
the multi-fandom Saiyan mercenary

A young girl, who completely adored anime—especially anything Dragon Ball—had just graduated high school and was excited to start her life. Filled with determination, she opened her own gym, eager to build her future. But just a day later, during a routine check-up. The doctor discovered a brain tumour, one far too advanced to be removed without fatal consequences. instantly she her brain turns off as she is completely crushed, she now starts to walk through the remaining day's she had in auto pilot. she couldn't believe that her life is now going to end before it could even start. she had been too busy to even get a girl friend during high school, she thought she could just do that after she got her life together. but now she was chastising herself on how stupid she was. since now her life will end with nothing to her name. 2 week's pass and she is now in a hospital bed, oh so very close to death. now she was just staring into the ceiling biding her time until her life is snuffed out. "if only i was a Saiyan, they wouldn't suffer from cancer . . . heh" she laughed at how pathetic they were. but then a blue holographic screen spears before her eye's [Will you become the omniverse's traveling mercenary] [yes] [no] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ first world Solo levelling worlds that i might add ORV JJK DB

spider_lover · Filme
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7 Chs

The first mission is a go

I continued shouting at the system about how unfair everything was, my vision abruptly faded to black for a split second. When it returned, I found myself standing in an apartment. "What?" I asked in shock, glancing around the very normal living room, it had a TV, a couch, and a kitchen area off to the side. i was a bit confused at the scene change

But that could wait as my attention was quickly drawn to another blue screen flashing before my eyes.

[Backstory Start]

You are a low-class Saiyan born in the year 733, with a power level of just 5 at birth.

In 737, your parents received a summons back to Planet Vegeta from Lord Frieza. They were warned by Bardock that this might be a trap, and while most dismissed the warning as him being a crazy dumbass, your parents who were also suspicious about this summons. decided to be safe.

To ensure your safety, they placed you - their 5 year old daughter - into a space pod and sent you off to a distant planet in the very distant southern Galaxy. just to be safe

As you drifted through space at high speeds, life said fuck you and Your flight path crossed an unidentified black hole.

you were sucked in.

Luckily your space pod was launched out of the black hole and, after a brief journey, landed on Earth -> not the Earth of Universe 7, but a different Earth in an entirely different multiverse, where gates opened and hunters fought back.

When the pod opened, you crawled out. Although time dilation made you appear 8, you were still only 5. (well Saiyan's are a bit more developed mentally. so not really 5 but you get what i mean.)

You landed in the backyard of an elderly couple who were retired hunters. Accepting your presence as normal, they adopted you and named you Lee Soo-Young.

Fortunately, the black hole had somehow made you less punch and violent. so no "accidental" dropping off cliffs were needed.

You lived a human life on Earth, adapting well. Your tail was regarded as normal because… well, [MONKEY].

Now, at 17 (physically), you've just got your hunter license, classified barely as a D-rank fighter with a power level of 10.

At this moment, you have no clue about Ki, only using it for the strength enhancement it gave. 

Currently, you've yet to look at the full moon. so no big monkey. yet

Your adoptive parents have passed away, but you've saved enough money to survive for a couple of months.

[End Backstory]

i read the entire back story with my mouth wide open "holy shit, that's fucking awesome." i then felt something moving behind me, and saw that i had a goddamn tail "wow" i held the tail in my hand, and it was real. i could even control it my self. "woah, this is way to much at once." i took a few deep breaths to calm my nerves. and when i finished calming down the wall of text infront of me changed.

next I will tell you about the debuffs you have since a Saiyan is still a warrior race. that is quite strong compared to most races in fiction due to there high potential. but don't worry, there is only one de-buff.

de-buff: ki control & increasing Ki is much harder for you. your learning speed for any techniques are still going to be like a Saiyan's. just ki control/increasing will be much harder.

if you are finished reading, we will talk about the mission.

I frowned slightly but shrugged "oh well, it wont be that bad. i mean, it makes sense. training for just 1 year and then being able to go from mountain level to moon level is quite a big jump. also it only said "much harder". not impossible." I grinned at the prospect of being supernatural before my attention was at the screen as it had changed once again.

Mission: Kill Sung Jin-woo

Description: just a few hours ago sung jin woo was chosen as the successor of Ashburn. as we cannot travel to earth at the moment, we would like it if you take care of him before he grows to strong. 

Reward: 1,000 TC & one of our Abilities

Commissioned by [Monarch of Frost] & [Monarch of Beast]

"ah, its just, start of the story jin-woo. that's much easier."

System balancing.

Due to target having a large disadvantage and with this being a Drastic change in the story. the mercenary will be un able to harm the target for 1 month. this is for the main character to grow, and have a chance at survival. 

my face instantly becomes blank like my face was saying "REALLY" i rolled my eyes and started to rationalise.

"well. . . I can still do it, that's like what . . . during the spider dungeon thingy. I'm pretty sure I can get enough control over ki by then. if not then i could just ambush his ass while he is fighting with the spider." i smirked as I ran my hand through my hair but it felt . . . bushy? spiky? "what the hell?" I put my hands on my hair, and yeah. its spiky ". . . oh, right. forgot about that." I felt my hair some more because, why not. i now had those weird ass hair doo's

but Before I could get too lost in my own hair, I heard a loud ping. "Huh?" I glanced at the system, which had generated a side mission. "that's quick"

Side Mission: E-rank training

exterminate 50 E-rank monsters: 0/50

Exterminate an E-rank boss with adequate contribution (if 10 people were fighting the boss, you would need 10% Contribution.)

Close 2 E-rank Dungeons

Rewards: increased Ki, the ability to exude ki outside of the body & 1 random early dragon ball technique.

"well, i guess i know what I'm doing"

A/N next chapter we will have a little bit of combat.