
The Most Dangerous Game

Sakura never thought she'd amount to much, yet only a year into her training with the legendary Slug Sannin, and she was courting politics like one would a lover. "We live in a mad world, Sakura." Tsunade said grimly. Slowly, a predatory smile formed on her ageless face. "But I can shape you into a survivor. I'll teach you how to play the most dangerous game."

LunasChild · Anime und Comics
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39 Chs

Part 2- Survival Chapter 9: The Shadow Claw Part 1

Sakura stood in front of the Royal Palace's main gates just as the sun was starting to rise.

She had gone over the mission details with Tsunade and the council elders once more over a private breakfast.


"Bear-san will lead the Anbu group dispatched to keep an eye on you and the princess. He mentioned having already been acquainted with you." The Slug Sannin cocked an eyebrow.

A sheepish expression appeared on Sakura's face as she remembered her first meeting with the Anbu. "Yes, we've met once before."

Tsunade didn't ask to elaborate on the story, although the rosette was certain the Anbu with the Bear mask had already reported to the Hokage the details of their meeting.

"The Royal escort is comprised of thirty guards. They're exceptionally well trained, for civilians. Still, I stress on you to be cautious of your surroundings. Rogue ninjas would be all too content to attack a seemingly vulnerable royal procession." Koharu said.

"I'd have preferred if the Princess had less guards. Now it'll take much longer to get to Claw Country than I'm comfortable with." Sakura replied.

"Rest assured, the Anbu squad will quickly take out any potential threat before even you're aware of it." Homura reassured the rosette. "You'll have to mask your impatience."

"To give an estimation considering you'll be travelling with civilians, the journey will probably take between ten to fifteen days. That's assuming there are no delays while on the road." Tsunade added.

Sakura nearly groaned. "Great."

"I expect you to give me a status of the progress at least once a day. We'll communicate through Katsuyu-sama."

The rosette nodded. "Understood, Shishou."

"In the meantime, the elders and I will stay here until the inheritance preparations are finalized, and to prevent any protest that could turn violent against the Daimyō and his wife."

"Shishou, we have expectations of what might happen among the Fire Country nobility, but what of the international consequences? How will the other Daimyōs and Kages react?" Sakura asked.

The elders glanced at her impressed.

"A wise question to ask, Sakura-sama." Koharu started. "Our ally Kages will support the claim, even if their private opinions are the contrary. Even if their Daimyōs are against the idea of a woman inhering Fire Country's throne, our allies will certainly convince them otherwise."

"The Earth Daimyō and Tsuchikage share similar temperaments almost as if they're relatives. The Tsuchikage especially will use this development as more fuel to burn the contempt he holds for us." Homura continued. "We haven't had much interaction with the Lightning Daimyō, therefore we don't know how he would take the news. The Raikage on the other hand…"

"The Raikage's too prideful, and he's decisive in his dislike for Konoha. He wouldn't accept Naho-hime as Daimyō." Tsunade stated.

"Nevertheless, we accept her, and that's what's important." Koharu said.

"Remember, Sakura, neutrality is key here. We have no idea who else was invited to visit the estate. If there are foreign Shinobi there, ignore any remark they throw your way, regardless of how disrespectful it is."

Sakura frowned. "So, I'm supposed to let them walk all over me?"

"You're supposed to stay safe and also protect the Princess. That's more important than your pride."

"This isn't just an escort mission; this is also a reconnaissance. We know next to nothing about Claw Country. Who are they and their allies? What are their activities? Gather as much information as you can." Homura ordered.

"Should the situation escalate to where violence is inevitable, you take the Princess and get the hell out of there. Protocol be damned, you do everything necessary to make sure both of you come back in one piece." Tsunade stressed.


Sakura snorted quietly as she replayed the conversation in her mind. Don't react to offensive remarks and don't fight. I'm going to be portrayed as a weak pushover.

Well, Tsunade-sama technically didn't say you can't fight, just that you should prioritize Naho-hime's safety. Sakura's Inner voice commented.

How can I possibly ignore someone offending me? That's not in my nature.

I think Shishou meant not to react to the remarks in an aggressive manner. That doesn't mean you can't fight back with words.

Sakura's eyes gleamed in understanding. Basically, use polite language to insult them back. If they're stupid, they wouldn't catch it. If they have some brain cell, maybe that'll teach them to respect me.

Exactly. And if that still doesn't work, you could always punch them and then put them in a Genjutsu to make them believe it was someone else.

The rosette's shoulders shook with suppressed laughter.

She decided to wear the same outfit she wore for the Chūnin exams, except instead of a t-shirt she had a red sleeveless top.

The rosette didn't wait for long until the object of her suspicion made his appearance.

Inei gave her a pleasant smile as he walked over to her. "Good morning, Sakura-sama. Are you prepared to leave?"

The Kunoichi nodded. "Good morning, Inei-san. I am. We just need to wait for Naho-hime."

The man chuckled. "I suspect she has plenty of things to pack and go over before she's ready."

Good thing Kakashi-sensei gifted us that scroll on fūinjutsu. It certainly comes in handy when it comes to packing and storing our belongings. Sakura's Inner voice commented.

Inei studied the rosette. "I don't you see with anything aside from a small backpack."

The rosette gave a sharp smile. "I pack light."

Whatever response the man was about to give was interrupted by the sound of Naho and her entourage arriving.

The young girl waved at them. "Sakura-sama, Inei-san! I'm ready to go."

Inei blinked in surprise at the entourage. "Are these people coming as well?"

Sakura stared at him from the corner of her eye. "She's Fire Country's oldest Princess. Did you really not expect her to have an escort?"

A tick went through the man's jaw, before he gave the rosette a smile. "My apologies; this was a show of my ignorance."

He turned to face the Princess. "Good morning, Naho-hime. Now that you're here, we can depart."

Naho gestured to the guard beside her. "This is Kobayashi-san. He's in charge of my escort."

The guard nodded in greeting.

Naho was led to her single-occupant carriage and pulled back the curtains for privacy. The carriage was drawn by a silver stallion.

Inei led Sakura to his own carriage, which held room for at least four occupants.

They sat across from each other, and the procession slowly made their way out of the Royal Palace grounds.

Inei closed his eyes and began breathing deeply.

Realizing that the man fell asleep, Sakura decided to relax her tense muscles as she settled into her seat.

As long as we're still within Fire Country, there'll be no significant threat. I better catch up on my rest and save up on chakra for when we pass our borders.

It's nice knowing there's an Anbu squad keeping an eye out for us. Sakura's Inner voice added.

Hopefully, the journey and stay in Claw Country will be uneventful.

You were a part of Team 7. Bad luck follows you around like the plague.

Sakura mentally groaned. Don't remind me.


It took five days to reach Fire Country's border with the northern region of River Country.

Normally, a royal procession would have stopped in Tani, River Country's capital, to resupply and rest. Inei was adamant about heading north stating that it would take longer to travel via Tani.

Sakura agreed, although, it was out of her desire to avoid Tanigakure.

While the country held neutral politics towards Konoha, Sakura didn't trust their hidden village, especially after they destroyed Kagerō Village.

Konoha may have been at war Kagerō Village over thirty years ago, but Sakura condemned the killing of innocents, especially children.

The rosette also wanted to avoid any other hidden village to avoid any political tension.

She was pleasantly surprised with Naho didn't voice any complaint. Sakura figured that the Princess slept comfortably in the large tent her guards set up for her every night.

The rosette was even more surprised when the Princess invited her to stay in the tent as well.

Needless to say, Sakura slept rather well for being on the road.

To Sakura's annoyed realization, Inei was a pleasant person to be around.

Too pleasant.

Sakura held on to her belief that the man Inei was portraying himself as actually had an ulterior motive.

He was charming, intelligent, and had a good sense of humor.

Sakura surprised herself when she barked out a laughter at the story Inei told of the time a war between Claw Country and Fang Country was avoided because Jiraiya mistakenly delivered a copy of one of his Icha Icha novels to Fang Country's Daimyō.

His books could have come in handy during the Great Ninja Wars. They could have ended the wars sooner, or even prevented them altogether. Sakura's Inner voice remarked sarcastically.

It seems eroticism is a weakness shared by many. The rosette mentally replied.

Naho was also drawn in by Inei's charisma.

Every night the trio would sit around the campfire and listen to Inei's stories of his various journeys.

The young Princess was hooked on to every word, and Sakura begrudgingly admitted to herself that the stories were intriguing.

As an investor, Inei had the luxury to travel all across the continent. As a civilian, he wasn't met with the same scrutiny as Shinobi were, and despite the risk of bandits and rogue ninjas, Inei was able to have many experiences that left the two females mesmerized.

Inei took a puff of his pipe and exhaled a smoke ring.

"When I was a teenager, I once accompanied Ruki-san to visit a trade partner of his in Noodles Country. Given its proximity to Water Country and the considerable distance from Claw Country, Ruki-san decided to hire Shinobi escort.

"The Amegakure Shinobi were incredibly short tempered and hastened us across the countryside of four countries."

Sakura cocked an eyebrow. "That's not a good way of providing a service, considering there's a chance they won't get hired by the client again."

"They were professional and didn't visibly show their impatience, but I've learned how to read people. It's a necessity in my business.

"In hindsight, I could understand their haste in crossing through those countries. Even though it took longer than if we would have gone through Fire Country, the Amegakure Shinobi seemed to want to avoid the country altogether. We ended up arriving at Noodles Country a whole week later than usual."

Naho frowned. "Why would they willingly prolong the journey? It would have taken less time to travel through Fire Country."

Sakura was the one to answer. "Shinobi politics aren't straightforward for the most part. Officially, we're neutral to each other, but Amegakure has a strict isolationist policy. They don't interact with the outside world much. It's probably because of their tragic history."

Inei nodded. "I got that vibe. Some of my business partners who are allowed to trade in Amegakure remarked on how tight security is in the village and how much control the government imposes on every aspect of their society. You can't so much as sneeze without the authorities breathing down your neck."

Sakura's curiosity was piqued. "What else do you know about Amegakure?"

"Not much, I'm afraid. Apparently, it rains in Amegakure every Sunday and occasionally on other days, although there's no clear pattern. Before visitors are even allowed to step foot in the village, they must go through a number of security checks and once inside, they're under constant surveillance during their stay."

Naho's noses wrinkled in dislike. "That's extreme. It's a wonder they have any influence at all."

"They're a complete mystery, even to those who are allowed inside. There's no visible proof of who runs the government and who enforces the law. There's also a rumor on the street of an 'angel' that spreads the decree of the authorities."

Sakura frowned. An angel?

Naho made a tisk noise. "That's ridiculous. Not only are the inhabitants paranoid, but they're also superstitious. I say Fire Country suffered no loss in not having any relation with Amegakure."

Sakura's frown deepened. Very little is known about Amegakure. The village has a bloody history considering that it was often the battleground between Konoha, Suna and Iwa during the Great Ninja Wars. Our neutrality would have granted the Amegakure Shinobi passage to travel through Fire Country to reach their client's final destination, yet they willingly chose to take a longer route just to avoid stepping foot in Fire Country.

Given their history, they could be apprehensive being in the territory of one of the most powerful ninja villages in the world. Sakura's Inner voice replied. Trauma is hard to forgot, and the survival tactics adapted during the wars are just as hard to let go of. The Amegakure participants in the last Chūnin exams kept to themselves. They were polite if a foreign participant started a conversation with them, but not even one of them willingly chose to seek any form of interaction with the other participants.

That's right. I didn't put much thought into it back then, but that's rather extreme behavior. Maybe they were ordered by their elusive leader or leaders to avoid as much interaction as possible.

Makes sense if they're trying not to give up any information about Amegakure. Even a thoughtless remark could have consequences for them.

Hanzo was a menace during the Second Great Ninja War, and he was the one to give Shishou and her former teammates the title of Sannin. It's rather surprising that he's decided to lay low.

He was also paranoid and wouldn't even go out in public for fear of being assassinated. That could explain Amegakure's policy.

Sakura was shaken from her thoughts by Inei answering to Naho's remark.

"I think this 'angel' is a product of symbolism rather than superstition. I'm led to believe that even the citizens themselves know very little about who runs Amegakure, but they're happy to let it be as long as their livelihoods aren't affected."

"Ignorance is bliss?" Sakura offered.

Inei gave her a wry smile. "It would seem so."

Naho wasn't having any of it. "I don't like not knowing things. I couldn't possibly live-in ignorance of something so important. What if the leader decides to implement changes that are harmful to the public? What if this mysterious 'angel' is a threat? There are too many unknowns."

Sakura gave her a fond smile. "That's a good mindset to have, Naho-hime. It seems that you've matured since we've last met."

The younger girl gave her a bright smile. "Despite the protests of my Governess, I've barged in on my cousin's lessons and demanded to learn what he was learning."

Inei raised an eyebrow. "I'm surprised the Crown Prince allowed you to join him during his lessons."

"You'll find, Inei-san, that I can be very persuasive when I want to. I don't take no for an answer."

Given your status and privileged life, it's no wonder. Sakura's Inner voice grumbled.

"Not that I'm trying to steer clear of this conversation, but Amegakure wasn't the reason why I brought up this story. When Ruki-san and I finally arrived in Noodles Country, we were harassed by a Kunoichi from Nadeshiko Village who kept on demanding our escorts to fight her."

"Nadeshiko Village? I've never heard of that." Sakura commented.

"Neither had I until then." Inei replied. "I don't know much about the village, except the social pressures placed on the Kunoichi. The families are organized through matrilineality. Once a Kunoichi reaches her majority, she has to venture out of the village to find a man strong enough to defeat her. She'll then take the man back to the village to marry him."

Sakura blinked in surprise. Naho's facial expression was disbelief mixed with awe.

Inei chuckled at their reactions. "Believe me, it was quite the shock to me as well, but the annoyance it was for our escorts is an understatement."

"What happened, Inei-san?" The Princess asked.

"Eventually, one of our escorts accepted the match and defeated the Kunoichi. When he realized what was about to happen next, our escorts hastily dropped us off at Ruki-san's partner's home and disappeared."

Sakura tried to stifle the laughter forming in her chest, although it was in vain.

Naho giggled. "That must have been an amusing sight."

Inei smiled. "It certainly was."

He looked at the sky and stood up. "It's getting late. We should get rest since we have another long day ahead of us."

The young women nodded, and also stood up.

They exchanged farewells, and Inei went into his tent.

Sakura faced the Princess. "I'll join you shortly. I just need to freshen up a bit."

Naho nodded. "Don't take too long, Sakura-sama."

The rosette voiced her agreement and waited for the Princess to enter her tent.

Sakura nodded at the various guards as she made her way out of the camp and into the depths of the forest that sheltered them.

Once she deemed herself far enough from the camp for absolute privacy, yet still close by to defend it if necessary, Sakura bit her thumb, and summoned Katsuyu.

The slug greeted her, and immediately the Anbu squad materialized around Sakura.

"Tsunade-sama's pleased with your progress," Katsuyu commented. "Did anything interesting happen?"

"Not on my part." Sakura replied. "The journey's slow for our standards, but the important thing is that my charge is safe. Inei-san hasn't shown any hostile intentions towards either of us, but I'm still keeping my eyes on him."

"We haven't encountered any suspicious activities," the Anbu with the Bear mask reported. "Tomorrow we'll be crossing over into River Country. The day after that, we'll be in Wind Country."

"Tsunade-sama urges all of you to use extreme caution. As expected, the Fire Country nobility hasn't taken well to Naho-hime being named as heir apparent. Tsunade-sama and the Council Elders have publicly stated their support to her claim, and for the moment, no violence has ensued."

"Then it was a good idea for Naho-hime to leave Fire Country during this transition, despite the suspicious circumstances." Sakura said.

"We shouldn't encounter more than the occasional bandits on the road." The Anbu leader added.

"Very good," Katsuyu replied. "I shall leave for the evening. Tsunade-sama wishes you luck on the rest of your journey."

With that, the slug poofed out of existence.

Sakura faced the Anbu leader. "Bear-san, I have a concern regarding our journey tomorrow."

Despite the mask, Sakura could feel the Anbu's eyes on her.

"What's your concern, Sakura-sama?"

Sakura recounted the story Inei told her about his travel with the Amegakure Shinobi.

The Anbu with the bear mask listened patiently as the rosette finished the story.

"Amegakure has never shown signs of aggression towards any of the other Shinobi villages. However, we'll keep an eye out for any suspicious activities along the borders."

"Thank you, Bear-san."

The Anbu leader nodded, and in a blink of an eye, the Anbu squad was gone.

Sakura stretched her limbs until she heard a satisfying crack and made her way back to the camp.


As the name suggested, River Country was in fact covered by rivers miles long and seemingly never-ending.

Sakura would have loved to explore the country more, if it weren't for the mission.

The water was transparent and looked incredibly clean. The rosette was nearly tempted to dive right in, regardless of the temperature.

Naho also appeared to be in awe of the landscape, and she excitedly pointed out the multi-colored fish species that inhabited the rivers.

The royal procession traveled through the countryside, and as such, they only came across some farmers who stared at them with curiosity.

The trip through River Country was quick and uneventful, and the royal procession stepped foot in Wind Country.

Immediately, the landscape changed. There were less trees, and the few that called Wind Country home only existed along the borders.

The royal procession traveled in between the outskirts of the thinning forests, and the beginning boundaries of the vast desert that made up most of Wind Country's geography.

The heat was almost unbearable, and Sakura was reminded of her dreadful time in the desert during the Chūnin exams.

At least we still have a water source, she thought to herself.

Unfortunately, on their second day traveling in Wind Country, a sandstorm forced them to seek shelter among the trees.

Even with the trees and the tents set up, sand was still blown everywhere, and to Sakura's annoyance, sand was plastered to her hair and on her sweat-coated skin.

It took an entire day for the storm to die down, and it was the longest twenty-four hours Sakura had to bear through.

The howling winds made it difficult to fall asleep, and Sakura agitatedly kept on rubbing off sand from her skin and clothes, though it was fruitless as more sand would pile on.

The Princess was in no better shape, although, her dignity prevented her from voicing out her complaints.

Sakura grudgingly respected the Princess's attitude, though the rosette had no patience to attempt the same.

The rosette was relieved when on the third day of their stay in Wind Country, the royal procession was able to continue on their journey.

She was slightly nervous considering they were traveling almost directly on top of the Serpent of Fire's pathway.

Relax, Sakura. Her Inner voice said. The last recorded earthquake in this region was more than fifty years ago.

Weren't you the one who said bad luck followed me like the plague?

… don't jinx yourself.

Sakura mentally rolled her eyes.

It took another three days to cross Wind Country, and they finally passed through Claw Country's border.

Again, the geographically changed dramatically.

The landscape was covered in hills of various shapes and sizes, and had several streams and rivers crossing through.

Some sand covered the ground, though it was nowhere near the abundance found in Wind Country.

The climate was also much cooler, and the royal procession took reprieve in it.

Sakura discreetly glanced at Inei from the corner of her eye.

The man seemed content and his postured loosened up.

He gladly talked about the landscape, the Capital city, and the way of life in Claw Country.

The man also explained how several caverns were located deep within the belly of the hills, and that's where chakra stones could be mined.

They reached the Capital by sunset on the second day.

Sakura quietly let out a sigh of relief. Finally, this torturous journey is over.

Claw Country's Capital was smaller than Fire Country's, though it seemed much livelier. People of different skin color and backgrounds mingled with each other. Trades were occurring, and there was an almost casual atmosphere.

Sakura didn't feel the subtle suffocation she had felt while in Fire Country's Capital.

The crowds parted ways as the royal procession made their way through the streets.

Curious stares followed them, and surprisingly, Sakura didn't feel any form hostility.

They must be either good at hiding their true thoughts, or they're sincerely curious. She thought.

The royal procession left the main streets and headed towards a more secluded part of the city.

A hill loomed over the city, and a cool breeze passed through.

They reached the outskirts of the city, and a secluded property was stationed at the bottom of the hill.

It looked rustic from the outside, but the property was clean and in good shape.

Inei stepped out of the carriage, and Sakura followed suit.

Naho also walked out of her carriage, and they were greeted by a middle-aged man.

"Welcome back, Inei-san." The man greeted. "I'm afraid Ruki-san's occupied at the moment. He wishes to invite you and your guests to a private dinner."

Inei nodded. "Thank you, Akihiro-san. My guests and I will need time to refreshen ourselves."

Akihiro nodded. "Of course. If you would please follow me. Your belongings will also be delivered to your rooms. The guards will also be led to their accommodations and will have a meal delivered to them."

Naho faced "I'll be fine from here on out, Kobayashi-san. Please take the time to rest. You and your men deserve it."

The man bowed. "As you wish, Naho-hime."

The trio followed their guide through the traditional home, and he stopped in front of a sliding door.

"This is where the ladies will be staying. Riku-san apologies for the lack of available rooms. Most of them are undergoing renovations."

"That's fine." Naho replied. "Sakura-sama and I will manage."

Akihiro nodded. "A servant will escort you to dinner in an hour. In the meantime, maids will arrive to help you bathe and prepare."

"We'll see each other at the dinner." Inei said, and the two men left the area.

Sakura and the Princess left their footwear in the genkan and entered the main living space.

Within five minutes, three maids arrived, and bowed before them.

Since there was only one bathtub, the silent agreement was for Naho to bathe first.

While she waited, Sakura stepped outside in the back area, and discreetly summoned Katsuyu.

She informed the slug that they arrived unharmed and were about to have dinner with Inei's business partner.

Katsuyu congratulated her on their arrival and reminded her to be vigilant during their stay.

The slug disappeared in a cloud of smoke, and Sakura went back inside.

By then, Naho had finished with her bath and was currently being dressed by two maids.

Sakura and the third maid entered the bathing room, and the maid prepared the hot bath.

Once it was ready, Sakura stripped and gently lowered herself in the bathtub.

She bit back a moan as the hot water loosened up her tense muscles.

Sakura was slightly awkward at first when the maid took a sponge, and began cleaning her arms, but then the rosette relaxed at the sensation.

"You have sand stuck on your arms, my lady. This sponge's texture along with our special salts help remove it." The maid explained.

Sakura nodded, and allowed the maid to help clean her sand-coated limbs.

She also allowed the maid to wash her hair with a nicely scented shampoo, while Sakura focused on cleaning her intimate parts under the privacy of the soapy bath water.

Once fully clean, the maid held out a towel, and Sakura rose out of the bathtub, and thanked the maid as she covered her.

The rosette dried herself off and followed the maid back into the main living space with Naho was still busy with the other two maids.

The third maid pulled out a privacy screen and began rummaging through a chest for something suitable for the rosette.

Sakura spoke. "I have my own dress, if that's alright. I can take it out for you to see if it's formal enough."

The maid blinked at her in surprise, but then nodded.

Sakura grabbed her backpack and took out her storage scroll.

The maid took a step back in surprise when a dress appeared out of a cloud of smoke.

She focused on the dress and nodded. "This is acceptable, my lady. Please allow me to help you get dressed."

Sakura agreed, and she first put on her undergarments, before allowing the maid to dress her up.

"What's your name?" Sakura asked.

The maid glanced at her in surprise, but then focused on zipping up the dress. "You may call me Nozomi, my lady."

Dependable? I guess that suits her. Sakura thought.

Once dressed, Sakura took a good look at herself in the mirror Nozomi brought out.

The peach color made Sakura's slightly tanned skin appear to glow. The dress reached her knees in a v-shape, and was modest yet gave off a young, sophisticated look. The u-shaped neckline exposed her creamy neck and collarbones. Her shoulders were bare, and two strips of material starting from the neckline was tied behind her neck. The push-up bra she wore rose her breasts enough to form a cleavage line that was teasing yet not provocative.

This is a lovely dress. Tou-chan and Kaa-san have good taste.

Sakura finalized the look with a pair of gold low-heeled sandals her mother had bought for her when it was on sale.

Nozomi stared at her in approval. "You look very presentable, my lady. What of your jewelry?"

Sakura stared at the maid through the mirror sheepishly. "I didn't bring any."

"You can borrow something from me, Sakura-sama. I've brought my jewelry box." Naho replied.

"That's kind of you, Naho-hime." Sakura said calmly, though inwardly she was cringing in embarrassment.

"Is there a design or a style that you prefer, my lady?" Nozomi asked.

"Something simple will do."

The maid nodded, and while she was rummaging for jewelry, Sakura sat down in front of the vanity mirror and began to apply her make-up.

She opted for her everyday look, with discreet eyeliner, a pale pink lip stain, and nude tones for her shadow.

Sakura smiled at herself in the mirror, and she felt more confidant.

Nozomi returned and presented a thin, gold bracelet, as well as a gold chain with a decently sized pink pearl hanging from it.

Sakura smiled at the maid and took them from her.

Once she put on her accessories, Sakura glanced in the mirror once more.

The bracelet appeared delicate on her and gleamed even under the dwindling sunlight. The pearl rested in between her breasts. All in all, Sakura was very happy with how she looked.

Sakura thanked the maid and stepped out of the privacy screen.

Naho was also ready, and she beamed at the rosette. "You look beautiful, Sakura-sama! The jewelry suits you well!"

A light blush colored Sakura's cheeks. "Thank you, Naho-hime. You look stunning as well."

Sakura was truthful in her compliment.

The Princess had her brown hair pulled back in a braided bun, and a small crown adored her head matched by a pair of gold looped earrings. She also decided to wear a modern-style dress.

It was turquoise, and the top piece was made from cotton that cooled the skin even during the humid heat. It formed a u-shaped neckline and was covered in a dust of diamonds. The material extended to the girl's waist where it met the silk bottom skirt that flared out to her ankles.

She wore silver heeled sandals. The girl's make-up consisted of only pink lip-gloss.

A knock struck on the sliding door, and one of the maids left to answer it.

She came back almost immediately. "The dinner's ready, Naho-hime, Sakura-sama. We'll escort you to the dining hall."

The two Fire Country girls nodded and followed the maids out of their rooms.

There were led down twists and turns in hallways that overlooked a courtyard. The layout vaguely reminded Sakura of her new property.

They arrived in front of a bamboo sliding door where Inei was waiting.

His eyes gleamed as he glanced at the two females.

"You both look mesmerizing." He complimented.

Naho grinned. "A lady always has to look her best."

Inei nodded in agreement. "Shall we? It appears that Riku-san has invited guests of his own."

"Then let's not keep them waiting."

One of the maids opened the sliding door, and Inei stepped inside first.

"Thank you for the invitation, Riku-san. I'm eager to introduce these lovely ladies I've had the privilege to meet. I present Naho-hime of Fire Country."

Upon her introduction, the young Princess stepped into the room and she gasped. "I didn't expect to see you here!"

Murmuring occurred, but the rosette couldn't understand what was being said.

She was confused as she wondered who surprised the Princess so much.

"I also present the newly titled Hiyokuna tochi no josei[1], Sakura-sama."

The rosette stepped into the room and felt several pairs of eyes lock on her.

"Well, this is a surprise."

Sakura felt her stomach plumet as she recognized the voice.

It was sheer willpower that forced her not to react outwardly as Sakura turned to face the owner of the voice.

Coal-like eyes underneath gleaming glasses stared back at her in slight surprise, and a grey eyebrow cocked up.

The rosette stared at him intensely. What is he doing here?

"Sakura-sama, look who's here! This seems to be a fated reunion between the three of us."

Sakura glanced at the Princess in confusion momentarily, before she turned her attention to the other figure.

The rosette's eyes widened, and she couldn't stop her lips from parting as a silent breath escaped her.

Onyx eyes stared back at her in barely concealed bewilderment.

Inei addressed his guests. "It appears that you know each other."

Sakura could barely swallow the hard lump that formed in her throat.

Luckily, Naho answered rather enthusiastically. "We've all first met two years ago when they escorted me to Shizume village. This is Sakura-sama's teammate, Uchiha Sasuke."

[1] Lady of Fertile Lands