
The Most Powerful Family Of All

One family to dominate, One family to subjugate, One family to end it all, And that Family is the Storm. Dominic Lucas, the son of Mafia clan head, Rojas Lucas is killed in a betrayal and reincarnated into the world of Pallos, a world of magic and cultivation. He is reincarnated into the body of Dominic Storm the son of Paul Storm, the family head of the small Storm family. Unfavourable circumstances lead to the Storm family being forced into hiding but it is up to Dominic to bring his family out of the pit and establish the Storm family as the greatest family of all!

Mothempire99 · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Betrayed, Beaten and Killed

On the Milan highway, Dominic Lucas sat at the back of a black BMW car which was racing past other cars to make it to its destination. Dominic Lucas, aged 24, was his father's pride and joy. His father was the boss of the Mafia Clan, the Mask, which ran its operations in Italy, specifically, Milan. Dominic Lucas was given an American education by his father and he cultivated his father's love for science and chemistry at an early age. Thus, when Dominic ventured into the Harvard University to study a chemistry related course, it was not surprising at all. When Dominic finally returned home to Italy, he helped his father out in the production part of the business; making of hard drugs, weapons and then bombs. Through his contribution, the Mask Organization wiped out all smaller gangs and fraternities in Milan, establishing itself as the prime crime superpower.

Don Lucas was waiting outside the gates of the Lucas residence to personally welcome his son from a trip to Belgium to meet a close associate of his who specialized in combining explosive agents to get the required Boom! "Hello father, I'm back," said Dominic, hugging his father warmly. His father returned the hug and they both entered the large villa.

"How did you find Ernesto?" asked his father as he poured his son some fine red wine. "Splendido, father. His understanding on the workings of HNT is truly amazing," said Dominic as he accepted the wine from his father and took a sip. "He will be perfect for our purposes, father," he added. Don Lucas smiled. "È bello sentirlo, that is really good to hear, commented Don Lucas. At that time, Fontes, his father's butler and close confidante rushed in. "Don Lucas, one of our bases has been ransacked!" said Fontes in despair. Don Lucas became livid. "What! Who dares? Prepare 20 men, we leave immediately!" shouted Don Lucas. He beckoned his son to follow him as Fontes rushed out to carry out his orders. "This is atrocious! How dare they!" fumed Don Lucas as he and Dominic got into an armored black Benz which pulled up in front of them. The driver stepped on the gas and shot out of the open gates of the Lucas residence as other similar cars followed them out at top speed. "Fontes, which base?" asked Mr. Lucas on the car's phone. "The one in San Lorenzo," replied Fontes over the line. The driver turned in the direction of San Lorenzo and continued on at top speed. In fifteen minutes they had arrived. The base was on fire and masked men were getting into a car to leave. Don Lucas and his men surrounded them, preventing them from leaving. The armed men became startled when one of Don Lucas' men deflated the tires of their car and the rest opened fire. "Leave one alive! I want answers to this mess!" commanded Don Lucas. In just two minutes time, all the five masked men were dead except the driver. He was hauled out roughly and brought to Don Lucas. "You have 3 seconds to start speaking or else I will personally torture you," said Don Lucas coldly, emitting killing intent.To his surprise, the man burst out laughing and spat on him. "You were a dead man the time you decided to come here, Don Lucas," said the man. As if on cue, Fontes drew his gun and shot Don Lucas in the leg, then in the stomach. Don Lucas vomited blood and collapsed to the ground. "Father!" cried Dominic as he rushed out to his father and cradled his head in his arms. Some of Don Lucas' own men pulled Dominic away and started beating him senseless. Don Lucas watched in sorrow and rage as his son was being beaten in front of his eyes and being too powerless to stop it. Fontes walked up to the bruised and battered body of Dominic and smiled. "You were a clever boy, but not clever enough," he said, then pulled the trigger. "Nooooo!!" screamed Don Lucas but it was too late. Dominic was already dead. "Fontes! how could you! You've been my friend for 20 years! Why this? Why now?" sobbed Don Lucas. "No hard feelings Don... This isn't personal," said Fontes. He pulled the trigger again and a gunshot was heard. Don Lucas and son, dead.