
Mountain Trolls Attack

It has been eight years since our parents' death and liuer is now eight years old, I'm 18 years old now but I still remember when a little 10-year-old me and her 10-month-old brother were survivers mountain troll attack that killed our parents so I became protective of my little brother ever since, Sifu who is our master to both me and liuer, he helps to keep control of my powers since the attack, he took us to live in the capital where we sleep under a bridge which was alright, I got used to sleeping outside when I was 12.

I was walking around in town looking for liuer until I bump into Hu Tai a new member of the guard, he had a crush on me since I arrived at the capital, he would always give gifts like flowers and he did buy me some golden earrings which I still wear every day since he came from wealthy family. "Oh hi Lin" said Tai as he shyly blushes, "Hi Tai," I said as I try quickly walk past him, "Umm wait, Lin!" yelled Tai as he grabbed my wrist which I gave him a look so he let go of my wrist, "Why the rush?" asked Tai as gave a shy smile, I sigh "I'm looking for liuer that's all so good day to you" I said as I walk away from Tai, "Let me help you look for him" he said as he walks towards me, "Fine" I said as he walks on the left side of me, "So have you been?" asked Tai shyly as he tries to make a move by trying to hold my hand, "Don't even think about it Tai" I said as walk away from him.

"But Lin you know that I really like you so maybe we can go out to this restaurant which I, heard that was really, good," said Tai as he walks close to me, I get annoyed every time he tried to ask me out until I saw my little brother running on the roof which gets me in panic, "JIANG LIUER GET DOWN FROM THERE NOW!!!!!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs as I chased after him and leaving Tai behind. "Sun Wukong is here!" as he ran the roof causing a little chaos in the town but I managed to find him with sifu as I walk behind liuer and hit him on the head, "Ow what was that for Lin?" asked liuer as he rubs his head, "that was for me looking for you everywhere in town" I said with anger in my voice "Easy Lin allow me to handle him" said sifu as I noded and I walk towards the bridge, I stop to look at the water thinking that things would be different if our parents were still alive if I fought with my fire powers. The more I think about it and the guilt I feel becomes too hard to hold tears in until I felt a hand on my right shoulder when I turn to see my dearest friend Xing Mei she was there for me ever since I arrived at the capital.

"Hey Lin let's go to the tea shop and besides it's on me" said Mei as she gave me a smile which made smile a little, I noded as we both walk to the tea shop which helps me relax with my thoughts and it's not too far away from the bridge but a 10 minute walk there, we both sat down as mei ordered jasmine tea which was my favorite tea, "you were thinking about them were you?" asked mei as the tea arrived at our table, I gave a nod as I look down at the tea, "If I did something they will still be here but I didn't" I said as I took sip of the tea but then mei bang her hands against the table which always makes a scene, "Now listen to me, Shin Lin , it's not your fault and it never will and besides you need to strong for your little brother no matter what do you hear me" said mei as I knew she was right but the images of them died is too hard to erase from my head which haunts me ever since.

"You're right and besides its always nice to have someone to talk to anyway thanks," I said as I finish my tea, "Why of course plus I'm always here to talk anytime no matter what" said mei as she finished her tea as well, mei paid as we left the shop where we said our goodbyes as we went our separate ways, until I heard the banging of the drums and "Mountain trolls approaching!!!" yelled the wall guard as he bangs on the drum to sound the alarm which made me ran back to the bridge where sifu was calling my little brother's name, "Sifu where's liuer?" I ask in a panic state, "I can't find him" said sifu in concern about liuer's safety, "I'll go find him" I said as ran where the mountain was kidnapping babies, one jump out of nowhere so I use a fire blast to defend myself from the mountain troll as it tried to attack me but I saw Tai fighting one of the mountain trolls but there was too many for him to fight so I jump up in the air as I send fire blast from the bottom of my feet.

"You okay?" I asked him as landed in front while I was sending fire blast at the mountain trolls, "I'm fine but you need to leave it's not safe for you here" said Tai as he stabs one with his sword, "I'm not leaving until I find liuer" I said as I blast a fire blast, "Go I'll hold them off!" Yelled Tai as he slices a mountain troll's head off, I nodded as I ran to find liuer hiding in a statue with a baby girl until I noticed sifu used all his strength to push the statue which fell on top of the mountain trolls, "SIFU!!" me and liuer yelled unison, "Lin, Liuer run, run!" Yelled sifu as he was trap underneath the rumble of the statute. We ran from the mountain trolls as we ran through an alleyway which leads to construction site and the mountain trolls were chasing us until we jump to a roof where slide on the roof tiles which almost fell until a female mountain troll grabbed us but a couple of more mountain trolls crash into her which made us fell along with the female mountain troll and a male mountain troll.

We managed to get on a log which we used to get away from the mountain trolls like a slide, one of the mountain trolls crash into a pile of basket carriers and one landed on liuer's head until a mountain troll bump into the log which manged for the mountain troll to grabbed the baby girl until the mountain troll hit the tree which sends the baby girl flying but liuer to catch her in the basket but we fall further away from capital as we slide even and the mountain trolls were chasing us until the male mountain troll crash into us which made us fell to the ground. We pretty hard to the ground below but we landed on a patch of flowers which save us from the fall, "Are you, kids, alright?!" I yelled in a whisper so the mountain trolls won't hear me as I check on the kids, "I'm okay Lin but I'm scared" said liuer as he picks up the basket with the baby girl inside to put on his back as I sigh in relief as I look around for the mountain trolls as I saw that were no mountain trolls around so I look at the kids to see that they are sleepy, " Liuer I know that you're scared and I am scared too but we'll make it through like we always do so know that no matter what happens I will be here to protect you always, anyway let's get some sleep it's late," I said as I saw liuer nodding in agreement.

"Hey, Lin can you sing your song please" asked liuer as he lays down on the ground with the baby next to him, I nodded in response as I sat down next to them, which this song brings back memories when mother and I sing to him whenever he cries at night or day, the songs I learned from mother and grandmother when I was a little girl, "The flowers that blossom in the spring and the wide sky of summer. These things will stay in my heart and glitter" I began to sing as I felt mother's spirit to sing with me like the good days before she sacrificed herself to save us from the mountain trolls, "Rain that falls in the morning Even on days, I close my window. The light that flows from my heart is above the clouds" I sing as I felt my hands started to get warm but I didn't notice flowers blooming around us, "Joy and sadness I will embrace them all and walk My hand and your hand are things to hold tightly together" I sang as I felt my body getting relaxed, "At the waterfront in the fall and on the treetops in winter Deep in the world is a boundless kindness" I sang as I felt tears forming in my eyes as the song brings back memories of mother and father, "Whenever the night comes I will offer up a prayer Let us look quietly toward the day that will come tomorrow" I sing as I look up to the starry night sky remembering those nights that I spend with father star gazing as he would tell me stories and teach me life lessons that I still remember from those nights.

"A calling voice leads me from afar The wind smiles The wind sings as its sound echoes" I sing as I saw a shooting star flew across the night sky as I remember father telling me that if I wish on the sight of the shooting star that good things will happen so I made a wish hoping something good will happen to us, "Joy and sadness I will embrace them all and walk My hand and your hand are things to hold tightly together" I finish singing to see the kids fast asleep, I lay down next to them, I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up to I was standing up and I was wearing a white dress in white flats, so I look around to see there's was nothing until I heard a sound of some bird, I turn around to see a pure golden birdcage that looks like a jade palace and on its doors is yin-yang symbol, the birdcage holds a small bird as it sings its song. I walk towards the birdcage but then the birdcage was started to get further away from my reach so I ran towards it but it continues to get further away from me, I quickly got tired but then I felt the floor was beginning to swallow me like quicksand, I screamed for help but no one came as I descend into the darkness, I close my eyes thinking that would be the end of me but then I saw a very small flame floating in front of me so I grabbed the flame as I felt its warmth filling my body as I slowly close my eyes.