
The Miracle Clinic

[SERIES ON HIATUS DUE TO LIFE. THOUGH I WILL BE REVISING OLD CHAPTERS. The new revised stuff won't have a "X" at the start of the chapter] Do you believe in miracles? Well for two high school students named Marcus Veridan & Ronnie Everst, they certainly do as they've managed to make a club all about making miracles happen. Despite the club struggling to find its footing, they manage to quickly find two new members in the form of Elizabeth Moore, a shy nerdy girl that somehow gets into drama pretty easily, and Alex Smith, a hot heated athletic dude that thinks with his fists. Together the four of them and their club named "The Miracle Clinic" will slowly but surely begin to shake the entire groundwork of the city they live in, one miracle at a time. ________________ this is my first ever webnovel story I've ever done so I'm sorry if some things are a bit rough at the start.

Preston108 · Urban
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109 Chs

xChapter 16 - Reunion

In the cramped bookstore filled with bookshelves filled to the brim with stories lies an individual bored out of their mind at the desk. The person is a girl named Selina Gulvonac who has short blonde hair, white skin with some freckles, blue eyes, and glasses. She's wearing a striped shirt underneath a purple denim jacket, blue jeans, and brown shoes. Selina looks at the carpet at looks at all of the stains there, as her eyes begin to move upward she notices two people standing at the counter.

"Woah!" Selina says as she stumbles backward, "Jesus you scared me!"

The two people there were Ronnie Everst & Marcus Veridan.

"Hi, I'm Ronnie and this is my friend Marcus," Ronnie says.

"Hi, I don't care," Selina says before looking down at the book she was reading.

"We were wondering if we could talk to your boss!" Marcus says.

Selina rolls her eyes as she closes the book and responds, "I am the boss."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, this place is all mine," Selina says as she nods.

"Oh okay, sorry to bother you," Marcus says and begins to turn around when Ronnie stops him.

"Yeah I'm not buying that, we're not going to be insulting you we just want to chat with your boss," Ronnie explains.

Selina sighs before standing up, "lemme go get them."

As Selina walks away, Ronnie & Marcus look at the walls to see that there are several photos on the wall taken of several different landmarks in the city, each with a book placed in the frame. As the two are looking at the pictures, Selina returns with a woman named Professor Jessica Powell, someone with black skin, braided black hair, and green eyes. She's wearing a black turtleneck over a beige coat, black pants, and red high heels.

"So I heard you wanted to talk to me?" Professor Jessica Powell asks as she takes a smoke.

"Oh, you're different from what I imagined," Marcus states.

"What're you trying to say?"

"What my friend means is that he thought you were Ivan Turnip," Ronnie explains.

"Turnip? He's a bit busy sorting some books but I can get him," Professor Jessica Powell says before screaming, "TURNIP! WE GOT SOME KIDS THAT WANT TO TALK TO YOU!"

"WHAT?!" Turnip yells from somewhere deep in the bookstore.


Ronnie & Marcus look to see a person exiting one of the halls and heading toward the counter. The man has white skin, a bald head, a beard, and a tired look in his eyes. He's wearing a t-shirt, some jeans, black shoes, & is in a wheelchair.

"So who are these kids?" The man in the wheelchair asks, however when he sees Ronnie his eyes widen, "Everst?"

"Kinda? I'm Reagan's son, Ronnie, you're Ivan Turnip right?" Ronnie says.

"Yes I am, it's nice to meet the son of Reagan & Sally," Ivan Turnip replies, "speaking of your mom she is in the store getting books, right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I've got some recommendations she might want to hear. Anyways how may I help you?" Turnip says with a smile on his face.

"Oh, I was wondering if you can help us by chatting with Aken Amnestor," Marcus says.

As Marcus says those words, Turnip's smiling face turns into one with a frown.

"Oh him, I- uh- didn't think he was still in the city," Turnip states, "how's he doing?"

"He's alright though he's still worrying about people getting into fights," Ronnie states.

As Ronnie & Marcus talk to Turnip, Selina & Professor Jessica Powell watch awkwardly.

Turnip responds with, "he still is worrying about all of that? Can't blame him though, I never listened to him, and look where that got me. I'm just wasted potential."

"You're not wasted potential," Marcus exclaims, "you've got yourself a successful business and you seem happy doing what you're doing! I'm sure Amnestor would be delighted to see you again."

"You really think that?" Ivan Turnip asks.

"I'm certain," Marcus replies.


The next day, Mr. Amnestor is at his office when he hears a knock on his door.

"Come in," Mr. Amnestor replies.

The door opens and Marcus walks in.

"Hello Mr. Amnestor," Marcus says.

"Hello, Marcus. Can I help you with anything?"

"On the contrary, there's something I want to help you with."

Before Amnestor can ask what Marcus means, he hears the door to his office open. His eyes widen as he sees Elizabeth wheel in Ivan Turnip. Amnestor is silent not knowing what to say. Ivan looks around and clears his throat.

"Uh, h-hey there Amny," Ivan responds with a nervous chuckle, "long time no see."

Marcus & Elizabeth leave the room as the two are silent.

"Look Amny, if I were you I'd hate me too," Ivan begins to say.

"I don't hate you," Amnestor says.

"But I ignored all the advice you gave me, and look where that got me."

"Why would I be upset about that? You were just a kid, it was my job to guide you to do better actions and I failed."

"You never failed me Amny, you were the one adult who always looked out for any of us back then."

As the two continue to chat, Marcus, Elizabeth, Alex, & Ronnie watch through the window in the door. As the conversation goes on, the group can tell that the two adults whose eyes were so cold just moments earlier began to feel warmth once more.

Eventually, after a long discussion, Turnip exits Amnestor's office but not before saying, "I'll see you around Amny."

Amnestor smiles to himself, however, his attention soon turns to the members of the miracle clinic who are still watching from the doorway.

"You can come in," Amnestor says.

Ronnie, Elizabeth, Marcus, & Alex all try and enter the office. When they do, Amnestor clears his throat before stating, "you kids really are something else. Being able to pull something off like that is-"

Ronnie cuts him off by saying, "nothing less than a miracle? Look, I know you're worried that we'd get hurt but you don't get it. All we're trying to do is let people live a little easier. Nothing more, nothing less. So can you please let our club continue?"

Amnestor is silent for a bit before sighing, "fine."

Ronnie, Elizabeth, Alex, & Marcus' eyes light up at his words.

"But don't try and-" Amnestor tries to say but the four are already out of the room by then. Amnestor smiles to himself as he takes a sip of his coffee. A coffee that doesn't taste as bitter as it once did.

See You Next Chapter!~