
The most wasteful fruit among pirates

[Not My Novel, I am translating it] Transmigrated into the world of One Piece? Since I'm here, I might as well make the best of it. Became brother of Don Quixote Doflamingo? Well, that's a done deal, can't restart. However, when the young boy discovered that he had consumed the Hito Hito no Mi, he couldn't stay calm anymore....

young_sunlight · Anime und Comics
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155 Chs

Chapter 6: Silent Battle

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In the darkness, a child's figure stealthily flashed through the corridor.

Compared to two days ago when Rosinante was barely clinging to life due to hunger, he had now regained some of his strength. Add to that the power of the Devil Fruit he had consumed, even if it was considered the most useless "Silence Fruit," it still made him feel a sense of pride.

No matter how useless the fruit might be, it was still far beyond what an ordinary person could compare to!

Although it wasn't the familiar era of the Great Pirate Age, where the Four Emperors were in their prime and the Seven Warlords were mostly still little brats, the information in Rosinante's mind contained vast knowledge.

For example: In three years, the world-shaking "Battle of Edd War" would begin. The Golden Lion had dozens of large ships surrounding Roger's pirate ship, but it was destroyed by a storm, and the Golden Lion met his end tragically by getting impaled on a ship's helm.

Two years later, the "Roger Pirates" arrived at Raftel, becoming the true Pirate King...

And one year later, Roger turned himself in. On the execution platform, he uttered the phrase that influenced millions of people:

—Do you want my treasure? I'll give it to you. Look for it. I left everything there!

As a result, One Piece became the ultimate goal for countless pirates!

There was also the "Dancing King" incident in Wano, where the Golden Lion broke the myth of the Pushing City, and the birth of the Sea Train, and so on...

With all these significant events, Rosinante could change the course of the future to a completely different timeline with just a phone call or a letter if he wanted to.

This was the confidence that came from being a time traveler. Even in his current state of poverty, he still had some self-esteem in his heart.

What's the point of being young if you're not confident?

However, underestimating the enemy would be detrimental.

Just like now—

"Haha, look what I found!"

As Rosinante climbed up the ladder to the second floor, a figure flashed out from behind a pile of cargo.


He was careless; there was actually someone ambushing him here...

Without giving Rosinante a chance to explain, the person directly pulled out a flintlock pistol! The dark barrel was pointed at the little boy who had just climbed the stairs.

Faced with such a dangerous situation, Rosinante almost instinctively wanted to retreat back down!

But then he thought of something: if he were the one ambushing, would he only arrange one person here?

With this thought in mind, Rosinante abandoned the motion to retreat and instead abruptly lowered his body, almost lying flat on the floor.

He stretched out both hands and pressed them against the ground. At the same time, he bent his right foot, exerting force! In a short distance sprinter's manner, he shot out of the stairs, pouncing towards the sailor holding the flintlock!

If it were an adult in this narrow space, they would undoubtedly be shot dead.

But Rosinante was small in size, and this low-to-the-ground charge was completely unexpected. The sailor holding the gun hesitated for a moment, and by the time he lowered his barrel to aim and pull the trigger, it was too late.

Within just a few meters between the two, at a life and death moment, Rosinante had already reached the sailor. With a powerful push, he leaped like a spring!

The sailor's vision blurred as he faced the small boy leaping towards him. He subconsciously closed his eyes and stepped backward.


In a muffled sound, the sailor was caught off guard and stumbled backward.

But it didn't matter. After all, the opponent was just a little brat—

The ice-cold blade stabbed upwards through the jaw of the gun-wielding sailor, piercing through his tongue and continuing all the way up, reaching his nasal cavity and brain...

With this strike, not even the Surgery Fruit could save him!


The gun-wielding sailor fell backwards, and the flintlock pistol in his hand, which he hadn't had a chance to use, spun and slid across the floor.


At the same time, a voice filled with grief and anger came from behind! Another sailor with a curved knife climbed up from the previous stairs, his face filled with shock and fury.

If Rosinante had chosen to retreat just now, he would have been killed by this sailor sneaking up from behind.

"You bastard, I'm going to break your limbs and hang you on the mast to dry like jerky!"

The sailor charged forward with large strides, swinging his curved knife, which made a resounding sound as it sliced through the air and knocked the little knife from Rosinante's hand.

Following that, a cruel smile appeared on the sailor's face as he lifted his left fist and smashed it down from above. Clearly, he wanted to keep his promise and make sure Rosinante didn't die too easily.

This sailor was tall and muscular, and when his fist came down from above, it felt like a massive iron hammer striking down onto a thick iron pad. Even if the area below was a piece of red-hot steel, it would still produce sparks!


After taking this punch, Rosinante's head rang, and he rolled on the floor in a daze until his back heavily hit the cabin wall, finally coming to a stop.

"Cough, cough,"

What a terrifying strength!

Without giving Rosinante a chance to catch his breath, the sailor swung down his curved knife, which landed just centimeters away from his face. Even in the dimly lit cabin, the gleam of the blade made Rosinante's pupils shrink.

Death was so close!

Whether the opponent missed the attack or deliberately toyed with him, Rosinante tried to roll away to create some distance, but this sailor, unlike the gun-wielding one earlier, was clearly proficient in close combat. He took a step forward and caught Rosinante mid-roll.


As soon as this thought crossed Rosinante's mind, the sailor lifted him by one hand and fiercely slammed him against the nearby cargo, making a dull sound that was accompanied by something cracking.

With his chest and back feeling numb, and his vision turning black, Rosinante once again lost consciousness. When he came to, he found himself being lifted by the sailor again, preparing to slam him against the sharp corner of the cargo.

No way—

Instinctively, Rosinante lowered his head and bit down hard on the hand grabbing his collar!

The taste of blood filled his mouth, and he couldn't tell if it was the sailor's blood or his own. His teeth clenched tightly, firmly embedding into the back of the sailor's hand.

"Ah! You little brat!" The burly sailor, in pain, shook his hand, sending Rosinante flying to the ground.

As Rosinante struggled to get up, preparing to escape, the burly sailor delivered a flying kick, sending him rolling several meters like a ball.

"It's over!!"

After being bitten hard by Rosinante, the burly sailor decided he was done "playing." He pulled out the curved knife that was stuck in the floor earlier. However, Rosinante, who had been kicked away, had already half-kneeled up.

"Yes, it's over—" In his hand, he now held an additional weapon.

Although not as advanced, this flintlock pistol was equally deadly!

This was the weapon left behind by the gun-wielding sailor from earlier. When that guy was stabbed by Rosinante and died instantly, the gun he hadn't had a chance to fire fell to the ground.

In the series of battles just now, Rosinante wasn't just "taking a beating." He had been trying to get close to this weapon. Although he almost threw up the bread he had eaten earlier after being kicked, he still successfully seized the opportunity for victory.


In an instant, the burly man, who had a clear advantage in strength over Rosinante, was frozen by the approaching killing intent.

With a distance of just a few meters between them, combined with the burly sailor's large size, it was difficult to avoid getting hit! While the sailor's face contorted, trying to dodge, Rosinante decisively pulled the trigger.


Although it was just a flintlock pistol and the bullets were simple lead shots, the lethality was by no means weaker than many firearms from his previous life. Unlike many bullets that created entry and exit wounds, the soft lead shot deformed and shattered upon hitting the burly sailor's chest, creating a massive cavity in the shape of a trumpet.

"Huo... huo huo..."

Clutching his chest tightly, the burly sailor couldn't stop the dark red blood from gushing out. Gasping for breath, he looked at the little boy in front of him with disbelief.

"You... how..."

How could you dare?!

As soon as the gunshot sounded, others would rush over immediately. You're finished, you're finished!!

They were all trusted confidants of the noble ship captain, strategically placed throughout the ship to expose the true identity of the "Silent Assassin."

Never did he expect to die at the hands of a little brat...

Sir Clawhorn won't let you get away with this!

In his last moments, the burly sailor suddenly remembered a question:

Why hadn't anyone come to check after he had shouted loudly before?

However, his question would remain unanswered. A black hole of a muzzle appeared in the burly sailor's field of vision, along with a sigh from Rosinante above him.


I didn't want to kill you, but you wanted to kill me, so don't blame me for being impolite!




In the room where passengers were being held, the little girl, who had been sleeping with her knees hugged, suddenly opened her eyes.

"Somebody died."


The little girl's voice was soft, but it was enough for the scruffy swordsman beside her to hear. He opened his eyes, furrowing his brows.

"Little Zhiguan, what's going on?"

"Just now, in the 3 o'clock direction, about fifteen meters away, I felt a series of vibrations. Especially the last one, it was clearly a lead bullet piercing flesh and hitting a wooden board..."

"That's impossible,"

The scruffy swordsman shook his head.

"If someone had fired a gun at such a close distance, there's no way I wouldn't have heard it."

Although he didn't possess the ability like the little girl to perceive things beyond sight through vibrations, he was still a capable "strong warrior" and couldn't possibly have missed the sound of a gunshot so close.

"Unless it's a technique like 'finger gun,' but that's unlikely. Skilled Marines who master finger guns wouldn't be on this ordinary merchant ship."


Facing the scruffy man's soft refutation, the little girl, Zhiguan, frowned.

"Could it be some kind of Devil Fruit ability?"

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Check out my Other Projects Too (Advanced chapters on P@treon) :-

=> The day of studying in Hogwarts.

=> Marvel: All the famous scenes were exposed by me.


(End of this chapter)