just an op girl, with a yandere god after her
the paladin chasing us lost our tracks in the rain so now they were sending out the big guns. the paladin of hope Judith.
when she was rescued the church took her in and put in a lot of resources to train her. though the pope had control over her life because of his skill "crooked touch".
crooked touch is a power that once you touch somebody you will have control of them, effectively making you a cheaper slave.
however, it does have drawbacks, like how many people he can control at a time. he could only control seven people and he was currently using 5.
Judith, the queen's butler, the captain of the knights, the hero josh, and although useless the king.
the necromancer's classmates refused to give up any information even when the priest was conducting experiments on them.
out of the 29 students, only 14 served their purpose and became the monsters we needed them to be.
their regenerative property's made them practically immortal, but there were some downsides to doing this.
Josh although weak had a huge ego so he didn't lose his mind, so I took him under my control and the researchers began to forcefully raise his magic capacities.
although Josh hated Athena he would not want to kill her. sure she exposed his secret about what happened in the locker rooms but he didn't have anyone else to blame but himself.
if he ever got out of this research facility he would beg her to end his misery and apologize for everything he had done to her.
(pov Judith)
hunting somebody down on her birthday wasn't what she wanted to happen, but it was. not like she can control what she does.
the pope commanded her to hunt down the necromancer and bring her dead or alive.
on the bright side if she completed this mission the pope would let me go. did I trust him? no. did I have a choice? no.
I went through where the necromancer has been and how she destroyed the town that was already raided.
although I didn't draw any attention to it I knew that there was a major secret hidden there.
I then started my chance after finding out the direction they went. if the necromancer was as strong as the rumors were then maybe she would be able to kill me.
I felt a chain wrap around my heart, that signaled the pope about my thoughts of suicide and I yelled out in pain because it felt as if iron rods were pressed against my whole body.
'i have to find her,' I thought with determination.
(pov back to Yuri)
getting inside the city was easy, the difficult part? restraining myself from touching the tails.
I got a hold of myself when vel said she would let me embrace her horns when we get a hotel.
how could I say no? I get to spend some alone time with my wife and I get to feel her horn, it is a win-win.
little did I know a certain Nasha was watching over me to find what I "like".
we passed by an adventures guild and I was curious about them so I walked in.
almost immediately I was met with many hostile looks, and then I remember my bounty so I sent out my magical power.
since I was a necromancer it looked like a dark shadow that was overlapping me and it began to cover the entire room.
when vel put her hand on my shoulder I stopped and we made our way to the counter to register.
bel was registered and she was rank S, Conoleth was rank C, Nero was B and I was rank F.
the reason I was ranked so low was because "everyone has to start somewhere". then I remembered why we came here in the first place and I started sending out my shadows to find traces of the artifact.
we spent twelve silver on two hotel rooms and just like she said vel let me touch her horns.
Nero and Conoleth were in a separate room and when I felt satisfied with touching her horns I sat down at the table and summoned some food for us.
while I was eating I was also studying the book of magic and I managed to learn more about time, lava, and wind.
to properly understand it and get through the tiers of magic you have to be able to understand the scientific property of it too.
for me science and math were my strong suit stuff like this was easy. I broke through to tier two of wind pretty easily and I began to research lava when my shadows told me they found a clue about the relic.
they reported that it was inside of the shrine being guarded by the leader of the foxes, so I guess stealing wasn't an option, and to get an audience with the leader you would need to be at least A rank or higher or report about a monster army.
since I wasn't either of those I could only think of grinding missions until I became an A-rank adventurer.
and that, was when it hit me. the hand of vel telling me to sleep.
also, I need pictures for Nasha, if you have any black-haired girls on your camera roll please drop some pics, if not I'll use the one I found on a manga website.