
The Most Dangerous Game

Sakura never thought she'd amount to much, yet only a year into her training with the legendary Slug Sannin, and she was courting politics like one would a lover. "We live in a mad world, Sakura." Tsunade said grimly. Slowly, a predatory smile formed on her ageless face. "But I can shape you into a survivor. I'll teach you how to play the most dangerous game."

LunasChild · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Part 2- Survival Chapter 8: The Man Who Had Everything

"If the total number of the pips on these dices comes out as even numbers, that's 'Cho'. If it's odd, that's 'Han'."

Sakura stared at her master incredulously. "Why are you teaching me this, Shishou?"

"As my student, you must learn all the tricks there is to gambling. After all, your luck's better than my own. Besides, the Daimyō's birthday celebration's going to include gambling games, and I plan on participating."

The rosette resisted slapping her forehead with her palm. "You're called the 'Legendary Sucker' for a reason, Shishou."

Tsunade waved away the rosette's concern. "Most of the guests will be civilians. It won't be difficult convincing them to return my money."

Sakura sighed. "Whatever you say, Tsunade-sama."

The two women were currently in the quarters provided to them in the Royal Palace. Its layout was identical to the one where Team Kakashi had stayed in when they were assigned the escorting mission.

They had arrived the day before but stayed within their quarters in order to brief themselves on what to expect during the celebration.

Strangely, the Daimyō hadn't requested an audience with them.

Sakura dressed herself in the same kimono she wore to the formal dinner with the Mizukage and her entourage in Moon Country. She also adored her right index finger with the ring that confirmed her title.

This time, she allowed Tsunade to put her hair back in an elegant bun with just her bangs set loose to frame her heart-shaped face.

Also, Sakura opted to apply pink lipstick, whereas Tsunade chose a crimson color.

The Slug Sannin decided to wear a stunning red kimono with a gold obi that accentuated her generous curves. Her soft locks reached down the middle of her back in gentle waves.

Sakura stared at her master in awe. "You look beautiful, Shishou! I've never seen you like this before."

Tsunade smiled. "As Kunoichi, we often don't have the luxury of displaying our true selves. More so the higher the position one acquires."

"So, your true self isn't the temperamental drunk who shirks off paperwork and is a disaster when it comes to gambling?" Sakura teased.

The older woman snorted. "Watch yourself, Sakura. You may come to know my true self as the temperamental drunk who annihilates her enemies with the flick of a finger."

The rosette couldn't help the shivers that took hold of her. "Dully noted."

The women continued to tend to the last details of their appearance.

"So, you were able to pick out a gift for the Daimyō." Tsunade started.

"I took your advice and messaged Shibuki-san for any ideas. The gift basket with preserved flowers native to Waterfall Country, mead produced by the flowers from the Aisu Gardens, and several chests of various teas seemed like a nice touch."

"I concur. Those products are from your property, so the Daimyō will see the gift as a gesture of friendship between his house and yours."

"Civilian or not, I wouldn't want to get on the bad side of Fire Country's active ruler."

Tsunade chuckled. "It's probably for the best."

She straightened her posture. "We should get going before the Council Elders nag us for making them wait."

Sakura nodded, and the two women left their quarters in search of the Council Elders.

Said people stood at the end of the hallway of the guest quarters in the west hall.

Both of them greeted the two women.

"Tsunade-hime, Sakura-sama. You look very presentable." Koharu greeted as she eyed the Kunoichi with an approving gaze.

Sakura flushed at both the gesture and the honorific she was greeted with. "There's no need to call me 'sama'." She started weakly.

Koharu gave her a sharp look. "You're the Hiyokuna tochi no josei[1]. If you wish for the world to see the legitimacy behind your title, then you'll have to get used to being called that."

The rosette meekly bowed her head. "Yes, Koharu-san."

Homura nodded in approval. "The celebration has just started. We should go now and make our appearance. The tradition is for the guests to first offer their gifts to the Daimyō before socializing can begin."

Sakura inwardly gulped. We have to present our gifts in front of everyone?

Oh great. That way, the guests can have a great laugh when the Daimyō rejects his gifts. Sakura's Inner voice replied sarcastically.

As if mentally summoned, a palace servant arrived and greeted the Shinobi, before escorting them to the social hall.

It was a large space with high ceilings and elaborate chandeliers that illuminated the room in a golden glow.

Surprisingly, there were no windows, although the room was decorated by various plants to give the illusion of an outdoor space.

The right side held tables where delicious aroma of various dishes and drinks were waiting to be tasted.

The left side held tables and chairs where the guests could socialize and mingle with one another.

In the center were three golden thrones where the Daimyō and his family would be seated.

Behind them were various gifts that Sakura couldn't even count how many there were in total.

The Konoha Shinobi weren't the first to arrive and were seated at a table close to the thrones.

Numerous pairs of eyes followed them, though Sakura made sure not to focus on them lest she lose her composure.

Tsunade and the Council Elders had neutral expressions and seemed to pretend not to notice the glances from the other guests.

Time went by as more guests arrived and were seated and their tables.

Sakura took the time to observe the guests and realized that she had no idea who they were.

They were the embodiment of elegance and expensive taste, yet the sneers, frowns and blank expressions didn't make them appear welcoming at all.

Needless to say, Sakura wasn't looking forward to mingling with the crowd.

She wasn't sure how much time had passed before a man Sakura recognized as the announcer, Reiji, addressed the crowd.

"Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests and friends. On behalf of the Royal Family, welcome to the Capital. I would ask you to please stand."

The guests did as they were instructed and immediately afterwards the Daimyō made his anticipated appearance.

He was dressed in elegant and wrinkle-free ceremonial robes that flaunted his elevated status. He held his head high, yet Sakura noticed the subtle wobble in his steps.

Apparently by the slight frowns on their faces, the other Konoha Shinobi had noticed as well.

The Daimyō stood in front of his throne, and the next Royal member came in.

Sakura's eyes widened in recognition of the Daimyō's niece, Naho, that Team 7 had once escorted to Shizume village when they were still together.

She looked the same, apart from being older. Sakura noted the blossoming beauty the young Princess was becoming.

The Princess stood at her uncle's left side with a bright smile.

Reiji spoke once more. "Madame Shijimi expresses her regret at not being able to attend Daimyō-sama's birthday celebration. She has fallen ill, but she wishes to extend her welcome to all of you."

Murmuring echoed through the hall as the guests speculated on what happened to the Daimyō's wife.

The Konoha Shinobi exchanged uneasy glances with each other.

The Daimyō and his niece sat down, and with that the guests mimicked their action.

Koharu and Homura whispered to each other. "What of the Daimyō's son?"

Their conversation was cut short as Reiji proceeded to announce the offering of the gifts.

The order started with the tables nearest the hall's entrance, and Sakura knew that the entire process would take some time.

The gifts were extravagant, and each appeared more expensive than the other.

Gold and precious gems, high quality silks and other fine materials, paintings, finely aged alcohol. Sakura was taken aback at the abundance and blatant display of wealth.

Despite it, the Daimyō appeared bored and impatiently gestured the gifts away as the guests hurried along back to their seats.

One of the guests oozed confidence as he smiled at the Princess, and then presented his gift.

"Daimyō-sama, on behalf of my associates and I, we wish you many more years of life and abundance to grace you. Your reign has been one of prosperity and good choices. I present to you, my gift."

The fish-lipped man presented a miniature glass display box with seven gleaming stones inside.

"Daimyō-sama, these are chakra stones that are abundant in Claw Country. Amethyst Quartz for the Crown Chakra. Sapphire for the Third Eye Chakra. Turquoise for the Throat Chakra. Green Opal for the Heart Chakra. Citrine for the Solar Plexus Chakra. And Red Coral for the Root Chakra."

Murmuring took hold of the crowd.

Sakura herself was stunned.

Aside from being rare and expensive, Chakra stones were believed to allow civilians or anyone with poor chakra control the ability to control the seven chakra points, thus allowing them to perform feats such as walking on water or tree climbing.

Regardless of whether that was true or not, the gesture was impactful.

The Daimyō appeared interested for the first time, and regarded his gift with greedy eyes. "This is a great gesture on your part, Inei-san. I shall cherish your gift closely."

The younger man bowed and returned to his seat smugly.

Finally, the Konoha Shinobi were asked to stand in front of the Daimyō.

The Council Elders presented their gift together: a realistic charcoal drawing of the Daimyō representing him on his prime. He appeared regal, powerful and just.

Tsunade stepped forward and presented a wooden sculpture of the Capital's layout that was apparently created by the Shodai Hokage himself.

The Daimyō received each gift without hassle and thanked the Konoha Shinobi.

Sakura's turn came, and she inwardly gulped and willed her limbs to not shake.

She bowed regally and straightened her posture. "Daimyō-sama, my gift comes from my new home in Waterfall Country. These flowers are native to Waterfall Country and bless my home with their aroma and diverse colors. Morning Glory, Lavender, Hydrangea and Sunflowers. The mead is produced by these flowers, and I've been told that it's quite exquisite. The assortment of teas come from my gardens, and they're completely natural. I'm certain you'll enjoy their refined flavors."

The Daimyō stared at Sakura and the gift basket in interest. "I remember you. You're the Kunoichi who escorted Michiru-Ōsama back to his kingdom. To think that now you're the Hiyokuna tochi no josei. Most interesting, indeed."

Naho spoke. "Uncle, Sakura-sama and her teammate, Uchiha Sasuke, escorted me to Shizume village as well."

The Daimyō's eyebrows rose in surprise. "Is that so? Ah yes. I remember now." He glanced at the rosette once more. "I thank you for your gift, Sakura-sama. It's good to see a citizen of Fire Country acquire such a valuable estate."

Sakura bowed her head and returned to the table.

Once seated, she let out a quiet exhale as she willed her heartrate to calm down.

Tsunade discreetly squeezed Sakura's hand and gave her an approving nod.

Sakura smiled shyly and watched the remainder of the gift offerings.

Finally, it came to a close, and the guests rose to start mingling with one another.

Sakura followed Tsunade to the food section, while the Council Elders remained seated and begin speaking quietly with each other.

The scents were tantalizing to Sakura's nostrils, and she allowed the tension in her shoulders to loosen.

Once the two Kunoichi filled their plates with food, they returned to their table and began to eat.

Servers came by and offered them bottles of sake and filled their crystal glasses with wine.

Sakura developed a fondness for it more than the sake as she indulged herself in more than one glass.

It's a good thing Shishou taught me how to metabolize alcohol, otherwise I'd probably be a stumbling drunken fool.

For a while, the Konoha Shinobi were left alone, until some older guests approached the Council Elders and engaged in a conversation with them.

Tsunade seized the opportunity and stood up. "I'm going to join the gambling table. Don't get into trouble, Sakura." She winked and left the table.

Sakura huffed inwardly. More like you shouldn't get into trouble, Shishou.

She stayed in her seat for a while as she observed the crowd.

The guests laughed and chatted amongst themselves as they gorged themselves on food and freely flowing alcohol.

She glanced at the throne and noted that while the Princess had left to mingle with the guests, the Daimyō remained seated as he nursed a glass of wine.

Reiji offered him a plate of food, but the Daimyō refused.

Sakura frowned. Something's up with the Daimyō.

She was brought out of her thoughts by Inei's appearance.

The dark-haired man bowed. "Sakura-sama, it's a pleasure to meet you."

The rosette bowed her head. "Inei-san. I confess that your gift to the Daimyō took me by surprise. I've personally never seen Chakra stones before."

The man grinned. "I presume that as a Kunoichi, they wouldn't be of great importance aside from their monetary value. May I join you?"

Sakura nodded, and the man sat down.

"I'm originally from Earth Country, but I've settled in Claw Country as an investor upon discovering the abundance of Chakra stones there. My associate, Riku-san, owns land that borders with Sand Country. This geographical region allows the production of Chakra stones."

Sakura nodded. "It makes sense. I imagine that your associate's land receives drifting sand from Sand Country, not to mention that it's along the pathway of the Serpent of Fire."

Inei's eyes gleamed in interest. "I'm impressed, Sakura-sama. You know more about Claw Country's geography better than I do."

Sakura shrugged. "I read a lot. The Serpent of Fire starts from Earth Country's eastern coastal shores and ranges along the north western region of Sand Country all the way to the northern tip of Bear Country and Earth Country."

Inei chuckled. "Correct. Essentially, Earth Country's siting on top of an active tectonic plate. That's why the country's known for its numerous and often violent earthquakes."

"Hence why the landscape's mostly comprised of desolate, rocky areas and mountain ranges. The wind blowing from the north passes over these mountains, carrying small rocks to the surrounding countries, known as 'rock rain'."

The man nodded. "Indeed. I wasn't aware that Fire Country Shinobi knew about Earth Country terrain."

Sakura's facial expression remained cool. "Fire Country receives plenty of foreign merchants and investors, including those native to Earth Country. They've often commented on how Fire Country's name seems ironic considering that there's an abundance of trees, whereas Earth Country's mostly a barren land."

Inei chuckled. "That's certainly ironic."

He glanced up. "There's a table free for new players. Would you like to join me, Sakura-sama?"

Sakura stared at the man as she pondered his true intentions.

Realizing that she had nothing better to do, the rosette nodded and followed the man to another table where a game was in session.


Tsunade had explained the rules to Sakura. The goal of the game was to reach nine with the kabufuda[2] cards dealt by the dealer, whom the players would try to beat. The last digit of any total over 10 makes the hand, such as a 15 counting as a 5. Having two of the same cards makes it the card number, such has having two 10s would still make a 10. The worst hand in Oicho-Kabu is an 8, a 9 and a 3, phonetically expressed as "ya-ku-za".

The two newcomers sat down and were given chips as a new game was started.

One of the players sneered at Sakura. "The apprentice of the 'Legendary Sucker' joins us. You should opt out of the game before you lose money you don't have."

Sakura's eyes darkened as she plastered a fake smile at the bald player. "Tsunade-sama may be known as the 'Legendary Sucker' and I've even heard people call her the 'Legendary Sitting Duck', but when it comes to gambling on matters of life and death, she's a winner. Besides, one shouldn't presume that luck is the same for everyone."

"You shouldn't jump to conclusions, Hayata-san. We may be surprised by the outcome of the game." Inei added.

The man snorted and focused his attention on the dealer. "Suit yourself."

The dealer addressed the newcomers. "We're starting off the game with 50,000 ryō. Place your chips now."

Inei and Hayata placed their chips without question, and Sakura followed afterwards.

She steadied her nerves. I may be wealthy now, but that doesn't mean I want to lose money.

Not to mention we have to prove that rude man wrong! Sakura's Inner voice added.

The dealer placed four cards face up and kept another card to himself.

Sakura and the other three players picked a card each.

The rosette's card was a 6.

The dealer then placed four more cards, this time face down. A fifth card for the "empty hand" was face up.

Again, the players chose their cards.

Sakura's second card was a 2.

I have an eight, which is as close to 9 as I can possibly get now.

"What's your choice: will you stick with your current cards, or do you want a third?" The dealer asked.

Inei glanced at the faces of each player. "I think we all agree on sticking with our current cards."

The dealer nodded and took a second card of his own. His eyes narrowed slightly. "Show your cards."

The players did as they were instructed.

Inei had a 3 and a 4. Hayata had a 10 and a 5. The other player had the lowest score with just two 2s. The dealer had two 10s.

Inei cocked an eyebrow. "Not bad for your first game, Sakura-sama. Hey, are you going to challenge her to a showdown?"

The dealer gave a wry smile and shuffled the cards. "Naturally. Do you accept, Sakura-sama?"

Sakura didn't hesitate. "Yes."

The dealer grinned predatorily and placed two cards face down.

Both players took their cards.

Sakura inwardly let out a sigh of relief. Oh, thank Kami-sama.

Her card was a 1, and her score added up evenly to nine.

The rosette placed down all of her cards, and the dealer followed suit.

His last card was a 7.

Inei grinned. "Congratulations, Sakura-sama. Looks like you have a lucky hand for gambling, unlike your master."

The dealer glanced at the rosette with something akin to respect. "Well played, Sakura-sama. Here are your earnings."

He placed every chip in front of the rosette, and she couldn't help but feel giddy.

This is incredible! Sakura's Inner voice said enthusiastically. Our first game, and we already won 250,000 ryō!

I wonder how much Tsunade-sama's lost by now?

Who cares?! Just keep on kicking ass!

Hayata grumbled "beginner's luck" under his breath, but Sakura was in too good of a mood to pay him any attention.

The dealer dealt more cards, and Sakura found herself immersed in several rounds of Oicho-kabu.

She was surprised by the fun she was having, and although she didn't win every round, she still won a generous 400,000 ryō in total earnings.

She had to bite her lips when Hayata was dealt with an 8, a 9 and a 3, to which Inei smugly called out "ya-ku-za."

The bald man's face flushed like a tomato, and the blood vessels on his temple throbbed noticeably. "Damn you all for this loss!"

He slammed his chips down and stomped away from the table.

Inei chuckled. "Hayata's such a sore loser. He could learn some tips from you, Sakura-sama."

Sakura laughed. "I doubt he'd have listened to me even if his life depended on it."

"Don't pay him any mind. Hayata's one of my business partners, and though he's a difficult person to get along with, he has a sharp business mind."

"Oh? He also works with Riku-san?"

"That's right. In fact, Riku-san introduced me to Hayata when I first moved to Claw Country."

He stood up from his seat. "I've enjoyed these matches we've played together, but if you'll excuse me, there are some people I need to speak with."

Sakura also stood up. "Of course. I've played enough matches for the evening."

Inei grinned and disappeared into the crowd.

Sakura decided to walk around and observe the festivities.

She eventually spotted Tsunade at a table where match of han-cho was currently underway.

The rosette chuckled in amusement at the enthusiasm Tsunade displayed at her favorite hobby.

Sakura continued to walk around and noticed that the Daimyō was no longer on his throne.

The rosette walked past the throne and went behind the large curtains the blocked off the space behind it from view of the guests.


"Daimyō-sama, please! You've had more than enough."


"Daimyō-sama, please, for the sake of your niece and your guests. You must compose yourself!"


A loud crashing noise ensued.

"Daimyō-sama! Please keep your voice down!"


"Your majesty, Daizen-Ōji is…"

Reiji's face blanched as he noticed Sakura's presence.

"Oh, Kami-sama. Not this."

The Daimyō turned his attention to the rosette.

His face was flushed, and his eyes were drooping, though his pupils were fully dilated.

Even from her distance, Sakura could smell the permeating alcohol.

"Ah, Sakura-sama! Help me convince this idiot that I need another drink."

Reiji gave Sakura a pleading look.

The rosette plastered a fake smile on her head. "Of course, Daimyō-sama. Reiji-san, why don't you get a drink and I'll escort the Daimyō to his quarters?" Sakura gestured her head towards the party.

Reiji stared at Sakura in confusion, before understanding brightened his eyes. "Of course, Sakura-sama. I'll be back with company."

As soon as he left, Sakura made her way to the stumbling Daimyō.

She placed his left arm over her shoulders and began walking out of the area.

She had no idea where the royal chambers were, but she figured that the only thing that mattered was getting the Daimyō away from the party and avoiding a scandal.

"Sakura-sama, where's my drink?"

"Reiji-san's getting it, Daimyō-sama. Is there a place where we could rest in the meantime?"

The Daimyō mumbled incoherently. "The… straight…"

Sakura didn't get anything else out of him and decided to keep on going straight.

She led them to a private wing of the royal palace, where a small group of royal guards approached them.

"Daimyō-sama! Do you request assistance?"

The Fire Country leader waved them away. "Can't you see I'm busy here? I'm waiting for my drink!"

Sakura gave the guards a sheepish look. "I'm escorting Daimyō-sama away from the party since he's currently… indisposed."

The leader of the guards stared back uncertainly, but then nodded. "Of course. Carry on."

Sakura thanked him and continued dragging the drunk Daimyō out of public view.

They continued down a deserted hallway, until Sakura found a slightly opened door.

She decided to enter the room, but she was unprepared for what she saw.

Candles were the only source of light in the small room, though they were enough to allow Sakura to see the open wake in the center.

The other occupant whipped around at the intrusion, and Sakura's eyes widened in surprise.

"Madam Shijimi."

"You! What are you doing here?!" The woman exclaimed.

She then noticed the Daimyō barely standing on his own.

"Anata, what did you do to yourself?" The woman asked dejectedly.

Her husband grunted. "Where are we? Where's my drink?"

Madam Shijimi bit her lips in distraught and approached the pair.

"I remember you. You're Tsunade-hime's apprentice, correct? Please, don't spread rumors of what you've just witnessed."

The two women helped the Daimyō sit down on a mat who dozed off.

Sakura glanced at the older woman. "On my honor, I swear I won't tell anyone what happened here. If I may ask, who's in the wake?"

The question brought fresh tears to the older woman's face. "Our son."

Sakura gasped quietly.

Madam Shijimi walked back to the wake and knelt before it.

Sakura stood in stunned silence at the news. The Crown Prince is dead. Naho-hime was presented instead to deflect attention away from the Daimyō's son's absence. Madam Shijimi wasn't physically ill, but grieving. The Daimyo couldn't miss his own birthday celebration, but he was reclusive and short-tempered. And he sought to numb his grief at the end of wine bottles.

This… isn't good, Sakura's Inner voice remarked.

Shortly afterwards, the door opened wide, and in came Reiji along with the Konoha Shinobi.

Their eyes widened at the display, whereas a sad expression took hold of Reiji's face.

"Madam Shijimi, what happened?" Koharu asked.

"Tsunade-hime's apprentice brought back my drunken fool of a husband. Instead of mourning our son's death, he chose to still host the lavish birthday celebration in his name." The woman replied bitterly.

"The Crown Prince is dead? What happened?" Homura asked.

"A riding accident. Daizen's horse knocked him off, and our son… his neck was broken."

"When did this happen?"

"… six days ago." Was the quiet reply.

The Konoha Shinobi glanced at each other uneasily.

Without an heir, numerous claims to the throne would ensue and destabilize the political climate of the country.

Needless to say, the instability would do no good for the country, both for civilians and Shinobi alike.

"Who else knows, Madam Shijimi?" Tsunade asked.

"Just you. We can't afford to let Daizen's death be made public. The nobles would be after us like vultures!"

"Is there no other male relative to make heir presumptive? Any nephews?" Homaru asked.

"There are no male heirs in the immediate royal family. We did have a nephew, but he died in childhood. There are just Princesses." More tears leaked down her face. "What are we to do?"

For a moment, her crying was the only sound in the cramped room.

Sakura exchanged a glance with Tsunade, who then looked at the Council Elders.

They nodded at the Sannin.

"With all due respect, Madame Shijimi, but Naho-hime would be a capable leader, as long as she's surrounded by wise advisors." The blonde woman said.

The Daimyō's wife stared at the Sannin in surprise. "Naho?"

"She's your husband's oldest niece, and from our personal observations, she has a level head and a kind disposition."

"Naho's just a girl. She couldn't possibly rule a country!"

"Konoha won't accept a monarch other than Naho-hime. You would force us into rebellion."

Madam Shijimi's eyes widened. "You'd go that far?"

"We've had good relations with the current royal family, even since the days of Konoha's founding. If a new branch were to ascend to the throne, we'd have no guarantee that the peace and prosperity we currently enjoy would still be honored." Koharu replied.

The Daimyō's wife shook her head in shock. "There's never been a female Daimyō before."

"And we've never had a female Hokage until Tsunade-sama came into office. She's done a fine job running the village." Homura added.

Koharu nodded in agreement.

Tsunade stared at the elders in surprise.

Madam Shijimi was quiet for a moment as she contemplated the choice.

Finally, she nodded. "I'll make the legal preparations with my husband once he's sober. With the royal seal and support of Konohagakure, the Nobility couldn't hope to contest Naho as being heir apparent."

Tsunade nodded. "Whatever support we can offer you, please let us know. And on behalf of Konohagakure, we offer our deepest condolences of your loss."

The corpulent woman rubbed her eyes. "Thank you." She said quietly.

"Madam Shijimi," Reiji started uncertainty. "I wanted to inform you that Naho-hime accept an invitation to visit a foreign estate."

The woman slightly scowled. "That girl, always saying yes before thinking things through. Who invited her and where to?"

"Inei-san, to Claw Country."

Sakura whipped her head to face him. "Inei-san invited her? Do they even know each other well?"

"This is the first time Inei-san's been invited to the Capital. Usually, my husband corresponded with him through messengers."

"We've noticed you've spent some time with him, Sakura-sama. What's your impression of him?" Koharu asked.

"He puts on a charming front and is apparently wealthy. It begs the question as to what's his true purpose? He mentioned that he's originally from Earth Country."

Tsunade's eyes narrowed, and the Council Elders exchanged grim looks.

Madam Shijimi gasped. "You don't think that he's a spy?"

"Suspicions are bred into us since an early age." Tsunade replied. "However, we can't make such accusations without proof."

"You want to use Naho as bait?!"

"I'm simply suggesting you allow Naho-hime to accept the invitation, while we send one of our own under the pretext of an interest in investing."

"Who will you send?"

Tsunade stared at her student expectantly.

Madam Shijimi followed the Sannin's gaze. "Sakura-sama? Would she even accept?"

The rosette bowed low. "I accept, Madame Shijimi. If another Shinobi were to go in my place, it would arouse suspicion."

The older woman's lips thinned, but she nodded. "Very well. It'll also keep Naho away from the backlash we'll certainly experience. When both of you return, we'll tell her the truth."

The Konoha Shinobi murmured their acceptance and left the room to allow the woman to grieve in privacy.

They made their way back to the festival hall, where the guests seemingly didn't notice the absence of the person they were meant to be celebrating.

Sakura's nose wrinkled in disgust. None of these people are fit to rule a country!

The Daimyō may be indecisive, but he lacks the viciousness these people seem to ooze out. Sakura's Inner voice commented.

"There's the Princess." Koharu said.

Sure enough, Naho was seated with Inei and other guests that Sakura didn't know.

Tsunade whispered in the rosette's ear. "You'll have to approach Inei alone to not put him on guard. Sell him the idea that you're interested in going as a private investor, and not as a Kunoichi of Konohagakure. When you're done, return to our quarters for a debrief."

Sakura nodded, and casually made her way to the table.

Naho's expression perked. "Sakura-sama! I'm so happy to see you!"

The rosette smiled genuinely. "It's good to see you again, Naho-hime. You've grown beautifully."

The Princess blushed and smiled shyly. "You're too kind, Sakura-sama. Inei-san has invited me to visit his associate's estate in Claw Country!"

Sakura feigned being surprised. "Is that so? From what you've described Inei-san, it must be a beautiful property."

The man nodded. "It is. Riku-san takes pride in its care. You should come see it, Sakura-sama."

Sakura hummed. "I'd love to, but I wouldn't want to impose on Riku-san's hospitality."

"It's no trouble at all, Sakura-sama, especially since you'd be coming as my guest."

The rosette pretended to ponder upon the idea. "Very well. I'm quite curious to see a new country."

Inei smiled. "Excellent! Will your Hokage allow your absence?"

"I could ask for permission, but I'm certain she'll approve."

"Glad to hear. I look forward to showing you beautiful ladies the wonders of Claw Country."

Sakura smiled at him, though inwardly she was grimacing.

Naho was beaming. "This'll be so exciting! All that's missing is Sasuke-kun!"

Sakura's smile dimmed at the mention of her lost teammate.

Inei stood up. "I've had a fantastic evening with you two charming ladies. I look forward to our trip together."

"As do we, Inei-san!" Naho replied.

The man smiled. "I'm going to retire for the evening. I'll meet you at the main entrance tomorrow at sunrise."

"We'll be waiting." Sakura replied.

The man nodded and walked away.

Naho faced the rosette. "How have you been? How's Sasuke-kun?"

Sakura composed herself. "I've been doing well, thank you. Training under Tsunade-sama is a busy schedule. Sasuke-kun's receiving special training of his own outside of the village."

Naho pouted. "Aww. When will he come back?"

"Umm, I'm not sure."

The Princess sighed. "It's a shame I couldn't see him again. I bet he must have grown very handsome."

Sakura swallowed hard at the thought. He always was a beautiful boy. I can't even imagine how he must look like now.

The rosette shook her head. "Perhaps we should get some rest as well, Princess. It'll be a long journey to Claw Country."

"You're right, Sakura-sama. I do need to get my beauty sleep."

Both of them stood up, and two servants approached the princess.

She smiled at Sakura. "Until tomorrow, Sakura-sama."

The rosette smiled and watched her leave the room followed by the servants.

Sakura took once last glance at the room, before she left as well.

As soon as she was inside of her shared quarters with Tsunade, the Slug Sannin grabbed her and brought her one of the sofas. The Council Elders were already there.

Sakura explained the conversation she shared with Inei and Naho.

Tsunade's eyes narrowed. "This is too convenient. Inei offering you the chance to visit Claw Country. Something doesn't add up."

"He could be under the impression that as a Konoha Kunoichi, Sakura-sama is of a… gentle manner." Koharu suggested.

Tsunade snorted. "Nothing about her is gentle."

Sakura rolled her eyes.

"Whatever his true intentions, Sakura-sama will find out." Homaru said. "It's imperative that Naho-hime remains safe at all times."

"I suggest we dispatch Anbu guards in secret to keep an eye on her." Koharu added.

"I agree," Tsunade stated. "I don't like the fact that Sakura's going alone, but we'll have to somewhat rely on the royal escort Naho-hime will receive."

"The royal escort isn't made of Shinobi guards. If an attack occurs on the road, it'll be up to Sakura-sama to defend the Princess."

"Whatever happens, you must return the Princess to the Capital safely." Homaru stressed.

The rosette nodded. "I understand."

Satisfied, the Council Elders left the room.

Tsunade faced her student. "I don't like this, but I have faith in you. Maybe our paranoia is unjustified and Inei's just interested in getting more investors."

Sakura cocked an eyebrow. "Would you bet on it?"

The Slug Sannin snorted. "You know better than to ask me that question."

"You're good at making bets on life and death situation. Naho-hime will return in one piece."

"I know, Sakura. It's not her safety that I'm concerned about. It's yours."

The rosette blinked. "Mine?"

"Ignoring your title, you're also a Konoha Kunoichi. Even if it wasn't your fault, whatever disaster that occurs could be placed on you, and you'd bear the responsibility. Retribution would then be sought."

Sakura frowned.

Tsunade sighed. "Just be aware of everything that happens and keep yourself as neutral as possible." She placed a hand on the rosette's shoulder. "Be confidant and mindful. Show them what is means to be the Godaime Hokage's pupil."

[1] Lady of Fertile Lands

[2] Japanese playing cards used for gambling