
The Miracle Clinic

[SERIES ON HIATUS DUE TO LIFE. THOUGH I WILL BE REVISING OLD CHAPTERS. The new revised stuff won't have a "X" at the start of the chapter] Do you believe in miracles? Well for two high school students named Marcus Veridan & Ronnie Everst, they certainly do as they've managed to make a club all about making miracles happen. Despite the club struggling to find its footing, they manage to quickly find two new members in the form of Elizabeth Moore, a shy nerdy girl that somehow gets into drama pretty easily, and Alex Smith, a hot heated athletic dude that thinks with his fists. Together the four of them and their club named "The Miracle Clinic" will slowly but surely begin to shake the entire groundwork of the city they live in, one miracle at a time. ________________ this is my first ever webnovel story I've ever done so I'm sorry if some things are a bit rough at the start.

Preston108 · Urban
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109 Chs

xChapter 17 - Sun Shorts Collection No. 4

Author's Note - Hi there, it's me Preston108 again. I hope you enjoyed that storyline. For those that have read this series so far I hope you liked it, let me know if there's anything you would like to see in future storylines. Now then, as per usual with all final volume chapters, this will be a collection of sun shorts so I hope you like them.

SUN SHORT #1 - Someone I Wish I Got To Know More

At The Everst Household, Ronnie is looking at a picture on the wall that was taken when his mom & his dad were still teenagers. The picture has them having a picnic with several other teenagers, Ivan being one of them. Ronnie's father, Reagan Everst, has a huge smile on his face in the photo. Ronnie looks to see his mom, Sally Everst, in the kitchen reading a book. He decides to walk over with the photograph.

"Hey mom," Ronnie begins to say as he shows her the photo, "was dad always so cheery?"

Sally looks at the picture and smiles, "your father was a kind person who loved everyone. I know that you might not have that many memories of him but I want you to remember that he loved you more than anything."

Ronnie smiles softly, "I know, thanks, mom."

In the picture, the young Sally & Reagan are both next to each other. And while Reagan is smiling ear-to-ear, the younger Sally is smiling softly as she looks at Reagan.

SUN SHORT #2 - A Fashion Statement

"Uh, it's the first week of October and yet we're still getting heatwaves?" Hamster groans as he & Bennet are sweating bullets.

He & Bennet the hamster are on their way to school and everyone is in short sleeves and shorts. Everyone except Marcus who's still wearing long sleeves and jeans. Hamster walks over to Marcus who is drenched with sweat.

"Hey Marcus," Hamster begins to say, "what's the deal with that attire!"

Marcus looks stunned, trying to come up with something to say, and eventually, he lands on replying with, "Oh this? Yeah, I just wanted to make a cool fashion statement."

"Woah, you're so cool Marcus!" Hamster says as Bennet nods in agreement.


The next day, Marcus is walking to school as the heatwave continues to rage on. However, as he is about to enter the school he sees Hamster slowly make his way to the door. The reason he's walking so slowly is that Hamster is covered head-to-toe in snow gear and even Bennet has a tiny scarf on.

"What are you doing?! You're gonna give yourself a heatstroke!" Marcus asks.

"You don't need to worry Marcus," Hamster remarks, "I'm just making a cool fashion statement."

As Hamster continues to walk to school, Marcus begins to regret the excuse he made the other day.

SUN SHORT #3 - Turning The Page

At The Starlight City Bookstore, Amnestor is chatting with Ivan while Professor Jessica Powell is explaining to Selina, the cashier, how to organize the books.

"So, you're still a high school teacher right?" Ivan asks.

"You were just in my office a few days ago," Amnestor replies.

"Oh yeah, but anyways, Selina's in 8th grade which means you'll have to teach her next year."

"Isn't she a bit too young to work?"

"She's just here because she wants to be, even if she doesn't want to admit it. Believe me, we've tried to get her to leave but she's persistent on wanting to work here."

"I see," Amnestor says, "Someone like that could be a great person for some clubs."

As Amnestor says that, Selina slams her head into the counter since she's too confused about how to organize the books.

"...or maybe not," Amnestor adds.

SUN SHORT #4 - When Do I Show Up Again?!

"Uh, this sucks," X Locke says as he lies on a table in the cafeteria, "It's been like 7 chapters since I last appeared! Everyone's probably forgotten who I am!"

As X mourns the fact that he hasn't shown up in the series for a while, Alex is sitting at the same table trying to eat his lunch while X rolls around.

"Maybe I should do something to get attention on myself, what do you think Alex?" X asks him.

"Dude, I have no idea what you're talking about," Alex replies as he continues to eat his food.

"Aw boo, you're no fun," X replies as he stands up and walks to another table so he can do the same exact thing there.

See You Next Chapter!~