anything you can think of.
my strength was unmatched. even my clones can barely hold so much of my power before they destroy everything," jay said shaking her head.
"and how much power does a clone have," vel shifted nervously.
jay tapped her forehead and carved out a rock and flicked it across space.
in the distance, vel watched in horror as the whole universe was destroyed.
"universe $&#_#. the strongest verse there was, was destroyed with a flick. my power is near limitless. I have every power known and unknown.
and in all honesty, it's so boring now. I used to have fun watching over my creations... but then I met this girl, the girl who can see through my invisibility.
from there my life went from crazy to absolutely insane," jay sighed before shivering as Athena grabbed a rather sensitive part of her wings.
"was it also your plan to send her to my world," vel asked.
"oh heavens no. I was planning to send her to nexus to fight hordes of monsters, after that she would be transported back to her world, along with her classmates," jay said.
"then what about this," vel said holding her ring up.
"Now that I had no control over. I mean I do, but I don't want to control soulmates. I'm not like Aphrodite," jay rolled her eyes.
"no I mean why did you agree to the marriage? I'm pretty sure you can easily make me disappear and have her to yourself," vel said.
"timeline one, I kill you. Athena gets so angry she stomps and kills the world, then destroys her soul.
timeline two I argue and our options break, or timeline three, we all get married and live happily," jay said.
"so it was either together or no one at all," vel asked.
"yes," she said as Athena began to rub her face on Jay's wings.
"Isn't that... uncomfortable," vel asked.
"Sometimes, depends on where she grabs. the worst that will happen is her accidentally creating a new multiverse," jay said.
"oh," vel sat their shock.
"not so bad, with her imagination it might be pretty good," jay said.
"do you think so?" vel asked.
"I know so," she said as Athena fell asleep on her wings.
jay used her wings to carefully place Athena on her lap.
"What a troublesome human," jay smiled softly.
finna start playing assassin's Creed again.